Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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The Covid-19 “Vaccine”: We are in the Fourth Stage of the DNA War against Humanity. Dr. Lee Merritt

Brighteon.TV host Dr. Lee Merritt told Bob “The Plumber” Sisson that humanity is at the fourth stage of the DNA war involving the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

“Speaking [of] the great DNA war against humanity … basically, we’re in the fourth stage of the war. I don’t think we can vote ourselves out of this. We’re going to have to prepare, protect ourselves and maybe fight our way out of this,” she said during the four-day Let’s Go Brandon Rally held in Brandon, Florida.

The “Merritt Medical Hour” host told Sisson:

“Since 2015, I feel like I’ve been witnessing a slow-motion terrorist attack against the whole world and couldn’t stop this. The only reason I was awakened early is because the [AAPS] woke me up to what was happening and the crimes of organized medicine.” (Related: Dr. Lee Merritt warns: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity.)

The former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) wrote an op-ed back in 2015, which was published under her maiden name Lee Hieb. Her March 10, 2015 piece criticized the Obama administration’s National Adult Immunization Plan.

“You cannot scream for a ‘woman’s right to choose’ when it applies to abortion, but give her no right to choose what gets administered to her in a syringe. Let me be clear: Public health does not trump individual liberty. End of story,” she wrote at the time.

Both Sisson and Merritt cited conservative writer G. Edward Griffin as being instrumental in opening their eyes about vaccines. Sisson, host of “CLO2TV,” said Griffin’s book “A World Without Cancer” showed him how the Carnegie and Rockefeller families took over medical schools and dramatically altered the practice of medicine.

“I sort of began to wake up, but I didn’t really get serious until maybe when [former President Donald] Trump was running. I thought that we had made it once he got in [the White House]. But the swamp is deeper than we thought,” said Sisson. “[Griffin] was telling us what’s [going to] happen today, probably as early as the 1960s and 1970s.”

Vaccinated individuals can’t un-vaccinate themselves

“Nobody that’s unvaccinated right now that I know is going to jump into the vaccinated group. The vaccinated group are already vaccinated, they can’t jump. They can just decide whether to have the fourth or fifth booster, I guess – but they can’t ‘un-vaccinate’ themselves as far as we know,” said Merritt.

“We’re in a situation where [it’s] kind of the calm before the storm. We’re seeing the dying, but we don’t have a sense of what they would say the ‘first derivative of dying.’ In other words, we don’t know how rapidly the death rate is changing.”

The “Merritt Medical Hour” host pointed to a “marked, unprecedented increase” in all-cause mortality caused by the COVID-19 vaccines, citing data from the U.S., the U.K. and Germany. “I can’t find numbers in Israel, but I’m sure they’re having big problems because they were the first people vaccinated,” she said. Merritt also mentioned stillbirths, miscarriages and infertility as some of the other issues linked to the shots.

“Instead of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, we need to be looking at data and preparing ourselves because [that will] tell us if we need to see the trend [and] where it goes. We can’t back up on this.”

According to Merritt, there are several ways to address the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the COVID-19 vaccines.

“We can deal with the spike protein, we know how to do that. Ivermectin, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chelation, [intravenous] glutathione – there’s lots of things we can do.”

She then turned to Sisson and said “I think your thing is right up there,” in reference to chlorine dioxide, which the “CLO2TV” host is promoting.

Watch the conversation between Bob Sisson and Dr. Lee Merritt at the Let’s Go Brandon Rally in Florida below.


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