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The Bankers Versus the Malthusians — Russia Turkey Trade Doubles — Covid Warning From Heart Surgeon — Grim Global Forecasts – [06-12-2022]

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THE BANKERS VERSUS MASS DEPOPULATIONThe Bankers Plus India and China versus the Malthusians — a Blockbuster Conflict coming soon to Planet Earth.

There are suggestions of a mass depopulation program being used against many nations. Deaths from All Causes appear to be rising in the younger age groups 15 years – 60 years and many insurance companies have already warned us of this, especially increasing in the last quarter of 2021. We already have a name for this phenomenon — Sudden Adult Death Syndrome SADS. There now appears to be a growing epidemic of sudden death in the previously healthy, even in our top athletes and football players.

The theory is that Covid is an engineered, man-made bioweapon deliberately released to infect the planet and to reduce its population dramatically. Some also suggest that the Covid leaky vaccines using mRNA genetic technology and viral vector genetic technology have been designed to accelerate and add to this process.

Thomas Robert Malthus was an English scholar and influential economist in the late 18th century. He wrote a book in 1798 titled “An Essay on the Principle of Population”. In it, he observed that an increase in a nation’s food production improved the well-being of the population, but the improvement was always temporary because it led to population growth. Taken to its extreme, the followers of Malthus — called Malthusians — predict that the Earth’s resources are limited and therefore cannot support endless growth. Thus a certain maximum level of population must exist. They believe that the total population must therefore be controlled below that level.

If such a deliberate global mass depopulation program is occurring, presumably driven by modern day Malthusians, then BOOM predicts that it must eventually come into a severe, direct conflict with the commercial banking sector of all nations and then the central banks. Why? Because banking depends upon the continual renewal and expansion of its loan books in aggregate. And if such renewal of loans and growth in loans is threatened by demographic contraction, then the banks will be faced with shrinking loan books and falling revenues. And if the available pool of borrowers shrinks, the banks will eventually become desperate and reckless in issuing loans. The insolvency of banks would then threaten as sure as night follows day.

For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume that the mass depopulation hypothesis is correct. Current total global population is estimated to be almost 8 Billion. Some hypotheses imagine a target population of half that number for sustainability to occur. But others suggest a figure as low as 500 Million.

The Georgia Guidestones are a mysterious granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts. One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”. The anonymity of the Guidestones’ authors and their apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism have made them an object of controversy and conspiracy theories for more than 40 years.

There is a set of ten guidelines or principles engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.

Guideline Number 1 is to maintain humanity under 500 Million population in perpetual balance with nature. Another guideline is to “guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity”. It is all very Utopian. This all sounds hard to believe. Most people have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones but the details are easily found on any search engine.

If you look around for the identity of modern day Malthusians, it is relatively easy to find the possible perpetrators. The WEF — World Economic Forum — and its many hangers-on, such as Prince Charles, its Board of Trustees, WEF’s corporate “Partners”, plus the entire Green Movement, the Climate Change Lobby, a man who started a well-known global computer software company, the Club of Rome (which published a book “Limits to Growth”) and Paul Ehrlich (author of “The Population Bomb”, way back in 1968) are the most obvious. And that is not a complete list, by any means. Prophets of Catastrophe are easily identified and most preach that our population growth is the number one problem we face.

So, if BOOM is right, then all of this must eventually find an enemy in the world of banking which depends upon perpetual economic growth (or at the very least, some form of economic equilibrium).

How long will it be before the Bankers of the world work out that this is a confrontation that they cannot afford to ignore? How long will it be before they take action to stop the Malthusians and their dreams of mass de-population and mass-murder? BOOM expects that this conflict will become manifest very soon indeed.

Theoretically, governments should be opposed to mass depopulation and mass death. But they seem mesmerized by the High Priests of Gloom. They beg to be invited into the cabal and they report cap-in-hand on their progress in service to the goal of “Sustainability”.

However, not all governments will be so easily swayed. BOOM thinks that the Bankers have a natural ally in this battle — the people of China and India. Why? It is simple. They have the most to lose with 3 Billion people in their combined total population.

RUSSIA-TURKEY TRADE DOUBLES:  Turkey is a member of NATO — the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. And it has the second largest military force in that organization. NATO is (presumably) implacably opposed to Russia but the reasons for that stance remain deeply obscure. Some correspondents have said to BOOM  “because Russia is Communist” when they are not. Others have said “because Russia is expansionist and wishes to recreate the USSR” when there appears little evidence to support such a statement. BOOM has to remind people that the Soviet Empire of the USSR is long gone. In fact, it fell (in tatters) over 30 years ago.

