Peter Daszak’s latest grift allegedly involves isolating new coronavirus strains alongside Kremlin-backed researchers

According to new claims from The National Pulse, the infamous EcoHealth Alliance head Peter Daszak is once again working on isolating new coronaviruses, this time in Russia with the help of Kremlin-backed researchers.
One of them is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS, which Daszak, 49, appears to be tampering with, possibly to create another new bioweapon strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
A paper published on June 10, bears Daszak’s name on it, suggesting that he is the only person who worked on it. But the Pulse discovered that there are another 11 researchers who participated as well, hailing from Kremlin-run facilities such as the Federal Service on Consumers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, as well as Moscow State University.
“The study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the national science funding body of the Russian government, and the state-run Russian Science Foundation,” writes the Pulse‘s Natalie Winters.
“Researchers conducted ‘analyses of bat viromes,’ which ‘have been used to identify novel viruses with potential to cause human infection,’” she further adds, citing the paper directly.
Peter Daszak is a sick, sick man
The paper goes on to explain that Daszak and his partners collected 26 fecal virome samples from six different bat species during a 2015 expedition in the Moscow region. Of these 26 samples, 13, or half, were found to be “coronavirus positive.”
“We sequenced and assembled the complete genome of a novel MERS-related Betacoronavirus from Pipistrellus nathusii, named MOW-BatCoV strain 15-22,” the paper further reveals.
Using what appear to be similar tactics as those employed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in communist China, where Daszak also worked, the Russian team focused primarily on the coronavirus strain’s spike protein.
The spike protein, we are told, is the mechanism through which coronaviruses penetrate host cells and cause infection. In the case of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), that spike protein is believed to have been manipulated by researchers in Wuhan to become more lethal to humans. Bat coronaviruses were also tampered with to become infectious to humans.
“To predict and analyze the interaction of MOW-BatCoV Spike glycoprotein with DPP4 receptors of the different mammalian species, the three-dimensional structures of these proteins were obtained by homologous modeling. The DPP4 proteins of two bats (Myotis brandtii and Pipistrellus kuhlii), the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), domestic cat (Felix catus) and mouse (Mus musculus) were used for analysis,” the new paper further reads.
A full analysis of the complete genomes of the novel coronavirus “discovered” in the paper further reveals that it “falls into clade of human/camel’s MERS viruses together with a few bat viruses.”
One wonders just how many other illicit bioweapons projects that Daszak, who is British, has been involved with over the years. How many people have needlessly died because of his fetish for manipulating animal diseases into human contagions?
As you may recall, Daszak was hand-selected by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to be its lead investigator into the supposed true origin of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). He also seems to be allied to the Western military-industrial complex, which is supposedly at odds with communist China.
Will we ever know the complete story about Daszak and his continued involvement in secret bioweapons research? And more importantly, will he ever be held accountable for his crimes against humanity?
“Biden was hand-picked to be the U.S. president by them, too,” wrote a commenter at Natural News about how the CCP is said to be one of Biden’s puppet masters.
“They paid him well and they have gotten their money’s worth.”
More related news about illicit bioweapons research can be found at
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