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Re-Examine COVID-19, Disease or Virus?

By: Devvy

December 5, 2022

“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”  Nikola Tesla (One of the truly great geniuses of all times.)

COVID-19: Disease or Virus?  That is a question I believe needs to be answered because so many Americans are dying from those experimental gene editing injections for COVID-19 being passed off as vaccines.  6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020, March 31, 2021 (Source:  CDC)

I wrote about this early 2021, mid-2022 and now.  Cancer is a disease.  Anthrax is a disease.  Hansen’s Disease aka leprosy is a disease and not unknown here in the U.S., but rare.  Parkinson’s is a disease causing a neurodegenerative disorder.  None are treated by using a vaccine.

From day one, COVID-19 has been classified as a virus and anyone – including some of the best scientific minds in the world questioning that classification is an “anti-vaxxer”.  Let me bring us back in time because it’s absolutely imperative Americans get a full understanding on this science.  Something I knew nothing and I mean nothing, about before COVID-19.

If COVID-19 is not a virus but a disease, no vaccine and certainly not those dangerous injections being given would work.  The world has been lied to by Dr. Death Fauci and the mentally dead impostor president, career criminal, Joe Biden, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

The other paid liar, Rochelle Walensky, who heads up the CDC (Center for Disease Creation) boldly pronounced, “Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick. And that it’s not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data.” Of course, their lies are spread by dullards in the prostitute media, Hollywood “experts” trying to stay relevant and in front of the camera and health “experts” around the country.

And, oh how they lied and destroyed the lives of TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans.  Ron Paul: Ugly Covid Lies, July 27, 2022 – “Birx knew that locking a country down in response to a virus was a radical move that would never be endorsed. So, as she admits in her new book, she lied about it.  She sold the White House on the out-of-thin-air “fifteen days to slow the spread” all the while knowing there was no evidence it would do any such thing. As she wrote in her new book, Silent Invasion, “I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them.”…

“Last week in a Fox News interview she again revealed the extent of her treachery. After months of relentlessly demanding that all Americans get the Covid shots, she revealed that the “vaccines” were not vaccines at all!

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” she told Fox. “And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization.”

“So when did she know this? Did she know it when she told ABC in late 2020 that “this is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine?”

“If she knew all along that the “vaccines” were not vaccines, why didn’t she tell us? Because, as she admits in her book, she believes it’s just fine to lie to people in order to get them to do what she wants.  She admits that she employed “subterfuge” against her boss – President Donald Trump – to implement Covid policies he opposed. So it should be no surprise that she lied to the American people about the efficacy of the Covid shots.”

And you, me and our children of working age were paying her big, fat salary while she lied to the nation.  Now she works for ActivePure Technology as Chief Medical and Science Advisor.  ActivePure describes their corporation, “…an industry leader in creating better indoor environments and helping organizations achieve their ESG goals.”  They describe Birx as “…one of the foremost immunologists and pandemic infectious disease experts in the world.”  All states should do thisFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis bans ESG ‘agenda’ from state pension investments, August 24, 2022

From the get-go, the scientific methodology used to determine this “new” virus is more than 100 years old.  You see, advancement in science and scientific research has been on hold!  Below are MUST reads; do one a day.

In the beginning and STILL today despite the CDC putting up on their web site in July 2021, that test is still being used.  Stop using the PCR test as it can’t tell the difference between COVID-19 and influenza.  Yes, they did but so-called “fact checkers” sitting on their fat rumps say it’s hooey. People didn’t read it correctly!  Yeah, we’re all just ignorant plebs.  The PCR test is a manufacturing technique, not a diagnostic toolThe scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2, but endogenous gene sequences

Cease and desist papers served on Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten by Dr. Reiner Füllmich – “PCR testing – the truth.” Tens of millions of “cases” here in the U.S. all based on a fabrication.

On Feb. 4, 2022, I had to go to the hospital.  The rotund ER doctor told me I had pneumonia and COVID.  I told Dr. Know-it-all I had lifetime natural immunity and did not have COVID. Does he understand T-cells? He scoffed and I was admitted. I had no choice as the pneumonia made me so weak, I couldn’t function much less as a widow, take care of my beloved doggies.  The next morning the nurse cheerfully told me I didn’t have COVID.  Gee, what a surprise.  I ordered my medical records from the hospital and right there in black and white it shows the tests for COVID the morning I was admitted:  all negative.

As I covered in past columns, by April (2020), states throughout the country received for hospitalization per ‘outbreak patient’ from the bankrupt U.S. Treasury:  $306,000 Alaska, $132,000 Delaware $131,000, California $145,000 and Texas $184,000 (my state).  You can find your state here.

