Saturday, March 1, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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Here’s a Disturbing Theory About the Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense

It’s time to stop procrastinating with your wealth or retirement. We have hand-selected THREE gold and silver companies that embrace America First and help citizens protect their money from the Biden-Harris regime’s awful policies. See all three on our precious metals page.

There have been plenty of conspiracy theories about Covid-19, the “vaccines,” and the roles being played by various organization such as the Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and our own government. I’ve echoed many of them in the recent past. Most of them point back to depopulation and remnant control used against the whole world, but what if this really does come down to the United States itself?

During an interview I did with “Man in America” Seth Holehouse yesterday, we spent the better part of a segment discussing the jabs and a theory he’d been working on recently along with a few others. Basically, he believes it’s possible that the real bioweapons being used against us are the jabs that are being injected into over 200 million Americans.

We are seeing plenty of adverse reactions to them, especially among young and otherwise healthy men. IF the Chinese Communist Party used their puppets in Big Pharma to develop and distribute a bioweapon that targeted military-aged men, then everything that’s playing out around us would make more sense. This would explain why a Beijing-controlled Biden-Harris regime would be pushing so hard to get every man, woman, and child in the nation jabbed. It would explain why obvious concerns about the jabs are being widely ignored, even suppressed. And it would explain why the mandates seem to be focused mostly on military, healthcare workers, and first responders.

Here’s the clip from yesterday’s show followed by a partial transcript of Holehouse’s theory:

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Seth Holehouse: “So, it’s interesting because I just finished an interview with a guy named Jeff Nyquist, who in my opinion is one of the smartest people on understanding communism. I mean, he’s written multiple books on communism and he’s been studying it for probably 40 years, and he’s actually talked to a lot of the defectors and people who’ve left the KGB, people who’ve left the CCP and then have revealed the long term plans. And so I focus on a lot of the content that I do on really pulling back the mask of who’s behind all of this.

“And, you know, of course you’ve got the Klaus Schwabs and the, you know, the Rothschilds and you know, there’s all kind of people you can kind of dive into. But my research consistently leads me back to China and more specifically to the CCP. And if you look at the CCP, look at their history, even from the very beginning, you know, Mao’s 100-Year Marathon, there’s always been a goal for them to replace the United States, to bring down the United States. We have… you know, America has always played the role of being the country that stands up against communism globally, so we keep it in check. Of course you can think that, ‘okay, the communist countries would want nothing more than for America to fall.’

“Well, that’s been one of China’s goals for the longest time, and even two of their generals wrote a book called “Unrestricted Warfare” which detailed the specific ways that they were basically… that they have been at war with America for decades. I mean, they have been absolutely doing everything possible to cripple America and bring us to where we are right now.

“If you look at, you know, Xi Jinping’s hand puppet Joe Biden sitting in the office, look at Hunter’s ties to China. And so now if you look back at the vaccine or the jab, right, it’s not even called a vaccine, and you look at the fact that, you know, look, a year ago you had people like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny… these doctors coming out saying, ‘Look, this is gonna harm people year and a half ago with spike proteins, and this is causing problems.’

“We’re now having people like Edward Dowd, Naomi Wolf coming out and saying, ‘Look, this is causing a lot of deaths.’ But what’s interesting though is that we’re seeing a lot of deaths in the unlikely population. You would think that something like a bad, you know, kind of poisonous shot would be really targeting the people with weak immune systems, the elderly, et cetera.

“But actually what we’re seeing is healthy young men falling over playing sports, healthy young men having heart attacks, healthy young men just dying, waking up or not waking up. They’re being found, you know, dead in the morning. Why is that? And so, now, this is a little bit of a hypothesis I’m gonna lay out here, but when you stack it all together, it really makes sense.

“So I’m gonna read to you into your audience a paragraph from a leaked speech that happened in the early 2000s that was given by a Chinese general. His name was General Chi Haotian, and he, it was the for the Defense Minister in China. So, let me just read this one paragraph, and I apologize for looking off the camera, but he says… The whole speech is really about how to bring America to its knees. It’s about how to conquer America. So he says this keep, keep in mind, this is 20 years ago, he says:

Conventional weapons such as fighters, cannons, missiles, and battleships won’t do. Neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to parish together with America by using nuclear weapons. Despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people, will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle. In the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of cleaning up America.

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“That was 20 years ago. In this speech, he talks about specific biological weapons that can target specific races. Now, if you look at this, this was also around the time that China started taking on a lot of the manufacturing of our pharmaceuticals, okay. A lot of the, you know, medicine that we get, a large portion of the ingredients are made in China.

“A lot of the patents and actual kind of intellectual property for the vaccines that we’re using tie back the CCP in China. So if you look back in history and during the Gulf War there, the troops, there’s about… it was roughly half a million troops were given a vaccine for anthrax. Fast forward to by the time those men were about 50 years old, nearly half of them were dead or maimed from that vaccine. Like, it was a major, major mistake. Now, if a Chinese general was watching that, they would say that right there is a weapon of war, okay. And fast forward to this speech about 20 years ago of them saying that biological weapons would be the most effective way of taking down America.

