Monday, February 24, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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Great Reset

Globalists are coming for your cars, your cash, and your bodily integrity

Submitted by Brewer55

Guest Post by Leo Hohmann

The worldwide protests going on this weekend are about more than just some truckers upset about vaccines and vaccine mandates.

The world is on fire. People are rising up to make a stand against tyranny. This is good rising up and confronting evil. People are waking up and sensing the urgency of the hour. When you truly wake up, you don’t shy away from the fight.

No, you run to the front lines, because you realize at this point you have nothing to lose, either live the rest of your life as a vassal of the tyrants, obeying your slave master and getting a new shot whenever he gives the order, or you put your foot down and say, “no, I’m done with you. Get out of my life.”

The vaccine mandates are just the latest, most visible, in-your-face example of how the ruling global elites have rigged the system in their favor. It’s been going on for decades, but the mandates are the most audacious power grab to date.

It’s clear how they see us: We are here to serve them, unquestioningly. The minute we start asking questions and demanding answers about radical new policies that invade our privacy and our dignity, they tell us to shut up and get back in our place on the slave ship. You can see this utter disdain for the common man in their reaction to the trucker convoy.

When they told you that you had to “declare your personal vaccine status” to them by such and such a date and that you had to present proof to them by such and such a date that you’ve been “fully vaccinated” or they take away your job, that was a declaration of war.

When they told you they could deny you medical treatment if you didn’t roll up your sleeve and get their experimental jab, that was a declaration of war.

When they told you they had the right to shut down your small business because it was no longer deemed “essential,” that was a declaration of war.

When they told you that you couldn’t go to church to worship your God, that was a declaration of war.

When they told you that you couldn’t board a plane or a subway, or enter a restaurant unless you showed proof you’ve received their shot, that was a declaration of war.

When they ordered that your six-month-old baby, your toddler or your teenage child must get injected with the secret medical formula or they couldn’t enter school or college, that was a declaration of war.

Wars have been fought over far, far less. And tyrants have lost their heads for demanding less of their people.

You take away someone’s ability to put food on the table under threat of receiving an experimental injection and you have declared war on that person and their family.

This woke people up in Canada. And now people in other countries are also getting a clue where this is heading.

They are becoming aware of just how cocky and cruel these globalist overlords can be.

And if they win this battle, if they walk away from this confrontation the victors, then they will not stop at vaccine mandates and passports.

They will move forward with methodical precision to take away the rest of your rights and freedoms. Say goodbye to the First and Second Amendments, your freedom of movement, assembly, speech and worship.

Because under the technocratic one-world beast system, you have no rights, only privileges granted by your overlords.

Their aim is to own you. Nothing less.

When you own someone as property, you don’t ask their permission to give them an order. You just bark the order and they are expected to jump into action. No questions allowed.

When the Canadian Truckers began their Freedom Convoy two weeks ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately branded them a “small fringe minority… holding unacceptable views” who were not worthy of a meeting with him. They were beneath him. Trudeau is a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program.

When people took up the anti-mandate cause of the trucker convoy in Paris today, Feb. 12, French President Emmanuel Macron, another one of Klaus Schwab’s anointed Young Global Leaders, ordered police to use tear gas against them. He even gassed restaurants with families inside!

That’s the attitude you will encounter from every fraudulent politician and bureaucrat who works, not for we the people, but for the Davos-based globalist elites led by the World Economic Forum and its minions.

The Biden administration in Washington works for that same global cabal as Trudeau in Canada, Johnson in London and Macron in Paris.

A government press conference was held recently in Washington that got very little attention, and almost none of the right kind of attention.

At the podium Jan. 27 giving a statement was Pete Buttigieg, secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, where he announced the launch of the federal government’s Comprehensive National Roadway Safety Strategy.

Ostensibly this was about traffic safety. Oh he is so worried about our safety. That was the façade, the pretext for a broader, more sinister goal. The reality of what Buttigieg was proposing had nothing whatsoever to do with traffic safety.

Before you dismiss Mr. Buttigieg as just another two-bit Marxist appointee of the Biden regime, note that the global cabal has big plans for this man. He is a 2019 graduate of Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program, a five-year “training” initiative sponsored by the World Economic Forum in which future world leaders get indoctrinated on how to sell out their nations for the benefit of evil globalist billionaire elites.

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Pete Buttigieg

” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″>

Pete Buttigieg

The end goal for the WEF is the same end goal of the United Nations — a global technocracy where all people, and the politicians who represent them, are submissive to unelected bureaucrats and other highly paid “experts” who manage the affairs of the economy, dole out resources and opportunities based on their own arbitrary and corrupt standards, and decide who gets to do what in life.

Before they can fully implement this beast system, they need to make war against two of the most powerful modes of freedom that are left in the world – cars and cash.

Once they do away with traditional automobiles and cash, it’s over. Their beast system, which they call the Great Reset leading to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, will be in full bloom. We will “own nothing,” have no privacy, and supposedly be happy as their digitally marked slaves, at least that’s what they tell us.

The Federal Reserve Bank is already working on creating a new digital dollar to replace cash, but Buttigieg’s job has to do with making the roads unsafe for privately-owned automobiles driven by actual people.

He wants to limit access to the most popular modes of transportation among the middle class, that being automobiles and air travel. Everyone but the super rich and the elites who do their bidding should lose access to independent modes of transportation, especially driver-controlled cars powered by gasoline, which they consider too dangerous to be entrusted with we common folk. The elites, of course, get to keep their cars and private jets.

