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Great Reset

Letter: Wake Up, Americans

Published: 2/24/2022 7:00:32 AM

Modified: 2/24/2022 7:00:10 AM

As we look to Canada and Trudeau’s overreach, we see an example of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.” We’re told that we live in a “new normal” as our way of life and “freedom” is pushed to the side in favor of oppressive mandates pronounced by power hungry ideologues. More troubling, many leaders in Washington and in our cities are backed by corrupt corporations, nefarious power-hungry billionaires and an incestuous press. Silicon Valley tech companies have unbridled domination of “narrative” a.k.a. narcissistic manipulation over the uninformed.

Robberies, murder and sexual assaults are at an all-time high while several billionaire-backed district attorneys refuse to prosecute ordinary crimes. Clueless ideologues in government want to defund the police, close prisons and release offenders bail free. Reporting the truth, preserving integrity and staying independent is the standard of honest journalism. Instead, we have a press that operates with bias based on the member’s own personal ideology. Although they have a moral responsibility to be integrious and report impartial and honest news stories, our modern press covers selected stories while omitting others which challenge the world view of their leadership.

Americans are tired of mandates and “I know what is best for you” attitude of the self-congratulatory “educrats” who celebrate their “enlightenment.” Often, Jonathan Baird and letter writers try to redefine fascism to promote an ideological fallacy and false equivalency. They should focus on the authoritarian movement directly in front of them, supporting policies promoting the “Great Reset.”

Bill Bunker


This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Concord Monitor can be found here.