Monday, March 10, 2025

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Reducing Hospitalization Risk . . .

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s a strange thing. Like the Biden Thing.

The “vaccinated” insist they’ll never be “safe” unless others – unless everyone else – is “vaccinated,” too. Over and over and over, again. How long before people are expected to carry around IV bags?

It’s an incongruous etiolation of that business about forcing others to wear a “mask”  . . . so as to keep the “masked” safe.

It is now admitted that the “vaccines” do not immunize – an admission dragged kicking and screaming into the sunlight by the impossible-to-suppress percolation of sickness  . . . among the “vaccinated.” It turns out they not only can get the sickness they were told – and told us – the “vaccinated” would be immunized from getting (cue the Biden Thing) but can also give it to others. While wearing their “masks,” too.

See, for-instance, the latest “case” – of the multiply-“vaccinated” (and “masked”) secretary of defense, who insists every soldier, sailor and airman also get the “vaccine.”

The value of this sort of “immunization” being on par with the infamous dealer-applied “rust-proofing” many car buyers bought into, years ago. The cars rusted, anyhow.

No refunds were issued.

The fallback retort of the “vaccinated” has become something along the lines of: Well, the “vaccine” lessens the chances you’ll get seriously sick – and that means less chance you’ll clog up the hospitals with your sick self and (of course) thereby reduce the “costs” imposed on the rest of us.

This is a pretty dangerous argument, if you think it might be dangerous to give to government (and corporations) the power to force people to act – or not act – in ways that could just as logically be claimed might reduce the chances of getting seriously sick – and imposing “costs on the rest of us.”

Leaving aside the increasingly apparent un-dangerousness of the Moronicon “variant,” which so far has caused a tsunami of “cases” but almost no dying

How about fines for fatties?

It’s incontestably true that being obese strongly correlates – on the order of 60 percent – not only with a much greater probability of  a serious “case” of the ‘Rona but also with a much higher incidence of avoidable sicknesses generally. The medical system groans under the weight of the burden imposed by the obese, who are over-represented among the heart-diseased, the diabetic, the crippled arthritic and many other “health problems” that “cost the rest of us” staggering sums of money.

If you eliminated the obese from the roster of deaths attributed to the ‘Rona and its variants, you’d find almost no one dying of the ‘Rona and its variants, excepting the people who tend to usually die regardless, being elderly.

Thanks to the “vaccines,” young and healthy people are regularly dying, now.

What’s changed? There’s a syringe – rather than an elephant – in the room.

Why isn’t there any focus on fat? Why aren’t the heavy – and for that matter, the sedentary – paying proportionately more for their health insurance? Banned from their workplaces until they shed the weight? Denied service at restaurants and other places where food is sold?

This isn’t to seriously argue they ought to be. It is to seriously argue that it’s grotesque healthy, not-at-risk people are being banned – and denied.

Most people think it’s equitable that drivers with a track record of moving violations and at-fault accidents pay more for their coverage, since they force us to pay more for ours. Indeed, one of the reasons given for forcing everyone to buy car insurance is that absent the mandate to buy insurance, irresponsible drivers would not buy it and thereby, impose costs on the rest of us.

How is it equitable to force a person who is healthy – on account of not being heavy – to pay the same for his “coverage” as the person who isn’t healthy?

The retort here is – usually – that being fat can’t be helped.

Because being fat just “happens,” apparently.

Well, so does getting sick – even if “vaccinated.” At least, if “vaccinated” with these “vaccines,” which are the equivalent of feeding a fatty a cheeseburger and being surprised when the fatty doesn’t get skinny.

Why not a physical fitness mandate?

One can make a much stronger for fitness as a way to avoid sickness than for these “vaccines.” It is a fact, for instance, that the number of fit people who’ve died from – as opposed to with – the ‘Rona or any of its various “variants” is as low as the number of healthy young kids who’ve died of (not “with”) the ‘Rona.

Ergo, why not require everyone under say the age of 60 to buy a gym membership and prove (a la the Vaxxpass) that they are fit and so doing their part to reduce the admissions strain on hospitals, where the majority of people in for treatment are not fit?

It is almost hilarious that the suddenly health-righteous “vaccinated” are almost always the people who have taken the worst care of their health. Yet bray like insolent, deranged donkeys that people who have taken care of their health must like up for a “vaccination” that “works” far less than working out.

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here ***