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Ukraine in the EU and NATO? The Two Europes

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The status of a candidate for membership in the European Union is currently maybe not the greatest of Ukraine’s problems, but it is also certainly not a reason for joy for ordinary Ukrainians.  In practice, the association with the EU, and then the candidate period are sometimes more important – and destructive – that the final accession.  This is a time when the most important changes in the economy of the aspiring country take place, and usually after the final absorption there is nothing left to protect or to participate with in the so-called common economic policy.  This is confirmed by the experience of the Central European members of the EU doomed to peripherality.

Two Europes

However, does Ukraine have any chance to join European structures, and if so… which ones and how?

Well, the simplest is situation of the Western Ukraine (i.e. the former Polish Borderlands).  That area can become a part of EU simply in effect of loudly proposed union with Poland.  How be it this part is economically underdeveloped, less attractive for the West.

Therefore, the point is to get more time to grab Central Ukraine agricultural and energy resources.  Especially the Anglo-Saxons order Kiev to prolong the fight so that Ukrainian potential, energy sector and land can be exploited longer.

Although finally Ukrainians must be aware that the issue of further European integration, also with their participation, is more than doubtful when Europe is increasingly divided into two blocs.  Countries of the former Coal and Steel Community, then the EEC, and now mainly the euro-zone – under the aegis of Germany and France accelerate and deepen creation of a single federal European state.  At the same time, under British leadership there are visible attempts to withdraw from the EU at least some of the Central European countries, including Poland and Baltic States.  Of course this operation is provided not in economic, by only military and political purpose.  After all, no one would allow Ukrainians to join the developed zone of close integration, so they can only count on a Brit-Union with Poland, Lithuania and Romania, which means permanent sharing of common poverty and eternal war.

Russian-European cooperation

Importantly, granting of the candidate status to Ukraine was quite calm, and even … kindly received in Moscow, emphasising that the EU is a political and economic, not a military alliance.  In fact, there are no conflicting interests between Russia and Europe (the European Union).  Especially in the field of economy and energy policy, cooperation turned out to be mutually beneficial.  Paradoxically, getting rid of the Atlantis Trojan Horses from the EU could only facilitate a return to cooperation, because its necessity is obvious to Western economic circles.

Regardless of what energy technologies are to be developed in the EU and how ambitious climate targets are set – none of them can be achieved in the real perspective without the full resumption of gas import from Russia.  Neither France, nor Germany, nor Italy are willing and able to support mindless sanctions and an endless trade war sustainably and sincerely. Europe can and should become one of the full-fledged centres of the multipolar World, but that status could be achieved only by doing business with natural Eurasian hinterland.  If Ukraine, sovereignly, i.e. without the oligarchs, Nazis, the comprador class and neo-colonialism, would see itself in such an environment, then this should not be a problem for Russia.  Obviously, Russian-European relations will always sooner or later turn to cooperation again, even the hard one.  Only Anglo-Saxon Atlantism / Imperialism would prefer war and aggression, but hopefully the Ukrainians have already noticed that their country does not lie on the Atlantic Ocean …

Vilnius like Sarajevo?

This does not mean, however, that the risk of the Ukrainian war spilling over to other countries no longer exists.  Unfortunately, we can still hear not only Kiev (increasingly quieter), but also Polish and Baltic calls to arm race and continuing fight against Russia.  And yet no one in our countries, especially after the Ukrainian experience, should have any illusions about the “guarantees of help and defence” given by the Westerners.  For the sake of clarity, if anything happens – Poles and Lithuanians will fight and die for the Americans and the English, not opposite. As the Ukrainians do today.  The Anglo-Saxons bravely encourage them to resist, declaring their support, but these are the Ukrainians who are to perish.  This has always been the case in history and geopolitics.  Our nations are needed as cannon fodder and cheap labour force, but no one has ever intended to defend us.

Meanwhile, the greatest war risk is slowly shifting from Ukraine to Lithuania.  Vilnius declaration of the Kaliningrad Oblast blockade seems to be coordinated with increasing British Army presence in Estonia to 3,000 soldiers and sending HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales carrier strike groups to the Baltic Sea.  In turn, in Poland war-propaganda focuses on the alleged Russian-Belarusian threat to the so-called “Suwałki Corridor”, that is the territory separating Kaliningrad from Belarus.  Under the pretext of defending this area, there is more than probable action against Belarus, in order to draw it into a conflict with the participation of NATO countries.  The fact that neither Poland, nor Lithuania are now in any way ready for such a clash would obviously have no meaning, because decisions would most likely be taken in London, and not in Warsaw or Vilnius.

Summit for peace or globalism?

Stabilization in Ukraine?

First of all, more and more Kiev soldiers are fed up and decide to surrender.

Secondly there is almost nothing left to fight with, when all the advanced military equipment that is handed over (in fact sold) to Ukraine in front of the cameras actually ends up in US terrorist camps in Albania and Syria.

Thirdly, the Zelensky’s gang itself is withdrawing from NATO aspirations so far.  Even officially reported public support for joining the Pact is falling in Ukraine.  Well, better late than never, but Ukrainians could have been spared a lot of trouble by taking such a course a few months ago…

At the same time, however, London is not giving up, and the English, not the Americans, are now the main opponents of peace in Ukraine.

The United Kingdom clearly raises its voice, as we could hear when General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of the British Army General Staff, explicitly announced the British participation in the war, calling for intensified preparations for the full-size conflict.

Boris Johnson at the G7 summit unexpectedly toned down this jingoistic outburst, but it confirms the continued increase of influence of the military-industrial complex in Anglo-Saxon politics.  When the acting high general announces that the army will “defend a threatened democracy” – it always smells like an escalation of fascism and militarism…

Even if the majority of NATO countries maintained the vision of the Pact’s Strategic Concept which would not exclude a return to partnership relations with Russia – we can be sure that the British, Canadians and Americans will torpedo every such possibility, of course bringing to the fore the noisy anti-Russian protests of Poles, Balts and Romanians.  NATO has never been a defence pact, but now it is openly acting as an organ of the Anglo-Saxon military complex interested in the Third World War.

That became real, so to speak, when the Anglo-Saxons brought their Far Eastern domains to the Madrid summit.

Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Korea fit into NATO like Israel for the Eurovision Song Contest, but Washington and London want to keep all leashes together.

The anti-Russian and anti-Chinese policy are to be coordinated jointly.

The only question is whether the Western European members of the Pact, who are keenly interested in peace, will be able to draw conclusions.

If not, Anglo-Saxon tyranny, militarism and imperialism could lead to a global catastrophe.


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Konrad Rękas is a renowned geopolitical analyst and a regular contributor to Global Research.

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