The magnitude of hypocrisy is breathtaking | News, Sports, Jobs

Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, heads of state, and other billionaire power brokers (psychopaths) fly in in their private jets with full motorcades to places like Davos to determine the fate of us, the little people. At their last WEF meeting in Dubai, in November, they determined that by 2030, the little people “will own nothing and be happy.” These people are individually the most prolific polluters on the planet, yet they want the rest of us to reduce our collective impact on the environment or carbon footprint.
The magnitude of this hypocrisy is breath taking.
Remember Al “Carbon Credit” Gore? The zinc miner with a private jet, multiple mansions, and a fleet of gas guzzling cars. Hypocrite!
Climate change, election fraud, immigration, the supply chain, The Green New Deal, social justice, CRT, digital currency, the response to COVID, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, socialized medicine, sexual orientation, race, and the demonization of religion are all connected. They are using these tools to divide us and coerce us into their idea of utopia, “The Great Reset.” They are working diligently to concentrate the majority of the wealth at the very top, drastically reduce our standard of living, and gain complete digital control us by virtue of individual implanted digital ID, ushered in as a trojan horse called a vaccine passport or health pass. Once in place, if you step out of line you will be cut off. Eugenics and population reduction is also on the agenda.
Has anyone seen the footage of the worldwide protests on the network or cable news over the last 20+ weeks? Me neither. They are happening. Where’s the coverage.
This will end badly unless we unite and stand up! Do not comply. Do your research.
*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Alpena News can be found here ***