Monday, March 10, 2025

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Euthanasia In The Covid Years: How The Liverpool Care Pathway Never Went Away

By Jacqui Deevoy

When my mum was put on a syringe driver (a device used to automatically administer drugs) three days before her death in 2009, I didn’t think twice. The kindly hospice nurse told me the drugs were “to make her comfortable” and what daughter doesn’t want their mother to be comfortable in her final days? 

I knew my mum was dying because the hospice doctor had told me so. I didn’t question how she knew. Back then, I trusted doctors and just accepted that, as well as the gift of healing, they also possessed the gift of foresight. How ignorant I was!

In early December 2020, I joined David Icke (who I’ve known for a number of years) in a podcast. It was the first time I’d spoken publicly about any aspect of the so-called pandemic. I had strong views about what was happening and when David asked me on his show, it was too good an opportunity to miss.

I started off by talking about my dad, who I’d just managed to get out of a care home, where he’d been imprisoned throughout the first six months of the so-called pandemic.

Despite my nervousness, I felt compelled to share what my dad and I had experienced during 2020. We discussed at length the thousands of deaths that were happening in hospitals, care homes and hospices. The elderly in particular seemed to be dropping like flies whilst in these facilities and there was no real evidence that a killer virus was to blame. David described this culling as “premeditated murder’ and read out a definition of that during the podcast.

I told him about a whistleblower doctor I’d spoken to who’d told me horrors stories about organ harvesting and the blanket Do Not Resuscitate orders that were being put on the over 60s, the mentally impaired and the physically disabled and on pretty much every person living in a care home. I also shared how the mainstream papers weren’t interested in hearing about this. Nor we they interested in any of the stories – the uselessness of masks, the blanket DNRs on the elderly, mentally ill and disabled, the skewed statistics, the misattribution of deaths to ‘Covid’ and the potential dangers of the new ‘vaccine’ roll-out, to name but a few – I was offering them and how it had got to a point where I was practically being ignored by some of the editors I’d worked with for years.

The Icke interview went viral and my email inbox rapidly filled up. The accounts I was sent by people who believed their loved ones had been murdered were heartbreaking. These people were desperate, not knowing where to turn, so seeing the video gave them hope. I suddenly had a new family – that’s how it felt anyway – and I wanted to help them in any way I could.

The first I spoke to on the phone told me one of his relatives had been a victim. He didn’t mince his words and told me loud and clear that a murder had been committed and that he could prove it. I could tell from this man’s earnestness that he was telling the truth.

I needed evidence though. As a journalist, I have to be very careful before pitching a story to a newspaper: I need to get my facts straight and have proof to back up every claim. Personal anecdotes are all well and good – as well as being an essential part of any investigation and report – but cannot be taken at face value.

So I met up with this man and that’s when I saw the evidence with my own eyes. (Unfortunately, this information can’t be shared for reasons I’ll be able to disclose at a later date.) It was incontrovertible.

I believed the best way to get these stories heard was through the mainstream media, so I sent a ‘teaser’ email to 28 editors, telling them I had a really big story that needed to be published. I followed that up a few days later with details of the story. The pitch looked like this:

Euthanasia is being used as a medical protocol in UK hospitals.

Extensive research reveals that the Liverpool Care Pathway, which was abandoned in 2014 after being deemed inhumane, was brought back in at the start of the pandemic in early 2020 and is being implemented in hospitals and care homes across the UK.

Evidence includes the following:

  • A House of Commons document detailing a conversation between Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Conservative MP Dr. Luke Evans, during which they discuss the use of certain medications to give Covid patients a “good death”. A good death is medical terminology for euthanasia. 
  • A video of the above conversation.
  • Confirmation of Hancock ordering two years’ worth of a sedative called Midazolam from a French supplier. The order was made in March 2020. It was claimed at the time that the drug was for the treatment of Covid patients. Midazolam suppresses the respiratory system. Covid is a respiratory disease. Midazolam is used as an execution drug in the US.
  • Quotes from doctors, pathologists and pharmacists confirming what Midazolam is and how is should and shouldn’t be used. 
  • Paperwork and links showing the LCP protocol was reintroduced in early 2020. This time around, it wasn’t called the Liverpool Care Pathway but the protocol was identical: the use of a cocktail of drugs (usually Midazolam and morphine), along with a withdrawal of food and water, leading to the untimely death of the patient.
  • Documents showing the dosage of Midazolam given to Covid patients and showing how breathlessness in patients is to be managed using Midazolam. 
  • Information from anonymous insiders – including lawyers, doctors, care workers and nurses, who’ve seen this abominable practice happening first hand. 
  • A video made by Manchester mayoral candidate Michael Elston, outlining what he knows to be happening with regards to the killing and culling of the elderly using Midazolam. 
  • 16 case studies who are willing to speak to the Press about their loved ones’ deaths being ‘hastened’ in hospitals and care homes. Some cases are historic and occurred whilst the LCP was in place; some have happened in the last 14 months; one is a ‘near miss’, when a woman who had nothing wrong with her was put on end of life treatment only to be rescued by her grandson at the last minute.

