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Just as the CDC pretends to have backed off, the NHS reveals (to just a few) what’s really coming at us in the fall: “The biggest vaccination drive in history”

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Those who think the worst is over better think again—because it really won’t be over til WE end it

As (misleadingly) reported in the Independent yesterday (scroll down), the NHS is going all-out “to boost capacity ahead of what is expected to be a busy winter,” what with the looming “combination of Covid and flu.” The plan is to “create thousands more beds,” and take on thousands of new staffers, (ostensibly) to make the NHS a more efficient guardian of the British people’s health. To that end, they’re hiring scads of call workers (including “mental health professionals”), “extra social prescribing link workers” (whatever those are) and “health and wellbeing coaches,” all to be devoted to a vast improvement in NHS services, so as to keep the British people “safe.”

Thus the Independent gives its readers the impression that the NHS wants more than anything to better its performance for the greater good. The only hint that something else is in the works comes way down in the 13th paragraph, as an innocuous aside:

Planning is also under way for an autumn Covid-19 booster programme as well as the annual flu campaign.

That’s the story crafted for the public. Meanwhile, in its recruitment ads, now circulating only to a select group of call-center employees in the UK, the NHS is telling quite a different story:

And so, contrary to the story in the (so-called) Independent, “planning” is NOT “also under way for an autumn Covid-19 booster program as well as the annual flu [shot] campaign.” “The biggest vaccination drive in history” could hardly be a secondary purpose of such “planning.” So grandiose an effort has to be the NHS’s only aim; although (of course) the NHS alone is obviously not equipped, and certainly does not intend, to undertake the biggest vaccination drive in history—a drive that must, and will, be global, just like the orchestration of the entire COVID crisis, of which this coming drive will be the culmination (or, to quote Bill Gates, the “final solution”).

Nor, finally, is it likely that this biggest vaccination drive in history will be mounted on the now-exhausted pretext of protecting all humanity from COVID-19 (or the flu). What’s it going to be, then? Monkeypox? HIV? COVID-20? Cancer? All of the above? Whatever new threat(s) may be used to justify this final drive could never be as lethal as the psychopaths who planned it, and those entities that will not stop promoting it (even as the CDC pretends to have backed off).

August 12, 2022

The NHS will create thousands more beds and recruit more emergency call handlers as part of plans to boost capacity ahead of what is expected to be a busy winter.

Winter is usually the busiest period for the NHS and health leaders expect the combination of Covid and flu to pile yet more pressure on already stretched services.

NHS England said that to prepare for additional pressures the equivalent of 7,000 more general and acute beds will be created through a mixture of new hospital beds, virtual wards and initiatives to improve patient flow.

It also said the health service will recruit more call handlers across the country so there are at least 4,800 staff working in NHS 111 and 2,500 in 999 call rooms.

NHS England said the additional 999 capacity will help staff meet record demand, with a “live 999 call answer dashboard” and a target to answer calls in an average of 10 seconds.

The package of measures includes an extra £10 million for mental health services throughout the winter to deal with record demand and mental health professionals being deployed in 999 call centres to direct people in crisis towards appropriate services.

GP services will be supported through the recruitment of extra social prescribing link workers and health and wellbeing coaches to support patients with other needs, NHS England added.

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, NHS national medical director, said the NHS was “taking every step possible” to ensure it was prepared for any additional pressure in winter.

He added: “Winter is always a busy period for the NHS, and this is the first winter where we are likely to see combined pressures from Covid and flu, so it is right that we prepare as early as we can for the additional demand that we know we will face.

“Ahead of the winter, we want to make sure we are doing everything we possibly can to free up capacity so that staff can ensure patients get the care they need – this includes timely discharge, working with social care, and better support in the community with the expansion of virtual wards.

“As ever, it is vital that the public continues to use NHS services in the usual way including using 999 in an emergency and using NHS 111 online for other health issues.”

NHS England also said that the health service will work more closely with social care to make sure patients are able to leave hospital as quickly as possible with the right care and support to stay well in their homes.

Planning is also under way for an autumn Covid-19 booster programme as well as the annual flu campaign.

The package comes the day after the latest NHS performance figures showed accident and emergency departments in England had one of their worst months in July, with record numbers of patients waiting more than 12 hours to be admitted and the lowest proportion of people being seen within four hours….

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.