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Great Reset

The War of the Worlds Vs The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab Meets Orson Welles

Via The Blue State Conservative

It’s been a tough two years, a macabre variety show, and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet. First came wild-type COVID, then delta COVID, then omicron COVID. And now what? World War III because of a land dispute between Russia and the Ukraine? For this, world powers are shining up their nuclear weapons so they can atomize the whole world? I guess that would take care of global warming. . . But remember how when Archduke Ferdinand, the last Habsburg destined to rule, and really a man of little consequence, was assassinated in 1914, they had to, had to have the first big World War?

Historians are still scratching their heads trying to figure out how an event of such little magnitude caused such a huge conflagration that left the world reeling until Hitler decided to give world domination a go, too. Now Klaus Schwab and his cronies think they’ve got the magic formula for global domination. I’ve got some news for them. So did Xerxes and Artaxerxes, so did the mysterious sea peoples who ravaged all the known world mid-1000 B.C., so did Agamemnon, so did Cleon and Alcibiades, so did Alexander, so did Julius Caesar, so did Napoleon and Kaiser Wilhelm and Mussolini and Hirohito and Hitler. Now we have Klaus Schwab entering the arena, flexing his flabby octogenarian muscles deciding he’s going to give world domination a try, and this time he’s going to make it stick. Ja, gewiss, mein herr.

COVID wasn’t the only act in town, just the biggest. We needed other divertissements to make us realize that we were no longer in control of the narrative. First there was the perfectly timed and orchestrated BLM, antifa, and defund-the-police riots. Such theatre! Such a glowing demonstration of America at its best. Then there was The Great Election Robbery of 2020 in which Joe the Slow got elected through some incredible sleight of hand as the president of the once greatest nation on Earth, now a corrupt backwater of the world run by buffoons that make Happy the Clown look like a shoo-in for MENSA. That was an entertaining distraction.

Now our southern border has become an open floodgate for innumerable thousands of migrants. Would someone please tell these poor people that they’re being used as instruments of war? No one in Davos or D.C. gives a damn about them. They’re just being used to unsettle and destabilize us, make these unhappy folk more miserable than they already are, and make us oh-so-glad when Klaus shows up in his slinky Davos man superhero outfit come to decree the start of The Grrrrreat Reset, the greatest show on Earth!

For laughs, we also get our daily deadly dose of soporific prose from Jen Psaki, which never makes any sense because Democrats believe in creative rhetoric, flights of fancy, and other artistic embellishments on the truth. So those of you who think you’ve suffered a sudden cognitive decline, it’s not you. Everyone is confused by what she says.

Meanwhile, the pill-rollers at Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna are still busily rolling out the so-called vaccines, hoping no one will notice how many of the vaxxed collapse, and even die, on camera! Now we’re told that more people have died of the vaccine than of COVID. But, oh well. Now they’re happily making injections for kids with cartoon characters on the syringes to make having a heart attack at age three fun. But that doesn’t stop all the little gnomes working slavishly and sycophantically for the WEFers from making a stink about anti-vaxxers, doing a perfect Greta Thunberg impersonation: ”How dare they refuse the jab!”

And who will ever forget the Australia/Austria/New Zealand/Greece lockdowns from hell, finished off by Justin Trudeau’s phantasmagoric displays of imbecility. Then, barely had Boris Johnson declared the COVID pandemic over in the U.K., having already dared to depart from the accepted narrative by casting off its E.U. shackles, we learn that Putin has invaded the Ukraine. Couldn’t the Russian neo-tsar have waited a week, let us sing a couple Te Deums in thanksgiving for the end of the scourge, before launching his war?? No, Putin’s biological clock is ticking (as in his days as Russia’s supreme leader are waning) and he’s had enough of the shenanigans of the West using Ukraine as a goad, and he has a point. Or is this another WEF subterfuge to further unnerve us, yearn for the guiding hand of an authoritarian figure? So the motive, according to whatever source you trust, might be either Putin the murderous megalomaniac psychopath behaving like Hitler in Poland, or Putin the protector of his nation like John Kennedy versus the Cuban missiles, or Putin the WEF puppet staging a global distraction.

I do wonder, though, whether the Soros-Gates-Fauci-Schwab-Harari-Zuckerburg-Bezos snakepit is a tad disappointed. At Event 201, a phony coronavirus pandemic, this one originating from pigs, not from pangolins or bats, waged to rave reviews in October 2019, achieved sixty-five million(!) deaths worldwide in just 18 months!! The actual number of COVID-19 deaths, not including those caused by the jab, came in at a disappointing (for them) six million, a measly 9.2 percent of box office predictions. Bummer! Still, although this may have looked like an exercise, it had all the trappings of a dress rehearsal for the COVID-19 pandemic about to come online a short four months later.

