An Update on TBP’er Buckhed (Buy More Ammo) from Peter Horry

Dear Burning Platformers,
I just wanted to update everyone on The Burning Platform about how our buddy Buckhed (Buy More Ammo) is doing in his fight against Covid pneumonia. Buck and I are hunting buddies. He’s been teaching me the fine art of Turkey hunting, one of the expert skill sets he possesses. I met him through TBP a couple of years ago. He is a hell of a man and everything you could want in a friend, neighbor or countryman.
I got a call from Buck a couple of days ago informing me that he had been hospitalized with Covid Pneumonia. We live in the same Red state. He requested some specific assistance that I was able to help with, and on a visit to his hospital room a couple of days ago I was able to lay eyes on him. He was on oxygen but wasn’t on a ventilator, was exhausted but in good fighting spirit, and was very interested in recovering and going home. Being in a hospital with this crap is no picnic.
Today, he texted me that his chest X-rays were showing improvement and that he had even been able to get out of the bed for the first time in a couple of weeks. I’m going to visit him again very soon. He asked me to thank the several TBP’ers who had rendered him assistance, especially Mark and Admin. I believe that Buckhed now has everything he needs to win his battle.
A wise man once wrote that “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and prove it”. There is so much wisdom in the posts and the comments on this site that I generally read every word and every comment. Occasionally I write a comment. Sometimes (often) I get my ass handed to me by someone wiser.
What I didn’t realize until Buck got sick was just how generous the regulars around The Platform actually are behind the scenes. Generous with their time. Generous with their effort. Generous with their compassion for fellow travelers. Mark and Admin have really stepped up to help me help Buck. They didn’t know me from Adam, except as some lunatic with the call sign of Peter Horry who occasionally gets his ass handed to him in the comments on some obscure post or another. Yet they made an effort to help one fellow help another who needed help. (<-How’s that for a sentence?)
From the cheap seats, old Buckhed is hopefully on the road to a recovery. Buck still has a fight ahead of him, but now he has sea room, the wind gauge and a willing foe. And Hope. And ladies and gentlemen, so do we. Thank God for that. Thank God and Admin for The Burning Platform, and for this tribe of humanity.
Buckhed says hello and thanks to everyone. He’ll take your prayers if he can get them, but regardless, he really appreciates the friends he has here and he’s looking forward to being able to get back here. And he will.
Admin has my contact information if anyone wants to get in touch with me personally.
Peter Horry
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here ***