Friday, March 28, 2025

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15 People Share Their Creepy Encounters With UFOs, Bigfoots, and the Paranormal

If you’re a lover of all things spooky, weird, and creepy, then today is your lucky day!

Because folks on AskReddit shared their firsthand experiences with the paranormal in the scary stories you’re about to read.

Don’t read these in the dark…

“I lived in a funeral home, and we had speakers to hear if anyone was downstairs.

We’d hear slamming doors and footsteps only to find no one there.”

“I’ve lived out in the middle of nowhere for about 10 years.

I’m a s**ker and a night owl. I s**ke outside. So, I’ve seen some strange things. But the one thing I’ve seen, that gave me chills and baffled me, was a black oblong object (think cylinder/thermos) floating through the sky.

It was darker than the night sky behind it, utterly silent, and maybe I’m misremembering, but I recall the night being completely silent, too.

No crickets, no cicadas. Just silence. This was in the middle of summer. I told my family, and they just shrugged their shoulders.”

“About 10 years ago, my family and I were up in the White Mountains of Arizona to cut down our Christmas tree.

My dad was driving our truck with my grandpa in the front seat, and my mom and sister in the back seat. I was in the bed of the truck along with our family’s German Shorthaired Pointer. We were driving along a forest road, and all of the sudden, my dog starts barking and growling. So, I look to see what it is, thinking it is maybe a bear or mountain lion.

What I saw was a tall, dark figure walking parallel to the road about about 60-70 yards away. I yelled at my dad to stop the truck. When I told him I think I see Bigfoot, he just laughed and continued to drive.

When I looked back to get another look at it, the figure had changed directions and was walking away from the road. The last thing I saw was the thing’s head disappearing down a hill. To this day, I still do not have an explanation for what I saw.

Every time the situation comes up, my dad always makes me tell everyone my story, just so he can laugh at it!”

“I was camping in the Rockies and was stargazing and spotting satellites. I found a satellite and tracked it for a while. Eventually, it halted and switched directions. No one believes me, but I saw it.

No, I wasn’t high/d**nk/tripping. It was a very clear night, and I was sober. Maybe there is another explanation, but that night, it was an unidentifiable flying object to me.”

“My dad and I were hunting in the mountains north of Idaho City.

It was about twilight, and we were hiking back to the car. We began to smell something terrible. Like burning bone and hair. It was the worst stench I’ve ever experienced. The smell got worse as we kept hiking. We could hear what we thought was someone or something running at a great rate of speed from behind us. My dad grabbed me and held my face to his chest and dropped to the ground. I held close to him as the running got louder.

Dad readied his rifle. I heard him say, ‘Oh no. Son, stand up. Walk with me. Look at the ground.’ Terrified, I stood. Stupid me turned around and looked. There was the remains of an elk. The head looked like it had been put in a blast furnace. The hair on the body was all singed. The hooves looked melted. The running sound was gone.

We moved closer to the car. It was now nearly dark. About 100 yards from the car, we heard the running again, and we froze. All of a sudden, the forest lit up like noonday. We heard a very loud whoosh, and it was gone. The forest was dark. It was quiet. D**d still.

We booked it to the car. Threw our gear in the back seat and drove. I kept my head down and just cried. Dad was stoic and silent. Halfway out of the woods, we saw the light again. Bright as ever. But just for a second. And then, it was gone again.

Made it back to Idaho City and stopped at the Gold Mine Grill to regroup. Went inside, and there was another hunter in there. He looked at us and said, ‘Y’all see that s**t?’ He just stared and drank.”

“Mine was a ghost. I was about 19. My grandmother had d**d less than a month prior.

We were having a family gathering unrelated to her passing. I couldn’t sleep, so I stayed up late watching some old Nick at Nite reruns on their old tube. I drifted off on the couch around 2 a.m., partly wrapped in a rough green and brown handmade blanket a friend had made for me. I woke up between 3 and 4 a.m., felt cold and groggy. Looked up and saw my grandmother.

Go upstairs and sleep in a proper bed,’ she says. ‘Get moving.’ I picked up my blanket and dragged it behind me up the steep stairs. She looked better than when I had last seen her alive, but equally as insistent and daunting.

I didn’t dare refuse. Didn’t occur to me until the next morning that she was, in fact, still d**d, since this was the kind of thing she would do regularly before she passed.

“My mom was taking Master’s courses when I was in preschool through first grade. I would wake up in the middle of the night and go downstairs to eat an apple and do a puzzle when she was studying.

I distinctly remember floating through the dining room on multiple occasions on my way to the kitchen. I would scream for my mom, but she wouldn’t hear. I would then wake up to my mom carrying me upstairs because she would find me sleeping on the dining room floor in the same spot behind the table.

I was never freaked out, until I learned the first owners k**led themselves and their young son, who also had red hair, and his body was found in the same spot. I never thought anything of it until I looked up the history of the house; my mom was visibly upset when I showed her.”

“I was about 8; my sister was 6 or 7. My family and I had went camping about an hour north of Kingfisher Lake in Northern Ontario. It was a routine camping weekend, fishing, hiking, fires, etc.

Well, on the second day we were there, my dad was chopping up some firewood and had asked me to go grab some kindling and to take my sister along. No problem, off we went.

