Monday, February 24, 2025

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Prelude to a Failed State — Seizing Private Property — Excess Deaths Continue in Australia — Complete Healthcare System Failure — Lagarde on Money 2018 — Killing of Minds – [10-09-2022]

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Hat Tip to my colleague Gerry at: BOOM Finance and Economics who posts here:  AND ALL COVID NEWS UPDATED DAILY:

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SOUTH AFRICA — PRELUDE TO A FAILED STATE:  As long term readers will know, BOOM is very concerned about the competence of all leaders in the advanced economies. Many other commentators share the exact same concern. There is an hypothesis that these incompetent politicians have been carefully selected when they were young on the basis of being recklessly ambitious, energetic, inadequately educated, uninterested in factual analysis, essentially immoral and willing to do “whatever it takes” to solve ill-defined problems.

In other words, the selection process deliberately looks for bright eyed, bushy tailed, ambitious youth engaged in politics who clearly display an accentuated desire for power, above all else. After selection, they are then carefully groomed and promoted over many years to positions of high authority inside their respective nations. The hypothesis reaches conclusion when it is observed that many Prime Ministers, Presidents and Heads of large Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) today seem to share these exact same characteristics.

The perfect examples are Jacinda Ardern, current Prime Minister of New Zealand and Justin Trudeau, current Prime Minister of Canada. Boris Johnson, the recently failed Prime Minister of the UK is another, perhaps perfect example soften put forward as proof of this hypothesis.

But maybe happenstance and plain stupidity is the explanation?  Let’s look at South Africa where the current crop of leaders seems willing to destroy the sanctity of private property. Such a move, if successful, will plunge a dagger into the heart of that nation, turning it into a replica of the communist USSR experiment where the ownership of private property was banned.

SEIZING PRIVATE PROPERTY — CURRENCY COLLAPSE RISK:  The ‘Expropriation without Compensation’ (EWC) Bill was passed by the South African National Assembly last Wednesday night, having been signed off at committee level a week earlier. If this Bill becomes Law, after further review by other governmental bodies, then it will change South Africa forever, destroying the nation’s prosperity and any future potential for economic development.

The EWC Bill allows fixed property to be subject to ‘Expropriation without Compensation’ if the owner’s main purpose is “to benefit from appreciation of its market value” or if the owner is “failing to exercise control over it”. In other words, if a property is successfully invaded then the owner is self-evidently no longer exercising control over it and expropriation may be triggered.  Land invasions are increasing dramatically in South Africa ,by the way, particularly in the Western Cape.

As far as BOOM can see, the South African government is stabbing the nation in the heart with this Bill. It will lead to a collapse of real estate prices, indeed of all asset prices. Buyers and investors will abandon the nation. The money supply will collapse as fresh bank loans disappear and commercial banks will see their loan books threatened by massive loan defaults.

Bank runs will then occur. Capital flight will then appear and the currency may collapse if the people lose all faith and trust in the Government if there is an alternative currency in circulation. Hyperinflation will then follow as faith in the currency evaporates.

Since 2002, over the last 20 years, the South African currency, the Rand, has fallen by 66.6% against the US Dollar. BOOM cannot see how this currency can possibly appreciate against the US Dollar if the EWC Bill becomes Law. Watch for the possibility of a dramatic depreciation if that happens.

South Africa could become a Failed State suffering a dramatic Hyperinflation and collapse. In Failed States, people starve in the streets and beg for food while personal safety becomes a long lost dream.

EXCESS DEATHS CONTINUE IN AUSTRALIA: The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released their latest data on Mortality. This shows that 92,699 deaths in total have occurred so far in 2022 by 30th June which is 13,524 more than the historical average. This is 17.1% more than expected. And in June, there were 16,749 deaths, which is 2,410 (16.8%) above the historical average. If this trend continues, Australia may have half a stadium full of excess deaths by the end of the year — more than 30,000.

