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Bucha Massacre: “The Big Lie Technique” to Get NATO Involved in Ukraine War?

The media in the West is telling us the reported massacre in Bucha, Ukraine was an act of unspeakable horror by Russian troops. According to Fox News and others, the “Russian troops who carried out the atrocities in the Ukrainian city of Bucha discussed the killing of civilians over the radio, according to Germany’s intelligence agency, which claims to have intercepted the radio messages.”

The article does not specify which intelligence agency, but more than likely it is the BND, an abbreviation of Bundesnachrichtendienst, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency.

The credibility of this organization should be called into question. The agency evolved from Germany’s Nazi military intelligence agency during World War II, the Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost or FHO Section in the General Staff, led by Wehrmacht Major General Reinhard Gehlen, a high-ranking Nazi. Following the war, Gehlen collaborated with the United States and established the “Org,” a group of FHO Nazis that worked with the US Army’s G-2 intelligence agency and later the newly established CIA.

Operating until 1956, when it was superseded by the BND, the Gehlen Organisation was allowed to employ at least 100 former Gestapo or SS officers. … Among them were Adolf Eichmann’s deputy Alois Brunner, who would go on to die of old age despite having sent more than 100,000 Jews to ghettos or internment camps, and ex-SS major Emil Augsburg. … Many ex-Nazi functionaries including Silberbauer, the captor of Anne Frank, transferred over from the Gehlen Organisation to the BND. … Instead of expelling them, the BND even seems to have been willing to recruit more of them – at least for a few years”.

Gehlen “brokered a deal that instead of being prosecuted for war crimes, he and a select group of his men would establish a secret intelligence service for the occupation forces and hand over the service files they had on the Soviets,” writes Claire Barrett. “Gehlen proceeded to enlist thousands of Gestapo, Wehrmacht and SS veterans. Even the vilest of the vile–the senior bureaucrats who ran the central administrative apparatus of the Holocaust–were invited into the Org, including Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy.”

In order to understand how far the CIA would go in recruiting Nazis, in 1952 the agency described the above mentioned Emil Augsburg—convicted in absentia in Poland for planning the SS executions of “enemies of the Reich,” including Polish intellectuals, Jews, and those suspected of resistance to Nazi occupation—favorably by the CIA as “Honest and idealist … enjoys good food and wine … unprejudiced mind …” He was allowed to live out his life without being brought to justice.

In 2016, the German government announced an investigation into the influence of the Nazis on the country’s post-war government, according to a report by the Independent. Nazi influence in the postwar years cannot be denied. Hans Globke, the chief of staff for former West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, was a Nazi official responsible in part for the establishment of the Nuremberg race laws, the so-called “Jewish Code” enforced on Slovakia under Nazi occupation.

According to a German government report, around 77 percent of the officials in the justice ministry in 1957 had been members of the Nazi Party. The most controversial of them was former Nazi magistrate Eduard Dreher, who in 1968 drafted a law that made the work of Nazi hunters difficult and ended almost all inquiries into Third Reich figures. Many former Nazi officials received government pensions.

“Under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act passed by Congress in 1998,” writes Rob Urie,

the CIA was made to partially disclose its affiliation with, and employment of, former Nazis. In contrast to the ‘Operation Paperclip’ thesis that it was Nazi scientists who were brought to the U.S. to labor as scientists, the Gehlen Organization and CIC employed known war criminals in political roles. Klaus Barbie, the ‘Butcher of Lyon,’ was employed by the CIC [the Army’s clandestine Counterintelligence Corps], and claims to have played a role in the murder of Che Guevara. Wernher von Braun, one of the Operation Paperclip ‘scientists,’ worked in a Nazi concentration camp as tens of thousands of human beings were murdered.

In addition to rocketry and foreign intelligence, the Nazi specialists imported by the CIA in the early 1950s helped fine-tune the art of propaganda, most notably the “Big Lie” developed by Adolf Hitler in his prison book, “Mein Kampf.”

In short, the theory is to tell lies to the people so huge that most would not believe someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously,” in the words of Hitler. Big lies are then repeated over and over, resulting in the acceptance of the lies as truth, especially if alternative facts and views are squelched.

The Big Lie technique merged with previous work done by Edward Bernays on “public relations,” that is to say the art of propaganda and manipulation for commercial and political purpose.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country,” Bernays wrote in the opening sentence of his 1928 book, “Propaganda.”

Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons—a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million—who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

Bernays’ “new ways to bind and guide the world,” updated and refined for the 21st century and its media, and merged with a highly developed Big Lie technique formulated by Nazis and employed by intelligence agencies, are now being used to spin the planned war in Ukraine, as it was used in the past to gain consensus for organized high-tech mass murder in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, et al.

Like Pavlov’s dogs, programmed to salivate at the ring of a bell, the American and much of the Western public are trained to believe whatever outrageous lie the state manufactures. Increasingly, efforts to oppose false and misleading narratives are being censored by corporate media and the social media monopolies.

The corporate-state media in the US has taken for granted an accusation made by an organization established by Nazis, and of course without the need of an independent investigation. We are expected to accept whatever they churn out, otherwise we are labeled as “far right extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” and “domestic terrorists.”

“Der Spiegel reported that the BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, intercepted Russian radio chatter about the killing of civilians in Bucha, and that some of the conversations could be tied directly to specific killings in Bucha that have been documented since news first emerged of an apparent massacre there,” CNN reports.

Note the verb “could” in this story. The fact of the matter is at this time

1) we don’t know definitively who may have killed civilians in Bucha (recall earlier stories of the Ukrainian state passing out military weapons to civilians), or if there are indeed dead civilians in the streets, despite what we see on social media,

2) so far, there has not been a call for an independent investigation to discover possible evidence of who might be responsible for the alleged massacre, and

3) this may indeed be a false flag event now that the absurd chemical weapons story has all but deflated. (Note: some on social media claim the supposed crime scene in Bucha has been scrubbed of evidence.)

Like Saddam’s illusory Weapons of Mass Destruction, the story of sadistic Russian soldiers mowing down innocent civilians for the sheer sadistic joy of it may turn out to be nothing but a manufactured pretense for direct NATO involvement in the war. The endgame here is plain to see: the US and its partners in crime, including the UK, France, and Canada, are angling to destroy Russia, a direct and serious competitor, along with China.


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Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.


“Russian troops discussed Bucha atrocities over radio, German intelligence agency claims,” Tyler O’Neil, Fox News, April 7, 2022.

“Global Secret and Intelligence Services I: Hidden Systems that deliver Unforgettable Customer Service,” Heinz Duthel, Books on Demand, 2014.

“When the CIA Bankrolled a Nazi Spy Chief,” Claire Barrett, Historynet, January 14, 2022.

“The CIA’s Worst-Kept Secret: Newly Declassified Files Confirm United States Collaboration with Nazis,” Martin A. Lee, Institute for Policy Studies, May 1, 2001.

“Nazi influence on Germany’s post-war government to be investigated.” Caroline Mortimer, Independent, November 27, 2016.

“Berlin to investigate Nazi influence on post-war government,” Deutsche Welle, November, 2016.

“Russiagate, Nazis, and the CIA,” Rob Urie, Counterpunch, July 31, 2020.

“Propaganda,” Edward Bernays, Routledge, 1928.

“Russian troops discussed killing Ukrainian civilians in radio transmissions intercepted by Germany, source says,” Luke McGee, CNN, April 7, 2022.

Featured image is from South Front

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.