Bombshell: Scientists who pushed “natural origins” narrative regarding COVID-19 were given tens of millions in funding from Fauci’s agency

If Dr. Anthony Fauci isn’t guilty of mass murder then there is no such crime.
For nearly two years there have been credible reports that the virus that causes COVID-19 did not ‘occur naturally’ at some wet market in Wuhan, China that sold live bats as ‘delicacies’ but rather, the virus was actually created in a lab in that city where the country’s only Level 4 bioresearch facility is located.
But for just as long, allegedly men of science like Fauci and other prominent scientists have clung to the ‘natural origins’ narrative.
Now we learn that four of those scientists have essentially been bribed with some $50 million in taxpayer funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the agency Fauci has run since early in Ronald Reagan’s first term, according to The Epoch Times:
Three of these scientists—Kristian Andersen, Robert Garry, and Michael Farzan—were advisers to a teleconference organized by Fauci held on Feb. 1, 2020, in response to increasing public questions about the origin of the virus.
The scientists were also instrumental in the publication of Proximal Origin, a highly influential paper that promoted a natural origins theory for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and has been frequently cited by the government and media.
Emails that were released via Freedom of Information Act requests indicate that the same scientists told senior officials on Fauci’s teleconference that they were between 60 and 80 percent certain that the virus came from a lab where dangerous gain of function research had been conducted (and Fauci’s NIAID funded that research at a lab in Wuhan, China, as we’ve already reported).
But despite their expressed concerns about the origins of the virus’ origins, the first draft of the Proximal Origin report was actually completed the same day as the teleconference, with Andersen and Garry serving as co-authors of the report while Farzan was cited in the Nature version of the report for participating in discussions regarding the creation of the article.
In addition, Fauci’s agency also gave a large increase in funding to EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak, through which NIAID had also funded the gain of function research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Some of the funding has stretched into and through 2021, with one of the newest grants lasting until at least 2025, The Epoch Times reported. Much of the funding increases were funneled through a new NIAID agency, the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases, or CREID.
How convenient.
“The new initiative, described as a global network that involves ‘multidisciplinary investigations into how and where viruses and other pathogens emerge from wildlife and spillover to cause disease in people,’ provided eleven new grants totaling $17 million of new funding in the first year and $82 million in total funding across five years,” the outlet continued.
On Jan. 31, 2020, when only a few people around the world knew about the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and nearly no one in the U.S. knew other than Fauci and his crowd, Anderson told the NIAID chief that to him, the virus “looked engineered” — manufactured/developed in a lab, in other words.
The Epoch Times then asks the multimillion-dollar question: “While it is not known at this point whether there was a connection between the increased funding and the scientists’ involvement in shaping the public natural origins narrative, these new revelations raise an obvious question: How is it that among the thousands of scientists eligible to participate in the much-desired funding from the eleven grants provided by Fauci’s new $82 million CREID initiative, three of those chosen happened to be the same individuals who had led the way in promoting Fauci’s natural origins narrative—despite their private concerns that the virus had been created in a lab?”
We’re not going to hold our breath waiting for an answer but it seems pretty clear: Fauci is rewarding those who are helping him cover up millions of deaths worldwide with American tax dollars.
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***