Monday, February 24, 2025

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Flat Earth

Status Quo, Clue 5

by Mark Sargent
Get his book on Amazon (Flat Earth Clues)

Admiral Byrd 1This clue covers the inevitable and sometimes frustrating question of why the
authority would go to all the trouble of hiding the flat earth. My hope here is to
show you different angles, and a progression of events, all of which lead to a
very changed world, both physically, and mentally.

To open we have to go way back to when the world was a much simpler place.
You had your five major religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism,
Islam, and Christianity. Each of these groups had their own version of what is
known in Genesis as the firmament, or a flat, circular world enclosed by a solid
dome like barrier from where the creator (or creators) looked on.

I’m not going to explore all the subtle differences between the groups, suffice it
to say that it’s interesting that despite their differences that led to acts of horrible
violence between them, there was no real earth model debate.

So then around 500 years ago, the science community, led by Copernicus who
probably had a little help, introduced what we now know as the heliocentric, or
globe model of the world, which in turn changed the solar system, galaxy, and so

The religions, seeing that this globe model was gaining popularity, feared a loss
in the fan base, so they all adapted their religions to include the globe model.
From their point of view, it was a small change from a circular to a globe world,
and really, in a few generations who would remember anyway?

So the churches, mosques, temples wrapped up their flat earth model in
metaphoric soft cloth, and put it in the drawer with the good silver for safe
keeping. Remember this because we’ll come back to it later.

And hundreds of years went by, with science promoting all the aspects of the
globe, and the religions promoting their beliefs upon this globe. The world kept
spinning, so to speak, and everyone was happy.

Then in the early part of the 1900’s you get this pesky explorer named Richard
Byrd. He has family money, all the right connections, and secures basically
unlimited funding and the government green light to probe every piece of unseen
territory there is. It was inevitable I guess, a young man who has an
unquenchable desire to see all that there is to see, and then granting him the tools
needed to accomplish this goal.

And he pulls a Truman and gets lucky, crossing the vast salt ocean, avoiding the
icebergs, arriving at the frozen coastline, and he keeps going. He was never
going to stop. One day after crossing hundreds of miles of high altitude ice and
snow, Admiral Byrd sees it. A barrier.

And to him, it is just A barrier, not THE barrier. He is but a tiny spec in front of
it. It stretches out on both sides as far as he can see, and straight up so far that he
can’t discover the beginning of the arc. The great explorer now has a new
challenge, finding the shape of this thing. It’s much like a blind man describing
an elephant. Until you feel out the whole thing, what do you really know?

If you look at the AE or Flat Earth overhead map, you see the problem. To even
determine the scope of the outer wall, you have to circle it. It would have taken
months, if not years. You could use a series of ships going in opposite directions,
or planes, but there are refueling stations that need to be built and so on. His task
was challenging to say the least. Admiral Byrd kept laying the groundwork of
the great discovery until his eventual death in 1957.

A year later, the United States and Russia found the upper edge. From there, the
math was easy, and moreover, you could actually see the real world. Then of
course there is the decision, or deception, depending on how you looked at it.
The authority made the call to hide the actual shape of where we live, then
sealed off the outer edge from prying eyes, and created the space program to not
only reinforce the globe model, but to control it.

There was really only one reason they cared about this, and it takes a while to
process, so let’s look at the immediate effects of actual disclosure, and work our
way up to the authority’s biggest fear.

For this exercise we’ll look at releasing the news today, instead of say 1958.
While 1958 would have been easier, it’s much more relevant and entertaining to
explain it in modern terms. We start with a press conference by, let’s say the
United Nations, who have discovered that the world is indeed enclosed in a
giant, high tech dome of unknown origin and age.

The public reacts with wonder and awe, trying to take in the sheer scope of this
announcement. Face book crashes, Twitter crashes, entire mobile networks
crash. It’s like hitting a bee hive with a sledgehammer. News organizations
around the world send teams to the outer edge to confirm the finding, and the
general public is glued to their media devices.

That’s the good news, the excitement, the revelation, the positive shock. Then
the bad news starts coming in waves, some of which you might not expect. The
first is the immediate disbanding of NASA and all other world space programs,
for obvious reasons. Most governments will secretly pardon these groups and
keep them immune from class actions lawsuits, the lawsuits themselves coming
from NASA investment groups, claiming fraud. Regardless, everyone at NASA
despite their good intentions is out of a job overnight.

And this is where you would say good! They deserve it, about time they stopped
lying to everyone. Oh but it doesn’t stop there, because every contractor and
subcontractor that are exclusively tied to NASA, they have to shut down as well.
Fine, a few thousand jobs lost. No big deal.

And the ripples continue to spread, some bigger than others. Observatories all
over the world close their doors, and the reasoning is this: If you’ve been
looking at the ceiling for decades and couldn’t tell it was a ceiling, then what
good are you?

Every university in the world that has an astronomy or astrophysics program,
well they don’t anymore. Stephen Hawking? His book writing days are over.
Carl Sagan? No more NOVA in syndication, I guarantee it. Those professors are
going to have to retool their skills, and be prepared to answer one giant question.
How did you now see it? Weren’t their clues? People start finger pointing, and it
will continue for years.

And still my fellow flat earthers will say, well hell, that doesn’t sound too bad.
So some nerds around the world lose their jobs, so what? You don’t get off that
easy, is what!

The finger pointing at the now defunct NASA will then turn to finger pointing at
the government, who directed the whole thing. This is where we run into some
dangerous ground, involving things like the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail,
and the ring of power.

And you say, ya lost me, I was with you until you started bringing up religious
artifacts from movies. And you’re supposed to be lost. Of the five major
religions we mentioned earlier, those being Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism,
Islam, and Christianity, none have been able to produce a supernatural object
over the last 5000 years, and trust me, it would be beneficial to do so.
The Ark of the Covenant would benefit Judaism, the Holy Grail Christianity, and
the ring of power, well that benefits someone else, and maybe I’ll leave alone for
now. The point is that all religions are actively seeking their leverage against
science. You’ve heard of the division between church and state, well here it is,
advantage church. The barrier becomes a giant religious symbol, and since it is
backed by the big five, it also becomes universal.

The big five then go into their drawer with the good silver and pull out this belief
that was forgotten but not lost, and say, WE KNEW IT ALL ALONG, and
science lied to us! Temporarily, all religions unite against science, which has
been only moderately weakened by the removal of their astronomy and
astrophysics divisions.

But the public won’t care, because they will listen to the group shouting the
loudest, and no one yells louder than the church. They will scream with
righteous fury that the dome was built by OUR God, YOUR God, and the people
will turn to science and hear nothing but crickets. And that’s where the world
changes, because in times of great stress, the public will want words, and while
religion has no shortage of them, science simply is incapable of taking leaps of

I’ll take a glass half full approach and say that anyone listening to this is
probably an intelligent rational person, one who can make informed decisions
outside of the conventional doctrine. But for every one of you, there are
hundreds, if not thousands of mouth breathing troglodytes who will not walk, but
run to their respective house of religion and say: You were right about this, what
else can you teach me?

This is what fills the current authority with pause. The unknown response to that
question. Will religion take the high road and work with what remains of science
to discover the truth? It’s possible I suppose.

It’s also possible that religion will combine this technologically advanced
society with a revitalized and aggressive doctrine that then transforms daily life
into something that makes the book 1984 seem like a Saturday morning cartoon
show. I’m hoping that mankind will prove me wrong, but so far, that isn’t the

So do some of your own research, and ask questions.

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Christian Flat Earth Ministry can be found here ***