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The half-truths and excuses from public health “experts” never end

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Even when they want to be honest about the mRNA shots, they can’t; and their fumblings are even more enraging than outright lies

Loving Covid vaccines means never having to say you’re sorry.

Some less delusional members of the public health community have finally noticed the collapse in demand for the mRNA shots they have promoted for almost two years.

Now they are trying to understand and explain to each other why the public will not line up eagerly for endless shots – and why parents have resoundingly rejected Covid vaccines for kids.

Yet they still cannot bear to look the truth in the eye. And their weaselly non-apologies are somehow even more infuriating than the delusions of the true believers – the hard core of folks who insist the answer is just more and betterer mRNA vaccines, maybe in nasal spray form this time.

The most recent example of this genre of so close yet so far article came this morning in The New York Times, where Dr. Aaron Carroll, who has been spouting highly credentialed nonsense for two years now, wrote a piece headlined:

Noting that roughly 95 percent of American children under 5 and 70 percent of those 5 to 11 have not received a Covid shot, Carroll wrote:

What does it say, then, that most parents have not vaccinated their children against Covid‌? ‌‌Even if, as the data would suggest, they’ve vaccinated themselves at much higher rates?

I fear that it’s indicative of Americans’ loss of trust in the public health system of the United States.


Great read, Dr. Carroll!

But in the very next sentence, Carroll blamed that loss of trust on every public health expert’s favorite usual suspect, “misinformation and disinformation” about vaccinations, before grudgingly acknowledging that “suboptimal science communication” might also be part of the problem.

Suboptimal science communication! Is that like when the satellite link from the International Space Station is all staticky?

Well, sort of. A couple of paragraphs further down, Carroll edges even closer to the truth:

Parents have seen many of their children, and their children’s friends, get Covid and do fine, adding to a belief that this isn’t nearly as dangerous as they were led to believe. This perception, when it comes to their children, isn’t necessarily wrong.

Isn’t necessarily wrong?

Forget children. We are two years into Covid. Do you know of anyone firsthand under 70 who wasn’t already seriously chronically ill or morbidly obese or both die from the coronavirus?



For children the numbers are even more staggering.

Researchers in countries like Germany and Britain, where the data is not quite as politically polluted as the United States, have published studies showing that probably fewer than 100 healthy children and teenagers have died of the coronavirus over the last two years – out of a population of tens of millions of kids and teens. The risks of the coronavirus for kids are almost too low to measure, which means the benefits of even a perfect vaccine would be too low to measure.

But the mRNA shots are far from perfect.

Instead of admitting any of this, Carroll falls back on the vaccines-will-drive-herd immunity argument:

Further, getting more people immunized will lower the overall prevalence of Covid in the community and benefit everyone… We should want as many people, including children, to get immunized as soon as possible to make all people safer.

Except the mRNA shots don’t work against Omicron. They don’t work a lot, they don’t work a little, they don’t work at all. Even the Centers for Disease Control admits that their efficacy against Omicron infection falls near zero within months.


For once, just once, I would like to see Dr. Aaron Carroll – or anyone who advocated loudly for the mRNA shots – admit the truth, especially when about the Covid vaccines and children:

Omicron is not dangerous for kids.

Vaccinating children against an illness that is not dangerous to them to protect vulnerable adults is morally and ethically wrong.

Even if Omicron WERE dangerous or vaccinating kids to protect adults were okay, the current mRNA vaccines, including “Omicron-specific” boosters, do not protect against Omicron for more than a few weeks or months at most. Thus kids would need to be vaccinated multiple times a year, and we have no idea what the consequences of long-term mRNA use may be.

The heart risks alone would disqualify these shots for children.

Therefore, thusly, et cetera,




I understand why parents have chosen not to give their children these shots. I should not have advocated them for children or young adults, and I apologize for doing so –


Thanks, Dr. Carroll!

Your honesty is incredibly refreshing! I’m so glad to see this –

Sorry, I just woke up.

It was a very pleasant dream.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.