Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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A Top Russian Official Quoted the Book of Revelation to Describe What Will Soon Happen to America

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The Russians continue to threaten us with nuclear annihilation.  Why are so few people in the western world alarmed by this?  I think it is because our leaders are assuring everyone that the Russians are all talk and that the odds of a nuclear war actually happening are extremely low.  Meanwhile, both sides just continue to take steps to escalate the war in Ukraine.  We are engaged in an extremely bizarre game of “nuclear chicken”, and both sides truly believe that the other side will blink first.  And so we continue to creep closer and closer to a cataclysmic nuclear conflict, and once the missiles start flying there will be no turning back.

I simply do not understand why our leaders are not taking Russian threats more seriously.

The Russians warned that they would take military action in Ukraine if an agreement to avoid war could not be reached, and that is precisely what happened.

And now the Russians are repeatedly threatening us with nuclear war.  In fact, Dmitry Medvedev just warned that if the U.S. does not back down our “land will be on fire and the concrete will melt”

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If the West continues its “unrestrained pumping of the Kiev regime with the most dangerous types of weapons,” Russia’s military campaign will move to the next level, where “visible boundaries and potential predictability of actions by the parties to the conflict” will be erased and the conflict will take on a life of its own, as wars always do, Medvedev argued.

“And then the Western nations will not be able to sit in their clean homes, laughing at how they carefully weaken Russia by proxy. Everything will be on fire around them. Their people will harvest their grief in full. The land will be on fire and the concrete will melt,” Medvedev wrote, before citing a Bible verse from Revelations 9:18.

In case you are wondering, this is what Revelation 9:18 says…

A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues—by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone, which came out of their mouths.

Medvedev also addressed the fact that U.S. politicians don’t seem to be taking Russian threats very seriously

“Yet still the narrow-minded politicians and their stupid think tanks, thoughtfully twirling a glass of wine in their hands, talk about how they can deal with us without entering into a direct war. Dull idiots with a classical education,” Medvedev wrote.

When I read that statement, I immediately thought of National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

He is one of the chief warmongers in the Biden administration, but most Americans don’t even know who he is.

Personally, I am shocked that someone like Sullivan can even get a job in Washington, but at this point he is one of the key architects of our foreign policy.  There are times when Sullivan makes John Bolton look like a radical anti-war peace activist in comparison, and Biden considers his advice to be highly valuable.

That is quite frightening, because if Sullivan has his way we are likely to end up in a nuclear war with Russia. At this point, the Russians do not believe that they are fighting a war with just Ukraine.

All over Russian television, there is talk about the vast numbers of “British and American soldiers” that are now on the front lines of the conflict…

Watching Russia’s channels over the last 24 hours reveals two trends. The first is that talk of “Ukrainian Nazis” has decreased — instead it’s now about “shared past and history” of two nations. Second, they simply cannot accept they’re losing to Ukrainians; instead, they talk about fighting a huge force of British and American soldiers, or as they often call them: “Anglo-Saxons”.

Officially, the U.S. and UK governments have not sent any troops to Ukraine.

But somehow tens of thousands of highly trained U.S. and British fighters are now involved.

Many of them are uploading videos of their exploits to social media, and this is something that even the Daily Mail is admitting

In a compilation of footage uploaded to social media, soldiers with British accents can be heard speaking to one another while wearing blue armbands to identify themselves as Ukrainian forces.

One clip appears to show soldiers moving ‘POWs’ through a compound, while others show soldiers hurling grenades, running to take cover, and climbing through windows.

Whether these troops were officially sent by the U.S. and UK governments doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that the Russians now believe that they are fighting troops from NATO countries that have been armed with NATO equipment.

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If the Russians perceive that this is the big showdown with NATO, they may decide that it is better to go for the jugular sooner rather than later. Because the side that strikes first has the best chance of surviving a nuclear war.

In a scenario in which the Russians decide to strike first, they would move large numbers of their super silent “black hole” submarines into position just off our coastlines. This is something that I have warned my readers about over and over again.

These submarines would simultaneously launch their nukes, and within just a couple of minutes a host of key strategic targets would be destroyed all over the country.

Our missile silos and our air bases would be among those strategic targets, but once his advisers finally got him out of bed the president would inevitably order a strike of our own. Unfortunately, Minuteman III missiles that went into service in the 1970s still form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal, and Russia has the most advanced anti-missile systems on the entire planet.

The Russian S-400A-135 and S-500 anti-missile systems would likely intercept much of what we throw at them, but inevitably some targets would be hit. But overall, the Russians would hurt us a whole lot more than we hurt them, and they know this. So why won’t we take the threats that they are making more seriously?

