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Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames ‘the Internet’ For Past QAnon Beliefs

Don’t blame Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for her past promotion of outlandish QAnon conspiracy theories. It was the internet’s fault. Or at least, that’s what she wants you to believe.

“Like a lot of people today, I had easily gotten sucked into some things I had seen on the internet,” Greene said Sunday when Fox News host Howard Kurtz questioned her past association with the conspiracy theory. “But that was dealt with quickly early on. I never campaigned on those things. That was not something I believed in. That’s not what I ran for Congress on. So those are so far in the past.” Apparently satisfied with that evasive non-answer, Kurtz moved on to the next subject.

Followers of QAnon believe, without a shred of evidence, that Democratic politicians are engaged in a global pedophile ring and that a shadowy figure, known as Q, has been posting information online to uncover the ring and undermine the Deep State—an alleged secret network of government bureaucrats that were trying to undermine Trump. With her election in 2020, Greene became the first congressperson to have endorsed QAnon’s outrageous and baseless claims.

“Have you guys been following 4chan? Q? Any of that stuff?” Greene said in a Nov. 2017 social media post, according to The Washington Post. “Q is a patriot, we know that for sure. . . . He is someone that very much loves his country, and he’s on the same page as us, and he is very pro-Trump.”

Greene was also a contributor to American Truth Seekers, a fringe blog, before she ran for Congress. “Recently, there has been a lot of chatter in small circles among those who search for the truth,” she wrote on the site in Jan. 2018. “There has been an anonymous voice, with obvious intelligence beyond the normal person telling of things to come. They call themselves Q. Make no mistake, Q is a patriot.” She also frequently posted the QAnon tagline “WWG1WGA,” short for “Where we go one, we go all.”

In an archived version of the American Truth Seekers website cited by NBC News, Greene is credited with authoring a post with the headline: “MUST READ — Democratic Party Involved With Child Sex, Satanism, and The Occult.” She further pushed conspiracy theories on her Facebook page claiming that March 2019 shootings at mosques in New Zealand were “a false flag… with an intent purpose to affect our 2A [second amendment] rights and try to frame those who are on 8 Chan.”


Two years before she was elected to Congress, Greene shared a Facebook post in which she claimed that the Rothschild family, a frequent target in antisemitic attacks, was using space lasers to start wildfires in California in order to clear land for high-speed rail projects.

When confronted with the post this past year, Greene defended her words, claiming she was just a “regular American” when she wrote them. “I’m fully against antisemitism,” she added.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Rolling Stone can be found here.