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Exposure to 5G radiation linked to depression and neurological dysfunction, study finds

Image: Exposure to 5G radiation linked to depression and neurological dysfunction, study finds

The prevalence of 5G transmission towers is increasing every single day, especially around larger cities – and so is the rate of cognitive issues and neurological problems in people who live close to them.

A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research reveals that 5G radiation is associated with all sorts of brain problems in humans, including the development of depression and nervous system damage.

Prolonged exposure to 5G pollution, researchers found, can lead to pyroptosis, a form of inflammatory cell death that is typically caused by microbial infection. This condition can lead to an alteration in the morphology of amygdala, the almond-shaped mass of gray matter inside each cerebral hemisphere that is involved with the feeling and expression of emotions.

Science textbooks describe amygdala as the “integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation.” It communicates bidirectionally with other brain components such as the hippocampus.

For the purposes of this study, researchers looked at the effects of a 4.9 GHz radiofrequency (RF) field on the emotional behaviors and spatial memories of adult male mice. Open field testing (OFT), tail suspension testing (TST), and Y maze were used to evaluate anxiety, depression-like behavior, and spatial memory ability, respectively.

Anxiety-like behavior and spatial memory did not change following exposure. However, depression-like behavior was observed as neuron numbers decreased significantly while pyroptosis increased in amygdala rather than hippocampus.


“These results suggested that 4.9?GHz RF exposure could induce depression-like behaviour, which might be associated with the neuronal pyroptosis in amygdala,” the study’s abstract explains.

In previous experiments, scientists exposed mice to 900 MHz radiation one hour per day for 28 days. At the end, a similar decrease in neurons of amygdala was observed, which is consistent with the findings of this latest study.

“This type of 5G exposure led to brain damage in mice,” explained Dr. Devra Davis, MPH President of Environmental Health Trust.

“The bottom line is that safety is not assured. Governments must halt 5G deployment as the risk to future generations is simply too great. We must not continue to rush to deploy new technologies without proper safety testing.” (Related: Have you checked out The Extinction Event, a documentary film about the profound dangers of 5G and its threat to humanity?)

There is nothing good about 5G, which is anti-life

Back in 2017, there was a strong push among doctors and scientists to halt all rollout of 5G. Both biological and environmental health risks were presented as evidence as to why an immediate moratorium was necessary.

Dr. Lennart Hardell, a professor of oncology and cancer epidemiology at the University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden, gave a lecture – you can watch it below – with further details about what we know concerning the health and environmental effects of 5G.

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In early 2020, Hardell wrote a letter to the Swiss Confederation urging independent research into the health risks of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) from experts with no conflicts of interest.

Despite these efforts, 5G has been rolled out regardless in many parts of the world, despite admissions by telecom executives in 2019 that there is still no independent scientific evidence to show that 5G is in any way safe. The consequence continues to be widespread illness both in people and animals.

“More recently some researchers have also warned that activation may be contributing to Covid-19 infections as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of bird deaths,” further notes Sean Adl-Tabatabai, writing for Newspunch.

“5G causes oxygen starvation and shortness of breath,” added a commenter. “At 60Ghz the hemoglobin molecule fails. 5G also causes immune deficiency, as does all other pulse, high-frequency microwave radiation from cell phones.”

The latest news about 5G can be found at

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.