Turkey appears pragmatic in its approach. It continues to build upon its relationship with Russia. Last week, it was revealed that trade between Turkey and Russia had doubled in April compared to last April, all while the war in Ukraine has raged. Turkish Airlines is still flying into and out of Russia. Turkey also seems willing to pay for Russian goods with Russian Rubles.

A report recently explained cooperation between Russia and Turkey to clear the mines from the Black Sea shipping lanes to allow Ukrainian and Russian Wheat to be transported South to the starving nations of Africa. This is a positive development in a world gone mad with war. Meanwhile, Russia’s Ruble continues to strengthen against the US Dollar.

COVID WARNING FROM HEART SURGEON IN JAPAN:  Virology Journal has published a letter from a cardiovascular surgeon, Kenji Yamamoto, setting out the case for stopping all Covid vaccine booster programs immediately on safety grounds, calling Covid vaccines a “major risk factor in critically ill patients”. The cardiovascular surgery department at Okamura Memorial Hospital, Japan, has seen numerous complications in vaccinated patients, including deaths.

Dr. Yamamoto’s major concern is the damaging impact of Covid vaccines on the immune system. He notes that a Lancet study from Sweden found negative vaccine effectiveness (“lower immune function”) eight months after inoculation.

He hypothesizes that the decrease in immunity is caused by several factors. First, N1-methylpseudouridine is used as a substitute for uracil in the genetic code. The modified protein may induce the activation of regulatory T cells, resulting in decreased cellular immunity. He points out that the spike proteins do not immediately decay (as expected by the pharmaceutical companies) following the administration of mRNA vaccines and can exist for up to 4 months. In vivo studies have also shown that the lipid nanoparticles used in the leaky vaccines accumulate in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands and ovaries. He indicates that the vaccine payload of the Lipid Nanoparticles containing mRNA is potentially highly inflammatory, that there is evidence of vascular endothelial cells being damaged by spike proteins in the bloodstream.

Additionally, antibody-dependent enhancement ADE may occur. Dr Yamamoto states “further booster vaccinations should be discontinued”. He states “it has been hypothesized that there will be an increase in cardiovascular diseases, especially acute coronary syndromes, caused by the spike proteins in genetic vaccines.” Reference Virology Journal:

GRIM GLOBAL FORECASTS:  The World Bank has issued a forecast of reduced global economic growth with continued CPI inflation. It cut its global growth expectation for 2022 from 4.1% to 2.9% with Stagflation being inevitable.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses in the UK, Martin McTague, warned that 500,000 small businesses in the UK will go bankrupt within weeks. “They have got literally weeks left before they run out of cash and that will mean hundreds of thousands of businesses, and lots of people losing their jobs.

Then, Christian Kullmann, the head of the German Chemical Industry Association and CEO of Evonik Industries AG, Germany’s second largest chemical company, said “the industry is deprived of the air that it needs for breathing, or rather, the gas it needs for work. The countries of Eastern Europe are almost completely dependent on energy supplies from Russia”. And “after Germany has already said goodbye to nuclear energy and coal, now there is a discussion about whether to stop gas supplies from Russia. But it is important to remember that gas is the basis of our energy supply. So calling for a gas embargo is not only unreasonable, it’s outrageous”.

Then, US President Joe Biden blamed Russia for a looming crisis in the US, saying his country might not be able to generate enough electricity to meet consumer demand, partly due to the conflict in Ukraine. He declared an Energy Emergency, saying national security and quality of life are jeopardized by potential shortfalls in power supplies. “Multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand”.

Gloom and Doom seems to be the dominant theme especially with annual US CPI inflation hitting 8.6% in May after two previous months at 8.5% and 8.3%. However, the annual core inflation rate in the US slowed for a second month to 6% in May and the annual “core” inflation rate, which excludes food, shelter, energy, and used cars and trucks, was little changed at 5.8 percent. However, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls in the US rose by just 0.3%. Wages inflation appears to be subdued which suggests that CPI inflation could rapidly fall as soon as supply chain problems ease.

Peace in Ukraine and the end of “Zero Covid” policies in China are the circuit breakers to watch for. Both appear close but we must not count our chickens before they hatch.

In economics, things work until they don’t. Until next week.  Make your own conclusions, do your own research.  BOOM does not offer investment advice.



BANKS DON’T TAKE DEPOSITS, THEY BORROW YOUR MONEY: LOANS CREATE DEPOSITS — that is how almost all new money is created in the economy (by commercial banks making loans).

Watch this short 15 minutes video and learn as Professor Richard Werner brilliantly explains how global banking systems really work.

AND Watch for 4 minutes, this Bank of England explanation: Money is essential to the workings of a modern economy, but its nature has varied substantially over time. This video describes what money is today.

Most economists are unaware of this and even ignore the banking & finance sectors in their econometric models.  EMAIL: gerry {at}

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu – a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.