These excess death numbers are disturbing because we really don’t know what is causing them. A large series of highly sophisticated autopsy studies must be done to determine true causation. The autopsies must look for the presence of Spike Protein in all the solid organs to determine causation as accurately as possible.

The Bureau seems to have realized that there are issues in regard to measuring “deaths from Covid” because of the unreliability of PCR Tests. But they have not quite fully admitted to that because it would destroy the reliability of all their previous statistics in regard to “deaths from Covid”. They present a graph of “Covid-19 Deaths” versus “Covid-19 Related Deaths”.

Deaths attributed to Covid in Australia began to rise steadily in November 2021, 5 – 6 months after Covid vaccinations began in earnest. Prior to August, the cumulative death numbers attributed to Covid for the whole nation were less than 1,000. Twelve months later, those death numbers are still rising with the cumulative total now being greater than 15,000.

It would appear that the vaccination program has possibly triggered a 15 fold increase in deaths attributed to Covid. However, the Australian Federal and State Governments still strongly recommend Covid “vaccines”, and they are heavily supported by the mainstream media. One must ask. When will this madness end?

COMPLETE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FAILURE:  Meanwhile, a highly regarded Cardiologist in the UK, Dr Aseem Malhotra has recanted and joined the brigade dedicated to stopping the so-called “vaccines” immediately. He has published a peer reviewed study which explains why.  He has stated “Honest Doctors can no longer practice honest medicine. We have a complete healthcare system failure and an epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed and harmed patients“.  He also referred to the following statements by other Doctors —

“It is no longer possible to trust much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.  I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” — Dr. Marcia Angell, “Possibly half of the published literature may simply be untrue.”

Here is Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet:  “Something is rotten in the state of British medicine and has been for a long time.”  Following Richard Smith, in regard to several scandals, including universities covering up research misconduct.

Complete healthcare system failure has significant economic ramifications. The UK may also be headed towards a ‘Failed State’ situation along with South Africa. Poor political leadership and gross incompetence from selected leaders is the cause.  Read all about it —

LAGARDE ON MONEY — IN NOVEMBER 2018:  Winds of Change: The Case for New Digital Currency by Christine Lagarde:  A speech read in November 2018 in Singapore by Christine Lagarde, current President of the European Central Bank and previous Managing Director for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), contains many noteworthy statements. However, it does not clarify any of the matters under discussion and is read in a rather flippant fashion.  The questions to ask are these. Is the speech designed to inform and generate discussion? Or is it designed to generate uncertainty and fear?

She begins by correctly explaining that all money is either “coins or commercial bank money” backed by trust in the State. Correct. Commercial bank money is a reference to interest bearing deposits in commercial banks which are generated by interest bearing loans made by banks (in toto) to willing borrowers. Coins are sovereign, non-interest bearing and usually produced and issued under the watchful eye of the State Treasury by the Sovereign or Government.

She soon moves on to explain the digital nature of most money today as it resides on electronic bank ledgers while she simultaneously introduces the concept of something mysterious — so-called “digital currencies”. This appears to be a deliberate attempt to mix and possibly confuse two very different phenomena.

“Deposits in commercial banks are already digital. Digital currency would be a Liability of the State — like cash today”. She then makes yet more confusing statements which seem odd coming from a Managing Director of the IMF.  “Money itself is changing”. “Millennials are re-inventing how our economy works”. Neither of these statements is true. So why did she say them?  “Should central banks offer a new digital form of money? A State backed token?”

And then, remarkably, she calls the central bank “the State”. Not all central banks are owned by the State and those that are clearly regarded as very independent from the State. Confusion reigns again. A Managing Director of the IMF should not be mistaking a central bank for the State. It is an agent of the State (in most circumstances).

She then mentions the concept of a “credit score” with a few sly smiles — as a possible example threat to make you buy Pizza and beer with cash, instead of choosing “organic broccoli and fine wine”. This is clearly a reference to determined social engineering. WHY did she mention the term “credit score” in such a speech? Again, it seems designed to increase confusion and fear.

