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Could a UFO bring these materials?

They came, they saw, but did they leave anything? Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have plagued the imaginations of human beings for decades, with multiple sightings reported around the world but with little tangible evidence.

Researchers are now trying to shed some light on the million-dollar question of whether we’re alone in this universe by analyzing possible UFO materials left behind on the Earth’s surface. 

According to the Pew Research Centre, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe in the existence of extraterrestrial organisms, that too, far-superior kinds. 

Discoveries of collectors like Dr. Jaques Valley, a UFOlogist, who dedicated his life to collecting purported UFO materials dating back from 1947, are now being analyzed at Standford University. 

One of the most promising discoveries is a discarded mass of an object from a flying circular object in Iowa in 1977. Investigators found a 4X6-foot puddle of molten metal that burnt the grass around it. The metal primarily consisted of Iron, with traces of Carbon, Titanium, and other metals. Due to the nature of its landing and its state, Valley was quick to dismiss the mix of what seemed to be steel alloy and cast Iron as space debris or objects falling off a plane.

So, how do researchers certify that such objects are really extraterrestrial by nature? 

A new device, the Multi-Parameter Ion Beam Imager, has enabled scientists to analyze such materials at an atomic level, making it easier to ascertain the authenticity of such objects. 

Using the device, Dr. Gary Nolan, a standard microbiologist, was able to create revolutionary 3D images of such items retrieved, which provided an outline of the sample at a nuclear level. The results authenticated that particles used in the material found at Iowa could not be found on earth. He, however, specified that the test does not certify if the technology is extraterrestrial but that the process of manufacturing metals found is incomprehensive to most scientists. 

Gary, on behalf of the government, has analyzed close to 12 samples from purported UFO crashes across the country. He has concluded that a few of them lack the properties of materials created by humans. 

Certainly, more such materials are out there to be discovered. And given that now scientists have the tools to examine such objects for their authenticity and origins lends us hope that if life outside earth exists, we are increasingly becoming equipped to deal with it. 

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Interesting Engineering can be found here.