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45% of deaths after COVID vaccination happen in the first 2 weeks

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

It’s 59% at 4 weeks and 63% at 5 weeks. Doing some very conservative estimates on the number of Americans killed by the vaccine leads to the inevitable conclusion that the vaccines should be stopped.

My friend Albert Benavides (aka WelcomeTheEagle88) did a quick analysis for me on the deaths reported after vaccination in VAERS.

45% of all reported deaths happened within two weeks after vaccination.

Peter Schirmacher, one of the world’s top pathologists, said that 30% to 40% of people who died within 2 weeks after vaccination died were killed by the vaccine. His results were replicated by other German pathologists (since no US pathologist would dare accuse the vaccine of causing death or they would be immediately fired).

If we take the most conservative view possible, the vaccine should be immediately stopped

So taking a very conservative view that VAERS is 100% reported (so only a total of 8664 deaths), then 44% of 8664 = within 2 weeks = 3812 killed in the first two weeks. If just 30% was caused by the vaccines, then that is 1,143 people killed by the vaccine at a minimum. For 230M vaccinated, then that is 4.9 deaths per million minimum killed by the vaccine.

This means these vaccines are at least 5X deadlier than the smallpox vaccine which we pointed out is deemed to be too unsafe to use. Note that this estimate assumes that only the deaths in the first two weeks are caused by the vaccine and assumes after 2 weeks all the excess deaths we caused by something else.

Note: The actual number killed by the vaccines is at least 150K (estimated 8 different ways), but we’re trying to be as conservative as possible here giving any critics nothing to complain about.

Here are the stats from Albert

Here are the % of total deaths for each week for the first 5 weeks:

  1. 33.6% meaning that in the first week, 33.6% of all the vaccine related deaths happened in the first week
  2. 10.97% in the second week, so now we’ve killed nearly 45% of all the deaths
  3. 8.4%
  4. 6.04%
  5. 4.19% by the fifth week out, 63% of all deaths have happened

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here ***