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Leaked Video Shows Covid Lies Told by A Virgin Australia Doctor Urging Pregnant Airline Staff to Get Vaccinated – with Multiple Doses

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We previously published an article about Virgin Australia’s online conference held before mid-September 2021 to push employees to get vaccinated.   In another online event, held on 13 March 2022, Virgin’s Dr Rachel MacKellar, who was pregnant and vaccinated at the time, urged pregnant women to get vaccinated.  

Meanwhile, one of Australia’s top fertility specialists was investigating miscarriages in women post-vaccination. In August, he presented the results of his research and irrefutable data showing miscarriage rates doubled during the period post-vaccination rollout.

As General Manager of Communications at Virgin Australia, Marsha Jacobs hosted several Microsoft Teams meetings with various guest speakers. The earlier ones (around September 2021) were recorded and available to all staff to view at a later date on the company intranet.  This online event was titled ‘The Covid Information Series’ and led to the introduction of the Covid-19 Vaccination Policy issued mid-September requiring operational staff to be fully vaccinated by 15 November 2021.

Another similar series of information sessions were conducted leading into the compliance date of 31 March 2022 for all other Virgin Australia staff. At the same time, operational staff were being required to get their booster shot to comply with a Western Australian mandate.

On 3 February 2022, Dr Kate Manderson, Principle Medical Officer of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority was invited to speak to Virgin’s pilots about getting a booster dose. The company did not publish a recording but a recording was leaked and it was during this event that Dr. Manderson admitted that Covid injections induce myocarditis and pericarditis.  Despite this, she encouraged pilots to go ahead with the booster because, she said, these issues mainly resolve themselves.

On 13 March 2022, Marsha Jacobs organised a session with Virgin Australia Group Medical who are doctors and nurses employed directly by Virgin Australia to handle sensitive medical information relating to staff.  The purpose of the event was to address questions staff had about the safety and efficacy of the Covid injections.

One of the three Virgin Australia Group Medical doctors at this event, Dr Rachel MacKellar, was pregnant with her first baby and happily took her injections while pregnant and strongly encouraged others to do the same. Dr. MacKellar left Virgin shortly after to go on maternity leave.  It is unknown how mother and baby are doing.

The Microsoft Teams held on 13 March was only aired live – a recording was not published by Virgin’s management as had been the case for ‘The Covid Information Series’.  However, someone did record it and a clip of it has been leaked to the public.   Aussie Freedom Flyers tweeted a short clip of pregnant Dr. MacKeller advising pregnant women to get vaccinated and also to vaccinate children.

In the video clip above: Marsha Jacobs, Public Relations/Communications, is on the top left; Scott Baker, a nurse, is on the top right; Dr David Fitzgerald is on the bottom left; and, Dr Rachel MacKellar is on the bottom right.

Miscarriage Rate Doubles after “Vaccination”

Dr. Luke McLindon was fired from the Mater Hospital, Brisbane, in June 2022.  As Brisbane Times reported, court documents show his employment was terminated for refusing to comply with the state’s vaccine mandate for medical professionals. However, others have claimed Dr. McLindon was sacked because of his controversial research regarding Covid injections and miscarriages.

At the time he was sacked, he was investigating miscarriages in women post-vaccination. “A normal miscarriage rate is between 5-14%, sometimes up to as high as 16%,” he told Waikanae Watch in July. But as he has been keeping stats since the introduction of the “vaccine,” he found that 74% of women who are vaccinated were, at the time, having miscarriages.  However, his results were preliminary, merely to begin to raise awareness, and he knew he needed to investigate further before publishing them to a wider audience.

Until he was fired, Dr. McLindon lead the Fertility Services unit and was co-lead of the Advanced Laparoscopic Gynaecology surgical service at Mater Health. He was the Principal Investigator for a series of randomised controlled clinical trials for infertility and recurrent miscarriages. He was also the Principal Investigator for the first randomised clinical trial in Australia using ivermectin in acute Covid since the restriction of its use in September 2021.

Further reading:

Dr. McLindon made a presentation at an event held by the Australian Medical Professionals Society in August titled ‘Doctors Against Mandates’.

Requests made to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOI”) asking for the histology, microscope evaluation, of gonads, ovaries and testes of the animals used in trials have been declined three times.  The response to another FOI requesting information on adverse effects was heavily redacted. “Truth isn’t private property,” Dr. McLindon said.

On 11 September 2021, the Director General for Queensland’s Department of Health provided an exemption for pregnant women not to take the Covid injection until the end of their maternity leave.  However, vaccines were mandated for women who would later conceive or who were not yet aware they were pregnant – for example, a woman who conceived on 29 August and, after mandated vaccination, found out she was pregnant on 12 September.  So, what is the impact of Covid injections given to women who subsequently conceive, and what is the impact on that pregnancy?  “This is not in the literature,” Dr. McLindon said and talked the audience through the slide below.

“It’s our job to start looking at the [known and unknown harms and benefits], our burden of proof of safety.  We have to prove this is safe before we just start rolling it out … the Precautionary Principal prevails,” Dr. McLindon said.

The Spike protein is the biologically active component of Covid.  This is what causes the illness … it affects many, many cells but particularly those in the female reproductory tract … the lipid nanoparticle accumulates something to the power of 10 times in the ovaries.

Depending on a woman’s age, miscarriages occur in between 11% and 51% of pregnancies: 11% for the 20-24 age group and 51% for the 40-44 age group. “Historically in my practice, the average is around 12-13%,” Dr. McLindon said, “When I talk about miscarriage tonight, to me that’s the canary in the mine because infertility may not be far behind, but I can only surmise at this time.”

Dr. McLindon has collected data from his practice over 22 months from September 2020 to June 2022.  The vaccination date, the conception date and the miscarriage date are known.  There were 51 pregnancies in the pre-vaccination period and 62 pregnancies in the post-vaccination period.  In the pre-vaccination period, 20% of pregnancies resulted in a miscarriage.  In the post-vaccination period, 48% of pregnancies resulted in a miscarriage.  More than double the miscarriage rate post-vaccination. 

“This is a one in a thousand chance that this is just by chance … there’s something else causing this.  This is not just a natural event … This isn’t normal,” Dr. McLindon said.

Additionally, the elevated miscarriage rate of 48%, seems to affect unvaccinated and vaccinated pregnant women similarly, Dr. McLindon noted.

That’s concerning.  That’s a new thing I’ve seen recently.  You’re probably aware of the fact that there’s menstrual disturbance in those post-vaccination.  And then there’s anecdotal evidence of women experiencing menstrual disturbances in households of others who’ve been vaccinated but they themselves haven’t been. And so there may be something in that.  Who knows, it is very early days.

Click on the image below to watch an edited version of Dr. McLindon’s presentation on Rumble.

Tim Truth: Presentation by Dr Luke McLindon on Miscarriages & Vaccination. Miscarriage Rate Doubled to 48%,
27 August 2022 (17 mins)

You can watch Dr. McLindon’s full presentation HERE.

Further reading:

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.