Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Spike Protein mRNA From ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccines Gets into Breastmilk, A New Study Says

A new study was published on Monday that admitted the mRNA “vaccine” clinical trials excluded several vulnerable groups, including children and breastfeeding mothers. These tests should have been done before rolling out a mass vaccination program – but hey, this is the new way of practising experimental medicine, Dr. Byram Bridle wrote.

Dr. Bridle provided a commentary on this new study which sought to establish if the spike protein got into breast milk. A concern that was raised by some scientists as something deserving of intensive investigation back in May and June 2021. These concerns were labelled as “misinformation” and the scientists raising them were “raked over the coals well over one year ago.” But the new study, whilst paying the necessary homage to the “narrative,” serves as belated confirmation their concerns were well founded.

“At its core, this new peer-reviewed scientific publication provides clear proof-of-principle evidence that the mRNA from both Pfizer/BioNTech’s and Moderna’s Covid-19 inoculations gets into the breast milk of lactating mothers,” Dr. Bridle wrote. “Obstetric, gynaecology and paediatric societies outright lied to you when they said that no components of the ‘vaccines’ get into breast milk.”

(Note: this article should be read with an understanding that I have injected a healthy dose of sarcasm.)

A New Study
Results of a small research study were published yesterday [26 September] in the very high-impact medical journal called JAMA Paediatrics (JAMA stands for ‘Journal of the American Medical Association’). Unfortunately, the paper was not published as an “open access” article, which means that most members of the public will not be able to easily obtain a copy of it. However, if you have a friend in academia, they might be able to get you a copy from this LINK. Here is the full citation: Detection of Messenger RNA Covid-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk. Hanna N, et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2022. PMID: 36156636

This was a frustrating paper to read because it essentially took alleged “misinformation” that got scientists raked over the coals well over one year ago and doctored it into news worthy of a prestigious publication. Although I am glad these authors published the data, they did so in a fashion that is scientifically embarrassing. Specifically, they interjected subjective rhetoric, which has, unfortunately, become necessary to get past the censorship of editors of “upper tier” medical journals for whom much of their income comes from big pharma.

At its core, this new peer-reviewed scientific publication provides clear proof-of-principle evidence that the mRNA from both Pfizer/BioNTech’s and Moderna’s Covid-19 inoculations gets into the breast milk of lactating mothers.

The Sordid History of Covid-19 Vaccine Biodistribution
This concern was raised by some scientists as something deserving of intensive investigation back in May and June 2021. Personally, my apprehension was based on understanding the troubling biodistribution patterns of the mRNA inoculations, which contradicted all public messaging. There was also a pre-print article that had been posted on April 29, 2021. It was entitled “BNT162b2 vaccination induces SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody secretion into human milk with minimal transfer of vaccine mRNA” and can be found HERE. A pre-print article is one that has not made it through the peer-review process and has not, therefore, been officially “accepted” by the scientific community. Remarkably, this remains a pre-print article to this day and the authors will likely not receive a public acknowledgement as the first to highlight this issue. Perhaps this is because the world was not ready to receive this information more than one year ago.

Providing Commentary
To help people understand the importance of the short research paper that came out yesterday, I will provide some commentary on it…

The authors begin with, “Vaccination is a cornerstone in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic”. This is a good start to a scientific article. It has nothing to do with the content of the paper but it is an absolute requirement to get past an editor for a top-tier medical journal these days. You must assure them that you fully support the “narrative.” The planet would be lifeless today if it were not for the mRNA inoculations. Rhetoric is a key part of the new “science.”

“…the initial messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine clinical trials excluded several vulnerable groups, including children and lactating individuals.”

This is horrid and never should have been allowed to happen prior to a public rollout into these demographics. But, hey, this is a hard fact, old news, and the new way of practising experimental medicine. I like this kind of baiting. It leads me to wonder if any scientific concerns will arise from having studied people in the global-scale experiment. Did these authors find something that is contrary to the “narrative”? Let’s find out…

“The US Food and Drug Administration deferred the decision to authorise Covid-19 mRNA vaccines for infants younger than 6 months until more data are available because of the potential priming of the children’s immune responses that may alter their immunity. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recommends offering the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines to breastfeeding individuals, although the possible passage of vaccine mRNAs in breast milk resulting in infants’ exposure at younger than 6 months was not investigated.”

Woops! We said that lactating women can safely take the vaccine despite them not being in the clinical trial. But now that we want to directly inoculate babies, we need to consider whether those quack scientists spewing misinformation >1 year ago might have been onto something. If babies were to be exposed to the inoculations via breastmilk and then get directly injected, there are well-established mechanisms of potential harm.

Read More: Spike Protein mRNA From Covid Injections Gets into Breastmilk

The Trap

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here.