In Dec. 1993 I drove home to Colorado from California and was so sick when I got home.  My late husband took me to Swedish Medical Center.  Doctor told me I had the Bejiing flu, was going to give me a shot and pills.  I said no.  The doctor got mad and said people were dying.  Went home and for eight days was terribly ill; slept on the couch downstairs.  Then it was over and I have not had the flu since.  29 years ago, this month.  Last vaccine was age 5; none since then.  Contrary to the labeling, I am not against vaccines.  I am for safe vaccines IF they are for the right proven scientific conclusion.

Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2, Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter, Jan. 31 2021.  That piece also has a very important video by Dr. Andrew Kaufman embedded.  35 min.  On Dr. Kaufman’s web site is another important presentation:  Settling the Virus Debate

THE INVENTED PANDEMIC, the lack of VIRUS ISOLATION and the INVALID COVID-19 test by Dr. Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc, Ph.D.  Another brilliant scientist treated as though he never got past the fifth grade and is just another conspiracy nut.  Dr. Scoglio was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2018.

Dr. Stefan Lanka was sued in 2015 for offering a huge sum of money to anyone who could prove him wrong:  Measles is not a virus. The plaintiff said he could prove Lanka was wrong.  Dr. Lanka didn’t say measles doesn’t exist, just that it’s not a virus.  Look it up and what do you see as the top stories on all search engines?  Lanka sued has to pay plaintiff!  The hit pieces just kept on coming; the media in America was crickets:  Yes, Dr. Lanka, Measles is Real, March 13, 2015.  “Lanka is clearly, in my opinion, a crank, which is a specific flavor of pseudoscientist who makes sophisticated arguments to support a hilariously wrong conclusion.”

Uh, not quite.  In the end, the German Federal Supreme Court ruled against the plaintiff.  Dr. Lanka was right.

Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court, Jan. 21, 2017 – Short read.  And yet, children across this country are being given a vaccine for the measles “virus” that isn’t a virus while American scientists completely ignore science and vaccine manufacturers continue to haul in the billions.  It’s obscene.  Schools say children must have that vaccine along with a long laundry list of shots none of them have a clue what’s in them.

When I grew up, we (two brothers and two sisters) all got the measles.  Stayed home from school, got over it and went back to school.  Too many (as in millions) parents are not doing their part in feeding their children proper nutrition (clean food I call it) to keep their child’s immune system strong.  Child obesity is what’s epidemic in this countryWhat’s at the top of the list for those most vulnerable to COVID?  Obese and diabetic.

“In 2017-2019, the obesity rate for children ages 2 to 19 was 19 percent. During the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers at the University of Georgia reported that pediatric obesity rates hit a new high. They found that children with a higher BMI were more likely to show signs of visceral fat and artery stiffness, both risk factors for cardiovascular disease. There was also a higher rate of children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.”  Healthline article.

Why are American scientists ignoring advanced modern science?  Big money.  There’s no money in the cure, only the treatment.  Massive amounts of billions for research grants to “study” viruses.  A cash cow for researchers so why would they want the truth to come out?

Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of “Isolated Viruses” – Dec. 2021.  “For almost one year we have been asking authorities, politicians and medical institutes for the scientific evidence for the existence of such viruses that are said to cause disease and therefore require “immunization”. After almost one year we have not received even one concrete answer which provides evidence for the existence of those “vaccine-preventable viruses”. The conclusion is inevitable that our children are still vaccinated on the basis of scientific standards of the 18th and 19th century.

“In the 19th century Robert Koch demanded in his generally accepted postulates evidence of the virus in order to prove infection; at Koch´s time this evidence couldn’t be achieved directly by visualization and characterization of the viruses, because adequate technology wasn’t available at that time. Methods of modern medicine have profoundly changed over the past 60 years, in particular by the invention of the electron microscope, yet all these viruses we get immunised against have still never been re-examined using this technology?”

Yes, it is outrageous and once again the question begs:  Why are American scientists unwilling to have an open dialogue, participate in actual testing using modern science?  State legislatures should be holding hearings on this for their health committees.  Let’s get to the truth once and for all.

Those COVID experimental injections are killing people by the thousands and now children and teens are dying faster than I can write columns.  Edward Dowd: “Cause Unknown” – The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 – “The book begins with a close look at the actual human reality behind the statistics, and when you see the people who are represented by the dry term Excess Mortality, it’s difficult to accept so many unexpected sudden deaths of young athletes, known to be the healthiest among us. Similarly, when lots of healthy teenagers and young adults die in their sleep without obvious reason, collapse and die on a family outing, or fall down dead while playing sports, that all by itself raises an immediate public health concern. Or at least it used to.

“Ask yourself if you recall seeing these kinds of things occurring during your own life—in junior high? In high school? In college? How many times in your life did you hear of a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance? Your own life experience and intuition will tell you that what you’re about to see is not normal.  Or at least it wasn’t normal before 2021.”

It’s past time cities put a stop to any hospital, clinic or pharmacy from giving those injections and they can do it just like our city council has the authority to do.  Stop giving those injections or we will suspend your business license.  I have provided my city councilman and our city attorney a package of information but haven’t heard back yet.  They need some time to digest all of this because it truly is horrifying.  Unbelievable treachery by insane megalomaniacs.

