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‘I’ve given over 10,000 people the “Covid” [fake] vaccine in the last year – sometimes I work so fast I jab 1 person every minute’ – Oh, so making sure the job is done correctly then. And how many have died or been seriously harmed, mate, any idea?

It was January 2021 and Robin Saphra was in an empty office in Canary Wharf, wearing a blue plastic PPE gown, two face masks and a face shield. In his hand, he held a needle.

The surrounding buildings – and other floors of the building he was in – were also empty, giving the area a strange, ghostly quality.

This room, however, was crowded, full of the chatter of voices – young voices, older voices, voices from all walks of life.

Robin had been allocated a partner, who was holding a foam arm up against their own. Slowly, very slowly, he navigated the needle at a 45 degree angle into what, on a human arm, would be the deltoid muscle.

“You’re kind of looking through this haze to try and wield a needle at someone. It was quite interesting,” says Robin.

Usually a consultant, negotiator and lawyer, Robin was doing an all-day training course to become a volunteer vaccinator.

It was organised by St John’s Ambulance, who have trained around 30,000 volunteers to date at over 650 locations around the country.

He’d signed up in December, just a few days before Christmas, after seeing a recruitment advert online.

“It just landed at the perfect moment. Here we were, in the depths of this pandemic, and I was doing a lot of soul-searching as to what I could do that would be helpful to other people, and people who are less fortunate than I am,” he says.

Read More: ‘I’ve given over 10,000 people the Covid-19 vaccine in the last year – sometimes I work so fast I jab 1 person every minute’


*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here ***