Here’s what Mr. Buttigieg had to say at his Jan. 27 press conference at which he announced his priorities for spending $17 billion of our tax dollars that will be shoveled into the U.S. Department of Transportation under Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which passed last month with the help of 19 Republican senators:

“We cannot tolerate the continuing crisis of roadway deaths in America. These deaths are preventable, and that’s why we’re launching the National Roadway Safety Strategy today – a bold, comprehensive plan, with significant new funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. We will work with every level of government and industry to deliver results, because every driver, passenger, and pedestrian should be certain that they’re going to arrive at their destination safely, every time. “

Buttigieg said his goal was zero tolerance for traffic-related highway deaths. Until not one person is killed on the roadways, he won’t stop trying to make them safer.

And how does he intend to do that?

Easy. By taking the vast majority of cars off the road and replacing them with bicycles and public transit.

How will he do that, you say.

By harassing drivers of traditional cars and making car ownership ever more expensive. The Biden infrastructure bill will provide federal money for states and localities to install “traffic cameras” at every intersection, automatically sending you a ticket in the mail if you are caught on camera passing through an intersection a split second after the yellow light turns to a red.

Where these traffic cameras have already been set up, we’ve seen a great increase in auto accidents, not less. This happens because after receiving a few tickets in the mail drivers become paranoid of running a stop light and will slam on brakes the second the see the light go from green to yellow, which then causes the driver behind them to crash into their rear end.

Buttigieg has also said he would like to see a new federal tax that would be levied on a per-mile driven basis.

A tax like that will be felt by the poor and lower middle class drivers, who already struggle to afford the rising costs of gasoline and insurance. Now they will get slapped with another tax, based on how much they drive their cars.

Buttigieg and Biden also slipped into the infrastructure bill a requirement for all automobiles to be fitted by the manufacturer with a “kill switch” which enables an outside third party to disable your vehicle if they believe you are driving erratically. Just imagine how this could be abused. You own your car, but someone else has the power to disable it. What could possibly go wrong or be abused there?

Why is Buttigieg so against the automobile, you ask?

Buttigieg’s job as assigned by his boss Klaus Schwab is to prepare the U.S. for the Great Reset. Like everything in the Great Reset, changing access to personal vehicle transportation will be done under the guise of public health. It’s for our safety, you know. And in order to “keep us safe,” the government must override our way of life and our freedom of movement.

If you need a pick-me-up, watch the video below of Tricia Lindsay, a former educator who is a civil rights attorney in New York City. She speaks knowledgably and passionately about “the doctrine upon which this country was founded.” I guarantee if you listen to the first 4 minutes you won’t be able to stop until you have watched the full 10 minutes!

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For more on how Buttigieg and the World Economic Forum plan to reduce your access to this nation’s public roadways and force you into an electric, self-driving vehicle (if you can afford one), listen to the short podcast below from Michael Fallon.

[embedded content]

The National Roadway Safety Strategy announced by Buttigieg last month is just a re-affirmation and expansion of the Complete Streets program launched under the Obama administration.

Taking it to the next level, the Complete Streets Act of 2021 was a bill introduced last year in Congress by Rep. Steve Cohen, D-TN. Most of what’s in this bill is what Buttigieg will be implementing with his new slush fund of $17 billion in federal infrastructure dollars.

According to the bill, “the term ‘complete street’ is defined as a public road that provides safe and accessible options for multiple travel modes for people of all ages and abilities, including modes such as walking, cycling, transit, automobiles, and freight.”

Under Section 2, part B, the bill talks about the focus of the Complete Streets Act, as follows:

(B) focus on modifying scoping, design, and construction procedures to more effectively combine modes of transportation into integrated facilities that meet the needs of each of those modes of transportation in an appropriate balance.

The pivotal question is, who gets to decide what is the “appropriate balance” of these modes of transportation?

Whoever wields this power over determining the “balance” has the power to grant more or less space to cars, bikes and pedestrians. If Buttigieg and his bosses at the World Economic Forum have their way, they will make it as miserable as possible for drivers of traditional automobiles, giving them the tightest most congested spaces, the most rigid rules, while at the same time charging them a lion-sized share of the cost to build out their utopian transportation system.

The goal is to make the roadways less habitable for standard, gas-powered, human-driven cars and remake them to accommodate autonomous electric vehicles powered by artificial intelligence. There will be fewer people who can afford these self-driving AI cars, but that’s exactly the purpose, to get most of the middle class out of their cars and riding bicycles, public transport and walking. That’s the way things are in China, the biggest surveillance state in the world and a model for every nation in the eyes of technocrats at the WEF and its puppet Young Global Leaders.

States and localities will be encouraged under this bill to farm out the planning of a new transportation system to an unelected regional planning organization, a regional transit authority, or a nonprofit organization. This is a technocrat’s dream. Technocrats hate accountability to the public. The more government functions they can farm out to unelected unaccountable bureaucrats, nonprofits and private contractors, the better. This renders your vote meaningless.

Once they have us out of our cars and stripped of cash, replaced with self-driving autonomous cars and digital money, it’s game over. Our quest for a free life will be over and the beast system will dominate all aspects of life.

That’s why people are coming out in streets in droves to support the trucker Freedom Convoy. These are folks who get it. They don’t want their kids and grandkids to live as slaves.

Yes, we are all truckers now.

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here ***