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Great Reset

Letter to the Editor | Tremonton Leader | – The Herald Journal

On January 19, 2022, I attended the public hearing for the expansion of Rocket Steel and Solar. I opposed the expansion and the Redevelopment Department itself because the government is showing favoritism to certain businesses; picking winners and losers.

While China is building and selling solar panels to America, China is building coal plants. The solar panels are not sustainable, they only last 20 to 30 years respectively, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Energy Sage.

Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel. These solar panels should not be put into landfills because of the above stated reasons.

The global elites who are part of the World Economic Forum are implementing “The Great Reset” into our local communities; they become even wealthier by selling all these renewable energy products, which cause more harm than good. The Box Elder County Commissioners are also helping “The Great Reset”, the rise of the 21st century fascism by doing these public/private partnerships with Rocket Steel and Solar as well as with previous business projects they have entered into.

Part of “The Great Reset” is implementing ESG scores ( Environmental, Social Justice, Governance). To help you better understand these scores, they will be used by banks and businesses, for example: you want a home mortgage loan but will not receive one unless you put solar panels on your home or take out a car loan but will not get one unless you buy an electric car; this is an environmental score. Social Justice score for example would be, do you support Black Lives Matter? Governance score for example is with Exxon having to have an anti-oil member on their board.

Everyone needs to contact our representatives while they are in session at the Utah Legislature and ask them to write a bill that stops banks and businesses from using these ESG scores. Fourteen states are in the process of writing a bill to stop these ESG scores, let us be one of those states. Please call or text Representative Joel Ferry at (801)726-4032 and Senate Representative Scott Sandall at (435)279-7551. Contact others throughout the state to do the same in contacting their representative.

DeAnna Hardy

Brigham City

This article has been archived for your research. Find the original article here.