Many people believe it’s OK for the sick and elderly to be given a pharmaceutical “helping hand” when they’re in – what’s deemed to be – the final stages of their lives. Few seem to realise that euthanasia (in any form – voluntary or involuntary) is illegal in the UK. If a person is found to be involved in euthanasia, they risk a life sentence. Those found guilty and charged with “assisted suicide” can get 14 years in prison.

The normalisation of euthanasia has been occurring for years. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has now started to push for the legalisation of assisted suicide. Why?

I thought it was a good pitch, but the lack of response from the 28 editors I sent it to was shocking. The silence was deafening. It was clear that no editor was prepared to run the story. I persevered for a couple of months with editors either blanking me or telling me it was a ‘non story’ because everyone knows that drugs are given to the ailing and elderly when they’re terminally ill r deemed to be  ‘end of life’. Whenn I pointed  out that euthanasia (which is what this hastening of death actually is) is illegal in the UK, it didn’t seem to register. In their minds, the fact this practice has been going on for decades, made it somehow acceptable and nothing I could say would make them think otherwise.

I still needed to get this information out to the public though but how to do it? I was wary of taking the alternative media route but what choice did I have after being shunned by the mainstream?

I knew what I had to do: I went to the Isle of Wight and took the man with the incontrovertible evidence with me – to visit David Icke. We presented him with a huge file of paperwork and solid proof that the elderly were being killed in hospitals, hospices and care homes using a drug called Midazolam.

On June 4th 2021, David put out a powerful videocast, revealing some horrendous truths.

The emails, once again, came flooding in. With every story I read, I had a jarring feeling in my brain… These stories were really resonating with me… Why? Then it struck me. My mum. 2009. In a hospice… Something in her arm… a constant pumping of medications into her body. I saw them set up the syringe driver. Her eyes were open then. Seconds later, her eyes closed, never to re-open.

I sat with her for two days. Her body didn’t move but she was intermittently making muffled grunts and groans, like a person who’d been gagged: she was desperately trying to say something but I didn’t know what. I noticed her lips were dry and dabbed them with water. I dropped tiny pieces of ice cream into her mouth. No one else brought her any food or water. I didn’t think to ask why. I trusted the hospice staff. I had no reason not to back then.

Now, it’s a very different story. As the realisation dawned, I was overcome with guilt. Why had I been so stupid? Why hadn’t I asked questions? Why didn’t I realise that my mum was being euthanised? I could have saved her but I didn’t.

Eleven years later, I discovered that this is exactly how every relative of every victim felt. Their pain was now my pain. Although saddened and exhausted it made me all the more determined to go on.

On my birthday in June 2021, my voice wobbled when I mentioned my mum during an interview with Gareth Ick. I was grateful he gave a platform to me (and five other people whose loved ones had been killed) on his internet news show Right Now. The stories that were told – by a wife, a husband, a daughter, a granddaughter and a son – were heartbreaking and shocking.

I then contacted an old friend, journalist and radio host Richie Allen, who invited me – and four more relatives of victims – onto his radio show. I co-hosted the show but didn’t need to say much: the stories spoke for themselves. Listeners could hear the pain in the guests’ voices: I’d heard their stories before – from three daughters (each of whom had lost a parent) and a son (who’d lost both parents within six days of each other in separate care homes) – but still got a lump in my throat.

I later did an interview with Ant Insuli for his YouTube show, then another for American channel SGT and one for Unity News Network with David Clews. I was saying pretty much the same thing in each broadcast and, although speaking publicly made me anxious, I knew it had to be done. It was the least I could do.

Six months later, I was still trying to get the national UK papers to run a story. I met up with a news editor from the Daily Mail and the medical editor of another tabloid but after much to-ing and fro-ing over a period of weeks, their interest waned and they decided that the story couldn’t be run.

By September 2021, I realised that trying to get this shocking story published in any mainstream publication was a waste of time, yet I was still determined to get the voices of the victims’ relatives heard by a wider audience. I believed that this was the only way the heinous culling could be stopped. The more people that know about it, the more outrage there will be. The government who’ve instigated this sickening and unlawful protocol have blood on their hands and need to, at the very least, answer some questions. Whether they’ll ever do that is yet to be seen.

On December 5th, a 65-minute documentary I made with premiered at Cinema & Co in Swansea. The film – ‘A Good Death?’ -provided a platform for relatives of victims to tell their stories. Anyone who doubts the fact that euthanasia is common practice in UK care homes, hospitals and hospices, only needs to see the film once to have those doubts quelled. Watch the film and spread the word. Until the  truth is universally recognized and until the people involved in this crime speak up, further murders will be committed and more families are destroyed.

See ‘A Good Death?’ at


This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here.