“Now, what’s an important understanding is that China is struggling to feed its own population. They have destroyed their farmland, they’ve polluted it. They’re dealing with, you know, grand solar minimum. They’re dealing with, floods, droughts. It’s terrible.

“They cannot feed their population. They’re at a crisis. They’ve been talking about in this speech 20 years the importance of taking… basically colonizing America for our farmland and many things, but specifically for our farmland. But they don’t want to go drop a bunch of nukes because then, well, they’ve poisoned our farmlands.

“They’ve talked about biological weapons. So if you fast forward to this, what kind of biological weapon could they use? Well, they couldn’t necessarily develop a say, you know, Covid for instance, because that could also target, you know, wipe out their population. So say they wanted to release a hemorrhagic fever in America, well, maybe it spreads back to their population as well, right?

“Because the… especially these things mutate, even if they develop it specifically for the Western race, which is why they’re buying all our Planned Parenthood, you know, baby parts, so they can use them for biological weapons research. That would still be a struggle. So, if the CCP wanted to use a biological weapon to take down America, the best thing that could possibly work to achieve that was if the American people all got a vaccine that they had some control over, right?

“And so then if you look at that, and if you look at, okay, Joe Biden, why is Joe Biden mandating the military to get the vaccine? Wouldn’t it make perfect sense for China to be controlling Joe Biden to then force our own military to get this vaccine, to then force children? You know, China has extreme levels of control over the UN, over the CDC.

“Why would the CDC vote unanimously to add the Covid vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule for schools? So all of this to me, points to the fact that this could potentially be their plan. A lot of people say, ‘Oh, well, did they intentionally release Covid?’ Was Covid supposed to wipe out… because in this speech he talks about how they need to take out 100 to 200 million Americans.

“Like literally it just, I can send you, you can read it. He openly says, ‘We need to basically wipe out between 100 and 200 million Americans to make America right for colonization.’ Again, if they were gonna use Covid, you say, Oh, well it didn’t work because you know, we know it mutated and it got weaker and weaker. But what they did do successfully is that they used Covid as a massive psyop?”

It’s an interesting and terrifying theory. Considering that adverse reactions to the jabs sometimes happen quickly but usually seem to be happening months or even years after injection, Holehouse’s theory aligns perfectly. They would need time to get the jabs into as many people as possible before everyone started noticing their effects. While some of us, particularly those who read my articles or watch my shows, have known the jabs are too risky from the beginning, the masses have completely ignored it.

If this theory is true, then it might already be too late for America. Then again, it may be that the negative effects from the jabs are cumulative, in which case it behooves us to awaken as many people as possible to prevent them from getting more poison injected into their veins. Either way, we must continue to push the truth forward. As a side note, some doctors are strongly recommending Dr. Zev Zelenko’s nutraceuticals to strengthen our immune systems whether we’ve been jabbed or not.

Yes, We Need Your Help

I hate being “that guy” who asks people to donate because I think our conservative news network is so crucial, but here I am…

When I left my cushy corporate job in 2017, I did so knowing that my family would have to make sacrifices. But I couldn’t continue to watch the nation slip into oblivion and was inspired by President Trump’s willingness to fight the good fight even at his own personal expense. What I didn’t realize then is that conservative media would be so heavily attacked, canceled, and defunded that the sacrifices would be extreme.

Many in this nation are struggling right now even though we weren’t struggling just a few years ago. I’m not alone. But I wake up every morning and operate the sites we’ve been able to build because there’s really no other choice. I refuse to be beholden to Big Tech like so many other conservative news outlets, which is why you won’t see Google ads here. With that said, it’s often challenging to pay the bills and it’s even harder to expand so we can get the America First message out to a wider audience.

The economic downturn has forced me to make a plea for help. Between cancel culture, lockdowns, and diminishing ad revenue, we need financial assistance in order to continue to spread the truth. We ask all who have the means, please donate through our Giving Fuel. Your generosity is what keeps these sites running and allows us to expand our reach so the truth can get to the masses. We’ve had great success in growing but we know we can do more with your assistance.

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I would even be willing to entertain investments and partnerships at this stage. I’ve turned them down in the past because editorial purity is extremely important. I’ll turn them down again if anyone wants us to start supporting RINOs or avoid “taboo” topics like voter fraud, vaccines, or transgender supremacy. But I’d talk to fellow America First patriots who want to help any (or all) of our 10 news sites. Hit me up at jdrucker (at) substack (dot) com if you’re interested.

For those who have the means and just want to help keep the mission of spreading a conservative, Christian message to the nation, please consider a generous donation.

Covid variant BA.5 is spreading. It appears milder but much more contagious and evades natural immunity. Best to boost your immune system with new Z-Dtox and Z-Stack nutraceuticals from our dear friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version can be found at Based Underground.