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Julian Gillespie: ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccines Being Injected into The Population Are Not the Same as Those Trialled Before Approval

Julian Gillespie, a retired Australian lawyer and former barrister, gave testimony at Covid Under Question hosted by Senator Malcolm Roberts on 23 March 2022.   He is currently managing proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia related to “Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Incorporated v. Secretary, Department of Health.”

Covid Under Question was a cross-party inquiry into the Australian government’s response to Covid. Parliamentarians heard from a range of doctors, experts, economists and everyday people about how the Government’s response to Covid has affected them and at times defied belief. The absurdity of Chief Health Officer dictates and power-hungry politicians was all laid bare.  The full day’s proceedings, with transcripts, are available HERE.

Gillespie believes that the Australian people have not been given accurate information around Covid deaths, and deaths from the Covid injections.  During an interview with Zeee Media at the beginning of this year he explained that he was hoping to bring a substantive case regarding Covid injections before the Federal Court in February when the courts re-opened.  On 23 March he stepped out of the court hearing to testify before the Covid Under Question panel.

“The first limb of our evidence, is the unprecedented injuries and deaths that we are witnessing across the community,” Gillespie told the panel.

“Historically vaccines in this country, between the years of 1971 up to 2020 averaged 2.4 deaths per annum. As of today’s date, we have reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration [“TGA”] adverse event database, as many as 800 deaths as a consequence of these vaccines.  So, we’ve got 2.4 deaths historically per year. Now in the last 12 months, we’ve got 800 … [and] what we’ve got now are over 110,000 adverse event reports with respect to these vaccines.”

The second point, he said, is that the Department of Health, and indeed every other regulator around the world, had assured and continues to assure their respective publics that these vaccines could not, and would not, interfere with the nucleus of cells.

Read more: Julian Gillespie: ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccines Being Injected into The Population Are Not the Same as Those Trialled Before Approval


This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here.