“There is a role for the State to provide digital money to the economy”. This is an odd statement when she has been previously describing the concept of “digital money offered by central banks”. Again — the central bank or the State — which shall it be?

Then she launches into a discussion on so-called “digital currencies” as if these are (somehow) different to the digital deposits in commercial banks that she described at the beginning of her speech. More uncertainty springs from this.  “Would central banks offer a fully anonymous digital currency?” she asks. Her answer is:  “certainly NOT, because that would be a bonanza for criminals.”

“There must be a trade-off between privacy and financial integrity. Central banks might design digital currencies so that users identity can be authenticated through customer due diligence procedures and transactions recorded but the identities would not be revealed to either third parties or government unless required by law. But anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws would still run in the background. If suspicion arose, it would be possible to lift the veil of anonymity and investigate. This set up would be good for users, bad for criminals, better for the State (relative to cash).”

Then she issues a dire warning; “There is a risk to financial system stability. People might lose faith in banks and bank runs may occur.”  And, finally, she suggests that commercial banks may continue to operate as banks but ALL transactions could be handled by central banks. All transactions settled centrally “nearly for free”. Then she explains that the central bank becomes “the trusted intermediary”. Your payment would be immediate, cheap, safe and “semi-anonymous”. So the central bank looks after all “back end settlements”. “This is a public private partnership at its best.”

To BOOM, the entire speech pretends to display a deep understanding of money but instead shows confusion about the nature of money, the role of the State, the role of commercial banks and the role of central banks. This may be circumstantial — an unwitting elephant staggering around in a fine China shop. But it may also be deliberate, designed to grow confusion and undermine faith in so called “CBDC’s” — Central bank Digital Currencies — and in any form of electronic cash issued by Government Treasury Departments.

To BOOM, after repeated watching of the speech, it all seems either confused or designed to confuse, to undermine the whole concept of electronic cash.  Readers must remember what BOOM has previously said. Banks cannot make money from any form of electronic cash. Thus, it is logical to see the banking system as opposed to such a thing (in whatever form).

So perhaps they set out to destroy the concept in 2018 with this speech by Christine Lagarde who would later become the President of the European Central Bank?  Make up your own mind; watch the confused ramblings of someone who should deeply understand the nature of money but who is clearly reading a script as an actor would and in a rather flippant way.

Money and currencies are not a trivial subject.  Search YouTube for: Winds of Change: The Case for New Digital Currency by Christine Lagarde

FLORIDA ISSUES NEW mRNA COVID-19 VACCINE GUIDANCE:  The following Press Release should be read by every person on Planet Earth. BOOM has highlighted the key sentence in Bold.

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 7th October 2022 – Today, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has announced new guidance regarding mRNA vaccines. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety.

This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.

As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with pre-existing cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making their decision.

“Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health,” said Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. “Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”

PROPAGANDA AND MENTICIDE — THE KILLING OF MINDS:  BOOM brings readers’ attention to articles on Brainwashing and Propaganda. They are all worth reading closely:




In economics, things work until they don’t.  Until next week.  Make your own conclusions, do your own research.  BOOM does not offer investment advice.  SUBSCRIBE – FREE AT BOOM


BANKS DON’T TAKE DEPOSITS, THEY BORROW YOUR MONEY: LOANS CREATE DEPOSITS — that is how almost all new money is created in the economy (by commercial banks making loans). Watch this short 15 minutes video and learn as Professor Richard Werner brilliantly explains how global banking systems really work.   AND Watch for 4 minutes, this Bank of England explanation: Money is essential to the workings of a modern economy, but its nature has varied substantially over time. This video describes what money is today.

Most economists are unaware of this and even ignore the banking & finance sectors in their econometric models.  EMAIL: gerry{at}

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu – a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.