Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID “Vaccines” – What Will the Government’s Excuse be?

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New data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were launched, the birth rate Down Under has plunged by an astounding 63 percent.
From October to November in 2021, there was a 21 percent decrease in births compared to the average over a 10-year period. From November to December 2021, just one month later, there was a 63 percent decrease in births.
“December was about nine months after the roll-out of the COVID vaccines,” notes LifeSiteNews‘ David James about the rough time period from conception to birth. (Related: Taiwan saw a similar 23 percent plunge in births following the launch of Operation Warp Speed.)
“It is possible that some of these numbers will be revised, but should the trend continue Australia will finish up with empty maternity wards. Even the propagandists running government media departments, and the so-called journalists mimicking everything they say, will have trouble hiding that problem.”
Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia’s FDA) committed mass murder against citizens
There is a really good chance that nobody in Australian politics, save for perhaps a few “fringe” individuals, says a thing about this damning data. That is because it exposes Fauci Flu shots as a depopulation tool.
If anything does get said, it will likely be spun using the common trope that “correlation does not equal causation,” meaning nobody knows for sure if the shots are responsible. But what else could it be?
The only thing that changed at the start of 2021 was that Donald Trump fully launched Operation Warp Speed, unleashing billions of mystery chemical injections on the world. And about nine months later, birth rates all around the world plunged.
There has been at least one person formerly in power, former federal senator George Christensen, who questioned: “Is the jab to blame?” He even wrote an article about it that will almost certainly put him in the crosshairs for vilification and character assassination.
Naomi Wolf and a team of investigators have identified a lengthy list of negative outcomes associated with the jabs that extend far beyond just failure to reproduce. They include:
- Male fertility issues affecting semen, prostate function, and thus fertility (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was notified about this on April 1, 2021, which resulted in absolutely nothing happening)
- Female fertility issues, which were also ignored by federal regulators
- Sonograms showing abnormal inflammation and calcification in fetuses roughly eight weeks after injection
- Penile injuries that Pfizer’s own internal documents admit are occurring
- Miscarriages at a rate of 87.5 percent
Did the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian version of the FDA, bother to look at any of this when it authorized, approved, and later mandated Fauci Flu shots on its citizens? If it did, how did the TGA come to the conclusion that the jabs are safe for anyone, let alone for pregnant women?
Fertility specialist Dr. Luke McLindon says he observed a massive jump in miscarriages among his own patients after the jabs were unleashed. Pre-Operation Warp Speed, the miscarriage rate among McLindon’s patients was 12-15 percent. Today, among his “vaccinated” patients, it has reached 74 percent.
“What is needed at this point is not complete answers, but the right questions,” James says. “Questions that the media has disgracefully failed to ask and then, even more disgracefully, attacked others for asking.”
“The first queries will take time to answer, but they must be posed: ‘Why is the drop in the fertility rate happening? Why has the death rate in Australia jumped? Why is the average age of death from Covid identical to life expectancy in Australia?’”
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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity
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