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Link found: Google funded a noted figure who denied COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab

Image: Link found: Google funded a noted figure who denied COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab

Once upon a time, Google’s corporate motto was “don’t be evil” and in fact, the phrase is still included in the tech giant’s corporate code of conduct.

But it’s Orwellian because the search and media behemoth doesn’t follow it.

There is so much about Google that is truly evil, in fact, it is hard to know where to start when pointing it out, but the latest example involves the company’s support for a leading ‘science’ figure who denies that the COVID-19 virus, wholly manufactured by Communist China, leaked from a lab in Wuhan (or was intentionally released — you be the judge).

EcoHealth Alliance, which was a leading signatory of a controversial letter published in the once-respected scientific journal Lancet, prematurely dismissed the early theory that the virus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The National Pulse has unearthed the financial ties between Google and EcoHealth Alliance.

The outlet further noted that the newly discovered financial ties come after more than a year’s worth of big tech censorship (including by Google) of individuals and news reports suggesting the virus was both made at the Chinese lab and then either escaped or was released from there — the so-called “lab leak theory.” A Google subsidiary, YouTube, was especially involved in censoring and then banning individuals.

The Google-supported researcher, Charles Calisher, took a lead role in helping to cover up the origins of COVID-19 via his involvement with the February 2020 statement published by Lancet — just as the virus began sweeping the globe. The statement claimed that the virus occurred naturally in animals and specifically, bats from a “wet market” in Wuhan.


The statement was then used by political leaders in the U.S. and around the world, as well as by other scientists and corporate media, to quell any discussions or suggestions of alternative theories such as the lab leak. But in the years since the virus struck, there has been mounting evidence as well as intelligence community accounts that essentially prove that COVID-19 escaped from the Communist Party-linked lab, China’s only Level 4 viral research facility.

For instance, in August 2021, former Trump Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that “every piece of evidence” he had seen, including the “most sensitive intelligence,” indicates that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In an op-ed published by Fox News Digital in which he argued against U.S. participation in the Beijing Olympics, Ratcliffe noted:

I had access to all of the U.S. government’s most sensitive intelligence related to the pandemic. My informed opinion is that the lab leak theory isn’t just a “possibility,” at the very least it is more like a probability, if not very close to a certainty. 

“More than 18 months after the virus first leaked into the world, I still have not seen a single shred of scientific evidence or intelligence that the virus outbreak was a naturally occurring “spillover” that jumped from an animal to a human,” he noted further.

“Conversely, although the Chinese Communist Party has gone to great lengths to ensure there is no ‘smoking gun,’ every piece of evidence I have seen points to the pandemic’s origin being a leak out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” he continued.

“Quite simply, the lab leak theory is the only one supported by science, intelligence and common sense,” he explained, noting that at the same time China “has not provided any exculpatory evidence in a crime that had devastating impacts on nearly every person on earth because, in short, they can’t.”

The Chinese government is singularly responsible for more than 5o8 million cases of COVID-19 globally and more than 6.2 million deaths. The world must come together and find some way to hold the ChiComs responsible and punish them. Ditto for Google, the “don’t be evil” corporation that literally funded evil.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.