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12 European countries roll back covid restrictions, Israel scraps “green pass”

Image: 12 European countries roll back covid restrictions, Israel scraps “green pass”

After many months of aggressive tyranny, 12 European countries and counting are rolling back their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions.

Sweden and Switzerland both joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the United Kingdom in lifting most or all of the fascism and opening back up their countries.

Israel is the 12th country, though not technically European, that is doing the same while also eliminating its “green pass” program.

Since tyranny never stopped any disease – we have been saying this for the past two years, by the way – each of these countries is re-embracing the freedom they once had, freedom being a powerful way to promote health.

Effective February 6 in Israel, the green pass covid “vaccine” passport scheme will officially get scrapped for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters, announced Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government.

Pending a parliamentary committee, Israel’s proof-of-vaccination policy will remain in effect for larger events such as parties and weddings.

“To continue the green pass in the same way can create false assurances,” said Nadav Davidovitch, an epidemiologist and public health physician who advises Bennett’s government.

“It’s not reducing infections in closed spaces like theatres. It needs to be used mainly for high-risk places like hospitals, elderly care homes, or events when you are eating and singing and dancing.”

Are Sweden and Denmark the freest countries in the world?

On February 9, all covid restrictions in Sweden, which were minimal to begin with, will be completely scrapped and the country will return back to the old normal.


“It’s time to open up Sweden,” announced Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. “The pandemic isn’t over, but it is moving into a new phase.”

Sweden’s decision to reopen came just one day after Switzerland announced much the same thing, indicating that it will abolish its mandatory work-from-home and quarantine rules.

Tourists entering at the Swiss borders will also no longer need to receive Swiss “covid certificates” showing that they are “safe” to enter based on their injection status.

After consulting with 26 cantons, employers, trade unions and parliamentary committees, the Swiss government also said it plans to phase out a bunch of other restrictions that have held the country hostage. It is possible that Switzerland will see the entirety of its covid restrictions disappear by February 17.

A few days prior to all this, Denmark became the first country in the European Union to lift all of its covid restrictions, reclassifying covid as an endemic disease rather than a pandemic.

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke wrote a letter on February 1 to the parliament’s epidemiology committee indicating that covid is no longer a “socially critical disease” that requires government tyranny.

The “rules will lapse when the illness will no longer be categorized as ‘socially critical’ on 1 February 2022,” Heunicke further wrote.

It was only due to covid’s prior designation as a “socially critical” disease in Denmark that the government there was able to impose the type of fascism that the world has been forced to endure for the past two years.

“No one can know what will happen next December,” Heunicke added as a caveat to all this in a statement to CNN. “But we promised the citizens of Denmark that we will only have restrictions if they are truly necessary and we’ll lift them as soon as we can. That’s what’s happening right now.”

When further pressed about jab mandates, which the Biden regime is aggressively pushing here in the United States, Heunicke told CNN that “luckily we don’t need that in Denmark.”

“I’m really happy that we don’t need it because it’s a very troubling path to move that way.”

The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***