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Following COVID vaccine rollout, America saw 33,800% increase in AIDS-associated diseases

Image: Following COVID vaccine rollout, America saw 33,800% increase in AIDS-associated diseases

Though the agency did not come right out and say it, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released data showing that many “fully vaccinated” Americans are developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or some other similar immune-wasting disease.

According to The Exposé, the United States has seen a 338-times increase in reports of vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS) ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were unleashed through Operation Warp Speed.

Data out of the United Kingdom similarly shows that ever since the Fauci Flu shot rollout, injected people are sicker than ever and wasting away, you might say, at warp speed.

Keep in mind that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is not the only virus believed to cause AIDS. Other causes of AIDS include radiation or chemotherapy, leukemia, and even malnutrition – as well as drugs or medications.

“For months on end, official data coming out of both the UK and Canada has strongly insinuated that the vaccinated population are developing a new form of AIDS,” The Exposé explains.

“This is because the Covid-19 injections are proving to have a real-world negative effectiveness, implying that they are causing damage to the natural immune system.”

Triple-vaccinated most likely to develop AIDS

When looking at the data, it becomes clear that the more injections a person receives, the greater his or her chances of suffering AIDS or an AIDS-like condition. The triple-jabbed, in fact, suffer the highest rates of immune wasting compared to any other demographic.


Another thing worth pointing out is that even myocarditis and pericarditis, two forms of heart inflammation that are prevalent among the “fully vaccinated,” are autoimmune disorders that are similar to AIDS.

In other words, the buffet of illnesses being reported post-injection all seem to have a common link: immune wasting, just like AIDS. People think they are boosting their immune systems with these shots, but the reality is that they are destroying them.

Even some cancers are considered to be “AIDS-defining.” And these, too, are being reported as covid jab adverse events.

Prior to Operation Warp Speed, the prevalence of AIDS-defining cancers was relatively low, but progressively increasing over time. Then in 2021, the numbers skyrocketed before dropping some in 2022.

Interestingly, the number of AIDS-defining cancers reported in conjunction with other vaccines not for covid also skyrocketed in 2021 and 2022. Either this was misreported and those should be attributed to covid injections, or something happened since the start of the scamdemic to trigger a meteoric rise in AIDS-defining cancers.

“The average number of common cancers associated with AIDS being reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 21.3,” reports explain.

“The total number of common cancers associated with AIDS reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 430. This represents a 1919 percent increase.”

Keep in mind that very few jab-related adverse events ever even get reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The vast majority, upwards of 99 percent, never get logged and are thus not included in the official government data.

Similarly, prior to the plandemic, the number of AIDS disorders reported to VAERS was modest, deviating very little from year to year. Then in 2021, they skyrocketed before dropping somewhat in 2022 to a level still far, far higher than what was reported in 2020 and prior.

“The average number of acquired immune disorders being reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 31,” reports explain.

“The total number of acquired immune disorders reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 386. This represents an 1145 percent increase.”

Want to learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Fauci Flu shots? Check out

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.