Lights From a Silent UFO Hover Above Oslo, Norway
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They’re all over.
One of the issues with getting good video evidence of a UFO encounter is that most people don’t have high quality zoom lenses on them. If I were to run into a UFO, it would probably disappear long before it occurred to me to pull out my older-model smartphone to snap a picture. Thus, many UFO videos are of low quality, taken at night or by zooming in with our smartphones. Is it any wonder that people are so quick to debunk videos of UFO encounters, even when people do manage to take them?
That’s why when I hear about a UFO encounter, I try to give the person the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the video they got wasn’t great, but read the description by the witness as well. It may have extra information in there that helps illuminate the case.
Click here to watch the video.
This video, purportedly taken this month in Oslo, Norway, is particularly interesting. At first glance, it looks like all we might be dealing with are the landing lights on a plane, or perhaps a hovering helicopter with a searching spotlight. But the description of the video by the eyewitness who took it is very curious.
According to the witness, whatever was casting these lights was perfectly silent. It hovered above the treelike for a while, then landed, still silent, in the woods.
Doesn’t sound like a helicopter so much anymore, does it?
The silence part is especially interesting, as one of the “five observable traits” of known UFOs is that they appear to move through the air with no observable means of levitation or propulsion. Aside from a glider or a balloon (neither of which would be hovering on a foggy winter’s night in Norway), most human aircraft are pretty loud.
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