Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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COINCIDENCE? Just like the Sackler Family’s planned profiteering from the deadly opioid crisis, Pfizer is now profiteering from COVID “clot shots” that destroy lives (op-ed)

Image: COINCIDENCE? Just like the Sackler Family’s planned profiteering from the deadly opioid crisis, Pfizer is now profiteering from COVID “clot shots” that destroy lives (op-ed)

(Op-ed) Welcome to 2022, and it really hasn’t been so long since the opioid epidemic was “uncovered” by truth news, proving that everything “science” isn’t always good for your health, humanity, the Earth and basic survival.

Take an overhead look and it’s plain as day to see. Two engineered crises. One based on treating pain, and the other based on “preventing” infectious disease. Both used fake studies. Both knew well in advance the chronic damage that would be done to millions of people, with little-to-no benefit, all for profits. Both the pain drugs and the gene therapy injections come highly recommended by nearly all medical doctors.

The heroin-based opioids are also known, over time, to cause major organ failure, just like the Covid clot shots. Both cause damage to the liver and kidneys. Both cause infertility. Both cause miscarriages. Both cause respiratory and/or pulmonary infections that can lead to blood clots, especially DVT (deep vein thrombosis).

Now we know the clot shots for Covid are causing blood clots, myocarditis, cancer, miscarriages, and the list goes on, and we’re less than two years in since the vaccines were released. Remember back when the first wave of mass-prescribing of opioids began in the 1990s? By the year 2000, patient overdose deaths from prescriptions (taken as directed by doctors) increased dramatically, and then the second wave hit hard around 2010. Nobody was yelling “science!” about it after that, now were they? If you were anti-opioid at that point, nobody was calling you “anti-science.”


Opioid painkillers and Covid “vaccines” are both medical scamdemics that rely on corrupt regulators

Let’s take a quick trip down “pharma’s” memory lane. The Sackler family founded Purdue Pharma, the company guilty of mass-over-prescribing heroin-based pharmaceutical drugs, including the infamous OxyContin (just a reformulated version of oxycodone in slow-release form). This was the most evil drug-dealing family in the country, and they got away with it all. Millions of Americans are dead, only because they listened to their doctors and the “science” of the time, that said these painkillers were completely “safe and effective” for treating all sorts of chronic pain, chronic depression, anxiety, you name it.

Yet, the medical industry was well aware that increased opioid use directly corresponds to increased morbidity and mortality. This was nothing new. The opioids also cause sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and respiratory depression, which is also not news to the medical industry. Anyone who wants living proof of this just take a walk down the streets of any metropolitan, Democrat-run city of America (or check in the Starbucks bathroom), and the heroin addicts are everywhere. It was a prescribed narcotic epidemic, pushed as being safe and effective, just like the Covid vaccines (and cigarettes once upon a time).

By 2015, the Sackler Family was listed in Forbes as one of America’s richest families. Then they all got sued heavily in 2018 for initiating and perpetuating the entire opioid crisis. This would be like if Fauci’s whole family was heavily vested in Covid jabs. It’s all about profiteering while slow-killing Americans with heroin for pain medicine or lethal injections (gene mutating clot shots) for the flu.

The Sacklers still claim they did nothing wrong, to this day, even though they had to stop producing opioids and pay billions in damages (to fund addiction treatment). Purdue Pharma was supposedly dissolved last year. The Sacklers moved all their real money to offshore accounts to protect it from claims.

Pfizer and the believe-a-con variants

The entire CDC and FDA regulatory agencies are corrupt to the core. Who is dumb enough to believe them now? If you are one of those people who is of the “everything science is good for us” stance, then you must have also been “all in” for the opioid crisis, right? Was that great for humanity, modern medicine, health stability?

Take a very close look at the carnage from the Covid clot shots already. Millions have died, even if the CDC hides the data as “Covid-caused” or “Covid-related” or “Co-morbidity” or death by the believe-a-con variant. Are you dopesick or just vax-sick? How many more evil “variants” should we all FEAR before Pfizer gets bankrupted and burned to the ground for the bioterrorists they really are?

Pfizer is running the whole gambit, where they bankroll billions of dollars, knowing one day they just might need to pay out a few million in damages, should they get caught, like the Sacklers did. Pfizer is profiting from the “pain and the medications” as they bankroll billions off Covid scare tactics and mRNA injections. The “inoculations” don’t work. Surprise. More people who get “fully vaccinated” die from Covid than those who don’t get any jabs, and more “fully vaccinated” die from the injections and the “side effects” that exacerbate their pre-existing diseases and disorders.

How is this much different than the opioid crisis? Poison for medicine, then blame the patients for their lifestyle, or their chronic conditions, and that’s “all she wrote.” Keep that internet dial tuned into BigPharmaNews.com, and you’ll find updates on bad medicine and other scamdemics coming down the line to a needle tip near you.

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***