They also need to sit down with our new state senator, Kevin Sparks and state senator Bob Hall.  Nearly 15 million Texans have received one or more of those experimental injections and who knows how many those worthless “boosters”.  Forget our governor, Greg Abbott.  I wrote him many times and never received even one of those canned response letters.  Forget about his BS during election year.  Abbott cares ONLY about Greg Abbott.  I’ve lived in Texas since June 2006 and voted for Abbott in every election until our primary earlier this year. I voted for a perfectly qualified former GOP senator.  But, big money and voters not fully informed put Abbott back in office last month.

We know hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and L-Lysine work very effectively against COVID.  Tens of thousands of lives could have been saved except for criminals like Dr. Death Fauci and his media lapdogs promulgating lies about hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin; highly effective L-Lysine is never mentioned.  Pusillanimous doctors who saw what was going on and were too scared for their paychecks to speak out allowed their patients to die. (Available at  NutraBio L-Lysine Powder.  No taste in coffee or tea.)

We know those dangerous COVID experimental gene therapy injections do not keep you from getting SARS-CoV-2.  THEY DO NOT WORK.  If COVID is not a virus, of course they don’t work just like a vaccine doesn’t work for Cancer, Altzheimer’s and other diseases.  Those injections were formulated to activate the technology put into your arm to begin killing your natural immune system.

If we don’t get to the truth – virus or a disease – this is going to happen over and over.  “More pandemics are coming” – bioweapons expert Dr Francis Boyle on WHO Treaty, Biden’s Executive Order and SA’s shocking involvement with bioweapons, Oct. 20, 2022

“Dr Francis Boyle was one of the first individuals who openly claimed that SARS-CoV-2 is a genetically engineered bioweapon that escaped from a high-level lab in Wuhan. Boyle, a human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons for decades and drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was signed into law by George Bush, Sr. in 1989.

“President Joe Biden’s recent signing of the Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation, the purpose of which is to “develop and work and promote and implement … dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens.”

“BizNews spoke to Dr. Boyle who explained why the very wording of this Executive Order, which is a blatantly unlawful violation of Boyle’s Bioweapons Act, together with the guidelines contained in the World Health Organisation Pandemic Treaty, basically promises that more man-made pandemics are coming. Boyle’s experience and research into bioweapons is unmatched.”.  Read.

In case you aren’t aware, this IS the COVID-19 story by attorney Tom Renz.  How, who and where it was developed.  Here’s the truth.  “BREAKING: The Origins of SARS-COV2Fauci, Wuhan, EcoHealth & More – Scroll all the way to the bottom to Executive Summary.  You can enlarge the screen; 57 pages.


(Just an update on the documentary Died Suddenly.  Views afternoon of Nov. 27th:  9,234,160.  Morning of Dec. 4th: 12,16,269, an increase of 2,942,109.  Nearly three million more views this past week just on Rumble alone.)

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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My God.  The number of children and babies dying right now is horrifying.  ICAN DEMANDS ANSWERS FROM THE CDC ABOUT SPIKE IN RSV RATES, Nov. 7, 2022 – “As reported on The HighWire last week, there has been an alarming spike in reported cases of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in children. This influenza-like virus can be particularly dangerous in very young children and it typically rises in the winter months.  What makes the current spike particularly alarming is that it is occurring off-season.

“On the HighWire episode, Del did a deep dive into the issue, observing that in the clinical trial for Moderna’s pediatric Covid-19 vaccine, the children who received the vaccine experienced higher rates of RSV than those receiving the placebo. Similarly, in Pfizer’s pediatric Covid-19 vaccine trial, RSV was listed as one of the serious adverse events among children receiving this vaccine.”

Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine, Jan. 5, 2021.  A Scientist – Immunologist/Molecular Biologist who has received more accolades and awards that you can count.  Then Prof. Cahill spoke out based on her decades of experience.  University College Dublin (Ireland) fired her.  This once highly revered scientist suddenly became a pariah. The media over in Europe crucified her because they know more than her!  The usual debunked, anti-vaxxer, blah, blah, blah.  Here is her bioAnd, she has been right all along.

CDC HID Key Vaccine Data… This is HORRIFIC, Dec. 2, 2022

Dr. Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are false”, June 17, 2021

New Study Set to Disprove Virology (Video), May 19, 2021 – “Dr. Kaufman recently presented the preliminary results from the first phase of the study, which shows that, lo and behold, cytopathic effects are not due to a virus, but due to the nutrient-starved environment in which the cells are placed.  Here is a video of Dr. Lanka presenting the results. The video has been “dubbed” into English.”

Landmark defamation case will take down ‘fact checked’ PCR test fraud

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense

The Covidification of Influenza, Nov. 30, 2022

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