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Flat Earth

Lying About People Who Believe in the Flat Earth

Lie On Top of Another Lie

From The Sun newspaper in the UK, there is an article titled: “SPACED OUT Puzzled Flat-Earthers left raging after Nasa astronaut posts photo from the ISS.”

I haven’t read a flat earther say that they are ‘spaced out’ or ‘raging’ about another photo from NASA? So, they have to make up this lie to look like we have been proven wrong. That is why more and more people believes the media creates fake news.

Here is an interesting quote in the article: “Tech firms are now trying to crack down on the spread of Flat Earth misinformation – but their efforts clearly haven’t swayed these paranoid Twitter users.”

If believing in a flat earth is nonsense and easily disproved, then why are tech firms tracking us down? Well, they don’t believe in freedom of having your own beliefs; of freedom of the press. I would not be surprised that the government, in the future, will treat us as criminals like those who don’t believe in the Sandy Hook shooting or that there was a jewish holocaust. You see, the government goes after one group who doesn’t’ believes in a certain conspiracy at a time, then moves on to the next.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Christian Flat Earth Ministry can be found here.