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Private pilot describes 8-foot-long disc UFO cruising under 300 feet | Roger Marsh

A California witness at Davis reported watching an 8-foot-long metallic disc moving overhead at about 6:25 p.m. on June 4, 2022, according to testimony from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

“I was walking along a gravel trail from west to east at the Wildhorse Agricultural Buffer on the north edge of Davis, CA,” the reporting witness stated. “It’s a re-wilded nature area along a golf course. The sun was still high. I stopped to video bees swarming around a large 15-foot-tall bush.

“Turned off the camera and looked up.

“There was a metallic object silently moving from southwest to northeast maybe 100 yards above me. At first, I thought it was a balloon, but no; it was too big, probably six to eight feet in diameter.

“It reminded me of the type of clamshell with spikes or protuberances coming out of the rim. Also, looking like the animal, a giant sea star, but the arms (spikes) were very short. It looked organic and crown-like but was dark metallic. It looked like copper or bronze with a dull matte finish.

“It was cruising along to the northeast at only 200-300 feet above the ground, wavering, but never flopping over and maintaining its altitude.

“Here’s the weird part. I raised up my phone, turned on the video, and said, ‘Thank you,’ out loud, because I knew this was really unusual. Held up the phone to the object, observing both it and my screen at the same time, but the object would not show up on my screen – even though I was staring at it in the sky.

“I zoomed in and out, and noted where it was with reference points of cloud edges and nearby trees, but it just wouldn’t appear on my phone screen. I kept shooting and watched it cruise out of sight to the northeast at maybe 30 to 50 mph.

“I walked back to my car and checked the footage. It wasn’t there. When this first caught my eye, I felt elated. Now I felt uneasy. It was like this thing saw me and didn’t want me to take its picture. I felt like a lab rat, and I’d never felt that way before.

“I took the images home and ran them through Photoshop, trying out filters that can find the edges of things, but they found nothing. It’s my word against the world on this one, but I know what I saw, and I wasn’t hallucinating. I will keep looking skyward.

“I’m a private pilot. That doesn’t make me an aviation expert, but I’ve got a somewhat trained eye for estimating distance, size of the craft, elevation, and speed. There are weird things flying around up there in the sky.”

Davis is a city in Yolo County, CA, population 66,850. Witness quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to NUFORC or to the Mutual UFO Network MUFON).

Witness Details

Witness details over the years describe many different surface details on UFOs, according to data from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Additional data indicates a high percentage of objects flying under 500 feet.

The following similar report is from my book, UFO Cases of Interest: 2018 Edition.

UFO hovers over Oregon interstate highway

Witness illustration.Credit: Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

An Oregon witness at Walker reported a “Saturn-like” object hovered briefly over an interstate highway, according to testimony in MUFON Case 96140.

The witness was driving home from Eugene to Cottage Grove at about midnight on November 3, 2018.

“Disc-shaped spacecraft ahead of me and its path came from the east as it approached,” the witness stated. “It briefly hovered over the freeway and was glowing bright, white light with the light beam underneath the same color. As I drove toward it and got closer, I could also see two white and one red, bulb-like lights on the bottom of the craft right before and drove under it and continued south before pulling over. Elevation-wise, I saw it up higher initially.

“It gradually decreased in elevation and was only about as high up as the top of a four to five-story building before I passed it. By the time I pulled over and looked behind me for the spacecraft it had disappeared.”

Investigator Notes

Oregon MUFON Field Investigator Kellie Graham and State Director Thomas Bowden closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.

“Found the witness forthcoming, pleasant and credible,” Graham and Bowden stated in their report. “Field Investigator attempted to get additional witnesses through the local news agency The Register-Guard, the local Eugene, OR, news source, and was unable to get the agency to post.

“At this time, no other reports or witnesses have been found (NUFORC, MUFON, and Internet searches). Field Investigator searched for fireballs in the area and found none ( Contacted the local Eugene, OR, police and Oregon State Police for any sightings reported and/or police or military activity in the air in the area and was told there was none in the area on the date of the reported sighting.”

Walker is an unincorporated community in Lane County, Oregon.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from NewsBreak Original can be found here.