We made it about, I want to say, 100 or so yards away into a small clearing in the woods. Within shouting distance if need be. I was gathering twigs and handing them off to my sister when I smelled a smell…the kind of smell that smells smelly.

If I had to describe it, it was a mixture of wet dog fur, fish, pine, damp wood, and hot dog s**t melting on a city sidewalk. The smell was so bad it made my eyes water, and I suggested we go back, thinking it was a carcass, and if it was a carcass, that means there’s predators around.

I turn around to tell my sister we’re leaving when I notice something against a tree in the distance a few meters away. I for sure thought it was a bear, and so, I panicked and ran toward my sister to grab her arm and GTFO. As I approached, though, I must have startled this thing because what once was just a mass of indistinguishable brown ‘something’ behind a tree stood up and turned so it was standing profile.

I will never, never, ever forget what I saw that day. It is engraved too deeply into my memory that I will carry it with me for the rest of my life.

It stood up, and I mean stood up. It had to have been eight feet tall, its face was almost human like, but with ape features. Sloped brow, protruded lips, and the back of its head was flat with a cone-like ship on top like a gorilla. I was frozen with fear, but I wanted desperately to get out of there. I very quietly called to my sister, who was maybe 10 feet away from me at this point, still gathering twigs.

“Let’s go. Mom called us back.” I slowly walked over to her, my eyes locked on this thing the entire time. As soon as I grabbed her hand, it f**king looked at me. It looked at me, and I’m getting shivers typing this. Its eyes were narrowed, black, and terrifying.

As soon as it all happened, it was over. It ran faster than anything I have ever seen run into the bush, and that was my ordeal over with.

To this day, nobody I tell this story to will believe me, but I don’t care. I know I’m not crazy, and I know what I saw. I saw a Sasquatch.”

“It was around sunset, and I had just left my house to go visit a friend. As I walking on the sidewalk, I saw this triangle shape craft hovering over a house.

I froze up and just stood there watching it hover for about 10 seconds or so. After that, it started to fly away very slowly before taking off very fast into the setting sun. I unfroze and then let out a scream and ran home.

I used to tell my parents about it, but they pretty much dismissed it. They said if I did not have any proof, then to quit bothering them. I was pretty young at the time of the encounter, so I have my doubts about the event, but I’ve never seen any aircraft that resembled it.”

“You know, I’ve read some very creepy stories from deployed men in Afghanistan.

One of my students (I used to teach college courses) told me that he was on fire watch and saw a man approaching base from the empty desert. He yelled at him to stop. The man bent backwards and started to ‘dislocate all his joints’ and crawl toward them. They raised their weapons, and the thing evaporated.

The weird thing was that it registered on the heat detection until it disappeared and several guys saw it. It wasn’t just sleepy, stressed fire watch brain.”

“I was hiking in Göschenen in Switzerland when I was a kid along with my parents and several of my relatives.

We stopped to eat something along the way, and me and two of my cousins went exploring for a bit. We found several half hidden holes the size of basketballs; the holes were completely dark, so we decided to start throwing shit inside to see how deep it was.

We couldn’t actually hear the noise of the stones falling down, but after throwing s**t inside, we suddenly heard a voice from inside the hole clearly yell stuff in some weird language that we couldn’t understand. My cousin starts trying to talk with the thing. It responded in guttural language, and that’s when we decided to GTFO.

Everyone decided to get the f**k out, and we told our parents. They said that it was the Berggeist, a mountain spirit that protects and lives under the mountains.”

“Was on a commercial fishing boat — us and another boat saw this thing: a UFO. Ten feet above my head.

Silent. Three lights, triangle pattern. Size of a car maybe. Brightest lights ever that left no light on the deck of boat, but was blinding looking up at it.

The UFO followed us for 20 seconds. Then, it literally vanished in the blink of an eye.”

“I was about 6 years old, and I had woken up in the middle of the night. My room was on the second floor, and I was walking to my parents’ room which was at the end of the hallway.

We had stairs that went directly down to our kitchen from the second floor; anyways, when I passed the stairs, I saw this tall, green silhouette standing next to the fridge with the door open.

It turned around and looked at me and came bolting up the stairs. Ended up running into my parents’ room and jumping into their bed. Never ran so fast in my life.”

“I lived in an apartment complex, and there was a creature, alien-looking, that knocked on my door. I know what I saw; my sister saw it, and my dad, too. However, he denies it now.

I saw it through the peephole. It was short, probably 5 ft., wearing what looked like a space suit. All white with gloves and straps. It had like a glass dome around its head, but the actual head was the weirdest thing.

It was like an aluminum circle with thin rectangles all around it. Perfectly spaced out and inside, but you weren’t able to see anything inside the rectangles.”

“This happened in Houston, Texas. It was a really stormy night, and I was driving back from the gym.

There was a lot of lightning that illuminated the sky. Then, I spotted something. It was massive. The local news even reported it. I’m not gonna lie, it actually looked similar to Frieza’s spaceship.”

twistedsifter on facebook 15 People Share Their Creepy Encounters With UFOs, Bigfoots, and the Paranormal

twistedsifter on facebook 15 People Share Their Creepy Encounters With UFOs, Bigfoots, and the Paranormal

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Twisted Sifter can be found here.