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This Week in the New Normal #23

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. The Munich Security Conference 2022 and the future global government

Bill Gates is still really unsettling Not exactly news, but with his Covid grand plan fragmenting in his hands, it might be time to check in on Bill and see what’s going on with him.

Here he is, for example, on a panel at this years Munich Security Conference:

[embedded content]

Now, I’m not sadistic enough to suggest you spend your Sunday evening subjecting yourself to the whole hour-plus of shills spouting nonsense, so I’ve taken the liberty of pointing out a choice quote.

Starting at 6:47 [emphasis added]:

With vaccines it took us two years to be at oversupply. Today there are more vaccines than there is demand for vaccines […] Next time, instead of two years, we should make it six months.

I find this interesting, not just because of his uncontested assumption that there will be a “next time”, but because willingly or unwillingly he has identified one problem with the Covid narrative: It was too slow.

By the time the “vaccines” were ready the initial waves of fear were dying down and enough people were waking up to form a solid band of resistance. “Next time” they will move faster.

He is joined on the panel by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly who talks up the multi-lateral efforts to beat the virus, and repeats Bill in stating that new developments in technology means that “next time” we’ll be able to get a vaccine produces in six months rather than two years. (She also spends several minutes talking up the “foreign interference” and “overseas funding” of the Freedom Convoy).

It’s interesting that both Bill and Joly mention the improved technology making vaccine production faster because, in an odd coincidence, The Guardian’s got a long article about just that which was published today.

Clearly laying the groundwork for explaining even faster vaccine production “next time”.

To go along with this, Anne Linde – a third member of the panel and Sweden’s Foreign Minister – discusses how Covid was solved by multi-lateralism eventually, that the organizations like the EU, UN and WHO were not empowered enough to act swiftly to solve the situation, and that Covid has “exposed holes” in the international system.

To translate all of this: This “pandemic” might be waning, but “next time” the vaccines will be faster, and the international governmental organisations will be more empowered.

Like I said, still very unsettling.

2. The doses just keep on coming

This week it was reported that vaccine regulators in Australia may soon be recommending four, or even five doses of Covid “vaccines” in order to be considered “fully vaccinated”. This, and then the theorised “yearly boosters” of course.

Meanwhile, the Scottish government has decided they will not be publishing their covid statistics anymore. Public Health Scotland announced on Thursday that they would cease publishing case numbers and deaths by vaccination status amid fears the “misleading” data is being “misused” by “anti-vaxxers”.

Meaning that the vast majority of “Covid deaths” in Scotland since the new year were “fully vaccinated”, and it makes them look bad.

3. Queensland’s WellCamp

Before Canada put in a burst of speed Australia was very much winning the fascism race.

It’s easy to forget that as Trudeau’s government seizes funds of dissidents and tramples old ladies with their police horses, but this week they reminded us, by opening up a new quarantine centre near Wellcamp in Queensland.

Wellcamp – or Orwellcamp according to sharp commenters on twitter – is a facility to house upwards of a thousand people built in a public-private partnership between the Queensland government and the Wagner Corporation.

The big question here is: What is the point?

Australia’s Covid cases are low and getting lower, and the camp is still unfinished. The similar “Centre for National Resilience” in Melbourne is set to open next week, and that 1000-bed camp will house just 7 people for its first week.

It’s hard to see either of them ever being full of “covid cases” that need to isolate.

According to ABC news, nobody knows how much Wellcamp cost to build, or how much it will cost to operate. The Melbourne camp cost over 580 million dollars to build.

So, maybe it’s all just a case of good old-fashioned embezzlement and public theft.

Or maybe these are for “next time” too.

BONUS: Depressing poster of the week

Someone forwarded us this on social media this week…

It’s a poster promoting the current events program Re: on Arte TV, and it poses the question:

The Future or Climate Killer?

Over the image of a woman with two young children.

For those who don’t know, Arte is a European television channel co-funded by the governments of both France and Germany and dedicated to “social, political and cultural” programming.

And they want to discuss whether having children is a bad idea.

It’s not all bad…

Iceland has joined the steady stream of countries removing their Covid quarantine rules.

And while the protests in Canada would don’t need any more press, this march from Calgary is good to see…

…as is the Haka, being done by dozens of protesting New Zealanders outside the parliament building in Wellington:

Oh, and here is Neil Oliver’s monologue for the week. Not always uplifting, but always eloquent:


All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Queenie getting the ‘rona, Wales trialling a “basic income” or how bitcoin is teaming up with coal mines to ruin the planet.

There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
This article has been archived for your research. The original version from OffGuardian can be found here.