Of course, Event 201 was just for fun, though all the actors had boned up on their Stanislavski and put in very convincing James Dean Oscar-winning performances. Watching the snippet of Event 201 that was all I could stomach without downing a bottle of Pepto-Bismol, I was reminded of Orson Welles’ radio narration of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds in which Martians in 1930s-style hazmat suits packing laser guns and dropping never-before-seen-but-oh-so-intriguing atomic bombs, proceed to lay waste to the world, starting in charming, bucolic Surrey, England. Urban legend has it that some listeners, who tuned in too late to hear the intro to the show, actually believed the world was being invaded by these cut-throat, land-grabbing, expansionist illegal aliens from outer space.

Of course, Orson’s radio caper was just theater, much as was Event 201. Still, what a heady moment it must have been for the participants brought together under the benevolent gaze of Bill and Melinda Gates who hosted the gathering. Such power and might packed into one room! Take Jane Halton as just one of the attendees with nonpareil talent. Jane was the dame behind the draconian measures in Australia that had the whole world aghast. Yup. She was the gal and, boy, she showed her mettle in Australia. She did so well, word has it that it got her a job with Klaus in Davos! So long Oz, hello frigid Davos. Other notables at the event include Tom Inglesby, Christopher Elias, George Gao, Stephen Redd, and Tom Evans, all with glowing reptilian credentials.

Special mention must be made of Davos’s own Tommy Tune—Yuri Noah Harari talking and walking and gesticulating about the most-thrilling feature of The Grrrrrreat Reset, something called transhumanism. In an infomercial gone berserk, this ferret-faced man prances ghoulishly and goofily around the stage telling the silent forms of the world’s great, sitting unquestioningly in a packed lecture hall in Davos, that God will soon be out and nanotechnology in. No longer will we owe allegiance to a Creator above the clouds and His funky old-fashioned rules. We won’t have to follow rules because we will no longer have control over our thoughts or actions. I bet Orson, with his sonorous voice, would have been better at presenting this craziness about miniaturizing iPads so that, in a Fantastic Voyage of a different sort, our brains are programmed to think only thoughts that conform to Klaus’s or Yuri’s or Bill’s or whoever’s at bat that day.

No longer will we be free to choose for God and be happy with Him and all the angels and saints in heaven for all eternity. Instead we will be programmed to breathe less and love the groovy hypoxia, munch on honey-roasted cockroaches while listening to Guru Klaus or whoever succeeds him as global ruler, talk about nirvana Davos style, learn to chant the entire Communist Manifesto, and live dormitory-style in bunk beds with stuffed-straw mattresses and thin pillows—absolutely nothing from My Pillow. I couldn’t blame God for brushing the dust off His sandals at this point and decamping to another planet or even solar system, far from the rotten stench of our once lovely planet, a stench born of evil, not greenhouse gas.

But here we go again. In a tiresome redux, leftist Westerners’ brains have once again been taken over by CNN (not much different from transhumanism). They’ve been programmed to not listen to anything that might enlighten them as to Putin’s wish to put a safer distance between Russia and Western weaponry, something that JFK would give his blessings to, having been faced with an identical situation back in 1962. Meanwhile no one blinks at The Great Reset’s plans to appropriate every bit of property on the planet, and despite what they say, not really give a damn about whether anyone likes it or not.

Why aren’t the A-listers protesting about that? They stand to lose their shirts, their Beverly Hills real estate, their Bentleys, their sumptuous villas on Lake Como, their yachts. Does not this Great Reset sound eerily like a deadly cancer, a highly invasive Davos malignancy? Worse than lung or stomach cancer, worse than pancreatic cancer, worse even than glioblastoma multiforme, the deadliest of brain tumors. There’s no treatment for a Davos malignancy, especially given that, according to Archbishop Vigano in his latest missive, these deadly cancer cells have already metastasized throughout the world and, just like their true cancer counterparts, reached long tentacles into our lives, indeed our brains. There is only one treatment—prayer, and not just the “Now I lay me down to sleep” variety. Penance and fasting would also be efficacious.

I suggest that at the next WEF enclave they play that 5-second film clip of a happy Hitler playfully shadow-boxing on the terrace of the Eagle’s Nest. Maybe do a little role-playing to work out the kinks of domination disappointment. At this point in Hitler’s ravishing of the world, he’s on top of the world literally and figuratively. Austria is his. Poland is his. The Sudetenland is his. France will soon be his. Five seconds on film of gemütlichkeit for little Adolf, until a short four years later the only empire Hitler has left is a bunker deep under the rubble of Berlin.

Sic transit gloria mundi, Klaus.

By Betty Louise Tyndale

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