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Scientists are afraid to study COVID “vaccine” side effects because they know their findings will be demonized as “politically incorrect”

Image: Scientists are afraid to study COVID “vaccine” side effects because they know their findings will be demonized as “politically incorrect”

One would think that with all the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” mandates that are currently in place, “science” would be able to offer a much deeper and clearer understanding of the risks involved with getting injected. Sadly, this is not the case.

The reason, of course, is that “science” is not allowed to conduct the type of research required to provide the general public with the data it needs to make an informed decision before consenting to the shots.

It turns out that many scientists are simply too afraid to question the government’s dogma about Fauci Flu shots for fear of losing grant money or even their careers. When the decision is between going along just to get along or bucking the system and risking everything, many choose the former.

According to the government, the risk of experiencing side effects from the Operation Warp Speed injections is minimal, though it has provided no proof to back this. The reason is that the proof does not exist.

In fact, there is plenty of evidence to show that the jabs do not work, at least not to prevent disease. The jabs are actually making people seriously ill or outright killing them. Even the Biden regime has acknowledged that China Flu shots destroy health.

“So far, there’s evidence of an increased risk of blood clots following the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines, and an increased risk of heart inflammation following the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines,” reported the Daily Sceptic.

“What’s more, there’s evidence that side effects are more common in young people and those who’ve already had COVID – two groups that face very little risk from the disease itself.”


Government “science” is not real science

One of the things that remains a mystery is the risk factor for specific subgroups of people, such as those aged 18-30 with a prior infection. Some of the health conditions that arise post-injection are also not yet well-understood.

And chances are they will never be understood because the current paradigm of “science” has a stranglehold on honest inquiry into such matters. Any scientist who dares to delve into it is quickly blacklisted from the community or even fired for promoting “misinformation.”

“Shouldn’t scientists be rushing to answer these and other unanswered questions about vaccine side effects? You’d certainly think so. But unfortunately, that isn’t the way science works in our current, politicized era,” the Sceptic added.

A study published in the journal Science reveals that researchers face a dilemma in seeking to identify side effect risk factors for COVID injections because of the way “science” currently works.

“Probing possible side effects presents a dilemma to researchers: They risk fomenting rejection of vaccines that are generally safe, effective and crucial to saving lives,” the slanted study declared. “‘You have to be very careful’ before tying COVID-19 vaccines to complications, Nath (one of the study’s authors) cautions. ‘You can make the wrong conclusion. The implications are huge.’”

Avindra Nath, who works as the clinical director at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, basically decreed in this study that the jabs are “safe and effective.” And anyone who questions this, even with sound scientific evidence, is automatically making a “wrong conclusion.”

This same study goes on to admit that the scientific community is currently “uneasy” about questioning the narrative and that “everyone is tiptoeing around it” due to fears of repercussions.

“I’ve talked to a lot of clinicians and researchers at various institutions, and they don’t want to touch it,” said Resia Pretorius, a physiologist at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

The latest news about Fauci Flu shots can be found at

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.