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Aussie medical practitioners unite against edict penalizing them for opposing government narratives on COVID

Image: Aussie medical practitioners unite against edict penalizing them for opposing government narratives on COVID

The recently founded Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS), operating as an alternative to the Australian Medical Association (AMA), is pushing for medical transparency to protect patients and ensure open scientific debates.

“Our AMPS members are refusing to be silent, even under threats to our registrations. We are fighting for law reform to provide our patients with evidence-based care rather than uncritical politically driven health practice,” they wrote in a statement published in Spectator Australia.

The group was formed in response to the joint directive released in March 2022 by the Medical Board of Australia and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) that admonished healthcare providers who dare to question the mainstream Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) narrative.

The government directive warned against “any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice that contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunization campaign, including via social media.” Such actions, it added, are “not supported by national boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action.”

It also included instructions to ensure doctors’ compliance with government guidelines for social media use. Moreover, it ordered doctors not to “discourage their patient or client from seeking vaccination,” even if the doctors themselves choose not to get injected due to conscientious objection.


APHRA also warned that anyone who shares “false, misleading or deceptive” information about COVID-19, “including anti-vaccination material,” may face persecution.

AMPS revealed that many healthcare providers have been disciplined or suspended for challenging the public health messaging despite having scientific shreds of evidence to support their professional view, including Drs. Mark Hobart, Paul Oosterhuis and Denes Borsos.

California doctors challenge law punishing dissent from the “scientific consensus”

Meanwhile in California, Los Angeles psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald and Orange County primary care physician Dr. Jeff Barke filed a lawsuit in the District Court for the Central District of California, in relation to the passing of Assembly Bill (AB) 2098.

AB 2098, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom into law on Sept. 30, authorized the Medical Board of California to pursue professional sanctions and even license revocation against doctors who decide against their COVID-19 narrative. (Related: California legislators are on a mission to de-license ALL doctors in the state who challenge covid dogma.)

“[AB 2098] puts patients at risk. Requiring physicians to consider the state’s narrative when making a medical decision, is bad medicine and dangerous. Consensus in science only occurs when dissenting opinions are censored,” said Barke, a founding member of America’s Frontline Doctors.

McDonald and Barke also filed papers seeking a preliminary injunction to protect their free speech rights as the case unfolds.

“Reasonable minds disagreed then, and continue to disagree now, about any number of such topics, but the search for truth cannot be furthered by a government edict imposing orthodoxy from above, punishing those who disagree with the loss of their profession and their livelihood,” the suit noted.

It also alleged that the new law “intrudes into the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship” by “replacing the medical judgment of the government for that of the licensed professional and chilling the speech of those who dissent from the official view.”

Attorney Daniel Suhr, who represents the doctors, said: “We rely on our doctors to give us their best medical advice, yet the State of California is stopping doctors from doing just that. That’s not just wrong, it’s unconstitutional.”

Visit for more about government directives that suppress medical practitioners’ freedom of speech and practice.

Watch the video below that talks about how Australia enforces mandatory vaccination.

This video is from the Midwest Information Network channel on

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.