February 13, 2022

Medical freedom or autonomy gives people the right to choose with respect to their bodies; physicians the freedom to do what is best for a patient; and bio-scientists the freedom to communicate with, well, everyone. 

Washington has denied Americans their medical freedom in this COVID crisis, causing economic devastation and needless deaths.

Regardless of dire, fear-inducing life-or-death warnings emanating from Washington about COVID, it is simply a new flu.

Implying that COVID is an existential threat comparable to the bubonic plague is ludicrous medical hyperbole.

COVID is simply a new flu. Risk of COVID death for the general population is approximately 0.17% and even lower for children. Only the small percentage of the population with multiple, life-threatening, pre-existing conditions, is at significant medical risk from COVID. Comparing CDC COVID data on case rates, hospitalizations, and deaths with the seasonal flu in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 confirms that COVID is merely a new flu.   

Claiming to protect all Americans from “deadly” COVID (SARS-CoV-2), the Biden administration took away medical autonomy with their tyrannical medical mandates for masks, lockdowns, and coerced injections. The Biden administration went against our Constitution, our laws, accepted moral codes, and proper public health policy.

The Fourth Amendment guarantees Americans the right “to be secure in their persons.”

Only licensed physicians can practice medicine, yet that is what federal bureaucrats did by repudiating clinical physicians’ judgment, while also rejecting patients’ medical freedom.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines mandated by Washington are different from all other vaccines, such as polio, DPT, and MMR. COVID shots, based on a never-before-used-as-vaccine mRNA gene therapy technology. The safety and efficacy studies required for all vaccines were not done for the Washington “jab,” and therefore, there are no long-term outcome results or even moderate term data. By any definition, the jab is experimental.

The Nuremberg Code (1947) says individuals must be free to participate or not in medical experimentation. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, colloquially called the “jab,” are experimental gene (mRNA) therapy technology, never before used as vaccine The usual safety and efficacy studies were skipped: there are no long-term outcome data. Since the vaccines are experimental, no patient should be forced to take them.