Of course there are ultimately no “winners” in a nuclear war, and that is what western leaders are banking on. As I have discussed previously, studies have determined that only about 20 percent of the U.S. population would die immediately if there was a full-blown nuclear exchange with Russia. But the ensuing nuclear winter caused by such a conflict would result in billions of people starving to death worldwide.

So I am pleading with leaders on both sides of this war to find a peaceful way out of this mess while they still can.

Unfortunately, both sides have become absolutely obsessed with “winning” the conflict in Ukraine, and it appears that it is just a matter of time before it goes nuclear.

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***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on  In addition to my new book I have written five other books that are available on including  “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”“Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.

I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.

I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior today.

Article cross-posted from End of the American Dream.

Most “Conservative” News Outlets Are on the Big Tech Teat

Not long ago, conservative media was not beholden to anyone. Today, most sites are stuck on the Big Tech gravy train.

I’ll keep this short. The rise of Pandemic Panic Theater, massive voter fraud, and other “taboo” topics have neutered a majority of conservative news sites. You’ll notice they are very careful about what topics they tackle. Sure, they’ll attack Critical Race Theory, Antifa, and the Biden-Harris regime, but you won’t see them going after George Soros, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, or the Deep State, among others.

The reason is simple. They are beholden to Big Tech, and Big Tech doesn’t allow certain topics to be discussed or they’ll cut you off. Far too many conservative news outlets rely on Google, Facebook, and Twitter for the bulk of their traffic. They depend on big checks from Google ads to keep the sites running. I don’t necessarily hold it against them. We all do what we need to do to survive. I just wish more would do like we have, which is to cut out Big Tech altogether.

We don’t get Google checks. We don’t have Facebook or Twitter buttons on our stories. We don’t have a YouTube Channel (banned), an Instagram profile (never made one), or a TikTok (no thanks, CCP). We’re not perfect, but we’re doing everything we can to not owe anything to anyone… other than our readers. We owe YOU the truth. We owe YOU the facts that others won’t reveal about topics that others won’t tackle. And we owe America, this great land that allows us to take hold of these opportunities.

Like I said, I don’t hold other conservative sites under too much scrutiny over their choices. It’s easy for people to point fingers when we’re not the ones paying their bills or supporting their families. I just wish there were more who would make the bold move. Today, only a handful of other major conservative news outlets have broken free from the Big Tech teat. Of course, we need help.

The best way you can help us grow and continue to bring proper news and opinions to the people is by donating. We appreciate everything, whether a dollar or $10,000. Anything brings us closer to a point of stability when we can hire writers, editors, and support staff to make the America First message louder. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal or Bitcoin as well. Bitcoin: 3A1ELVhGgrwrypwTJhPwnaTVGmuqyQrMB8

Our network is currently comprised of six sites:

We are also building partnerships with great conservative sites like The Liberty Daily and The Epoch Times to advance the message as loudly as possible, and we’re always looking for others with which to partner.

Some of our content is spread across multiple sites. Other pieces of content are unique. We write most of what we post but we also draw from those willing to allow us to share their quality articles, videos, and podcasts. We collect the best content from fellow conservative sites that give us permission to republish them. We’re not ego-driven; I’d much rather post a properly attributed story written by experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola or Natural News than rewrite it like so many outlets like to do. We’re not here to take credit. We’re here to spread the truth.

While donations are the best way to help, you can also support us by buying through our sponsors:

  • MyPillow: Use promo code “NOQ” to get up to 66% off AND you’ll be helping a patriotic, America First company.
  • ZStack: Improve your immune system with the Z-Stack protocol or rejuvenate your body from vaccines or shedding with Z-DTox by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.
  • OurGoldGuy: Tell them JD sent you in your request to buy gold and it will help us… AND (wait for it) you’ll be helping a patriotic, America First company.
  • MyPatriotSupply: Stock up on long-term food, survival gear, and other things that you’ll need just in case things don’t recover and we keep heading towards apocalypse.

We know we could make a lot more money if we sold out like so many “conservative” publications out there. You won’t find Google ads on our site for a reason. Yes, they’re lucrative, but I don’t like getting paid by minions of Satan (I don’t like Google very much if you couldn’t tell).

Time is short. As the world spirals towards The Great Reset, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going. Our promise is this: We will never sell out America. If that means we’re going to struggle for a while or even indefinitely, so be it. Integrity first. Truth first. America first.

Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker

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Covid variant BA.5 is spreading. It appears milder but much more contagious and evades natural immunity. Best to boost your immune system with new Z-Dtox and Z-Stack nutraceuticals from our dear friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Based Underground can be found here.