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Great Reset

Lewis’ prophesy of ‘man-moulding’ approaches reality | Opinion |

The term graphene, with its main variants graphene oxide and hydroxide, is increasingly being used.

What is it, and what can it do?

It is formed from naturally occurring carbon in highest concentrations in shale and that “awful” substance, coal.

Graphene was first isolated and produced from graphite in 2004 by two professors at the University of Manchester, Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov, winners of the 2010 Nobel Prize in physics. A one-atom thick, two-dimensional crystal, graphene is stronger than steel (more than 300 times that of the A36 structural steel standard set by the American Society for Testing and Materials) and 40 times stronger than diamond.

A square yard of graphene weighing only as much as a cat’s whisker could support much more than the cat. It is the lightest and thinnest crystal responsive to electromagnetic impulses currently known to science.

It conducts heat better than all other materials and is optically transparent.

It has the shape of a honeycomb composed of mostly carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, which modifies it. Sheets of these honeycombs can be stacked.

It has many uses commercially and medically.

It is in continual development for batteries, electronics and superconductors to store energy and charge faster. It is used in the food and beverage packing industry for maintaining hygiene by delaying oxidation and controlling the growth of bacteria. It is also used to extract toxic chemicals from fluids and solids, such as pesticides (12 of the 26 broadly used pesticides were listed by the Environmental Protection Agency as carcinogens), antibiotics and cocaine. And it is superior to other methods.

In medicine, one of the important uses is the combination of silver with graphene in bandages to prevent growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Also, it is used in air filters and face masks for the inactivation of viruses and bacteria with heat or light stimulation (;;;

These are just a few of the applications.

Does so wonderful a fairly simple chemical compound have “it’s too good to be true” times in its story? Is it like fire, sometimes a friend and other times a destroyer? That is so.

It has very high thermal conductivity. The U.S. Army has had demonstrations of focused graphene energy by 5G being used for nonlethal crowd control. When directed at living tissue, even through layers of clothing, the superficial skin temperature is raised 150 degrees instantaneously, producing significant pain. The higher the energy applied, the more the pain and the greater the desire to disperse.

Graphene transporters are used to create electric currents that receive and transmit signals. Using teslaphoresis, these transporters can self-assemble under the influence of an electric field even at a long distance. Think 5G. These networks can form all over the body, especially in the brain to interact with neurons.

As part of its mission statement the company In Brain Neuro promotes “restoring lives by decoding brain and nerve signals into medical solutions” by using high density and high resolution graphene neuro-electric systems.

“We are scientists, doctors, techies and humanity lovers, with the mission of building neuro-electric interfaces to cure brain disorders. We use graphene … to build the new generation of neural interfaces for brain restoration to help patients around the world. … Graphene is the next big thing in bio-engineering materials, which are pillar components to the next generation of electro-therapies in the steadily growing field of neuro-modulation. … Bio-electrical implants could be faster, safer and side-effect-free alternatives to conventional medications … or for implantation of electrodes in the brain.”

These are anticipated to be able to change mental states, moods, block ideas and require certain actions. DNA can also be changed, thereby making a new individual, and the choice to remain human is lost.

What are the brain disorders to be cured, and who needs to be neuro-modulated? Unapproved ideas and decisions by individuals? When does this go from theory to actuality?

In 1945, C.S. Lewis wrote in “The Abolition of Man:” “For the power of man to make of himself what he pleases will be the power of some men to make other men what they please. These man-moulders of the new age will be armed with the powers of an omnicompetent state and an irrepressible scientific technique; we shall get a race of conditioners who really can cut out all posterity in any shape they please.”

Does it take much imagination to see the would-be dictators of the world employing these technologies to exert control of the “new and improved” human, using the techniques of companies like In Brain Neuro?

It’s logical to assume this is how the World Economic Forum (aka the “Great Reset” initiative) will make the serfs of the world accept “owning nothing and being happy.”

China, among others, already uses the concept of controlling humans.

Especially at this time of the year, I reflect on what I am thankful for.

One of these is the independent and locally owned newspaper, the Lewiston Tribune. The owners, Butch and Nathan Alford, have had the grit to follow the paper’s mission statement to publish controversial topics, such as some of my columns.

Through the centuries, turning to God and being thankful to him, leads to victory over evil.

“Lucky for us, God has an open-door policy, ” Pastor Nick Hasselstrom wrote in the Oct. 3, 2020, Tribune.

For many of us, yesterday’s Christmas brought great peace and joy being with our families celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who became our savior at the cross.

While believers are in this world, we are not of it (Hebrews 13:14; Titus 3:7; John 18:36).

God is the explanation for what science cannot explain, such as why are we here, values, conscience and ethical beliefs.

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” — St. Thomas Aquinas

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Lewiston Morning Tribune can be found here ***