EuroMOMO is a European Mortality Monitoring Project with official authorisation to collate and publish statistics given to them by the Governments of countries across Europe.

The organisation’s latest publication includes death statistics for 27 participating countries across Europe (they do not include Ukraine) up to week 44 of 2022.

The following chart is taken directly from the EuroMOMO publication and shows the number of excess deaths (not total deaths) among children aged 0 to 14 across Europe –

As you can see from the above, 2022 has been a record-breaking year for excess deaths among children, beating the previous five years by a mile, and recording deaths way above expected levels.

But what’s most curious about the above chart is when this substantial increase in excess deaths among children started.

According to EuroMOMO, the increase in excess deaths started to occur around week 2022 of 2021.

Read More: Deaths among European Children aged 0-14 have increased by 552% since the EMA approved the COVID Vaccine for Kids

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