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Chiropractor tells of his SHOCKING persecution by the US Government for recommending Vitamin D and Zinc for covid

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American chiropractor Dr. Eric Nepute gave a shocking account of the US Federal Government suing him for recommending Vitamin D and Zinc to prevent and treat covid during the covid pandemic.  The Government is suing him for half a trillion US dollars – $,500,000,000,000 – for 12,555,000 violations.  And that is just the start of the persecution of Dr. Nepute. It gets worse, much worse.

From early on it was known that people with low Vitamin D levels had poorer covid outcomes and therefore Vitamin D was recommended for covid.  It was so well known that in the journal Nutrients, in the twelve months up to November 2021, the top studies for most downloads, highest views and most-cited are all papers on vitamin D and Covid.  In December 2021, newly published data again supported past research that vitamin D has a significant impact on covid.

Zinc has been acknowledged as an essential mineral for human health since the 1970s.  More than 300 enzymes in your body require zinc for normal function, and it’s well-recognised for its role in immunity and normal immune system development.  Your body’s immune system helps to protect you against infection. If your immune system – your inbuilt defence system – is in tip-top condition then you will be far less vulnerable to diseases of all types.  It is also known that Zinc not only inhibits covid but also the influenza virus.

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In April 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) took unprecedented action against Dr. Nepute, charging him and his company Quickwork with violating a new law, the Covid-19 Consumer Protection Act.  The FTC claimed Dr. Nepute was “deceptively marketing Vitamin D and Zinc products to treat or prevent covid-19.” The new law was enacted in January 2021 as a result of the “pandemic.” This Act made it unlawful to engage in a deceptive act or practice in or affecting commerce associated with the treatment, cure, prevention, mitigation, or diagnosis of covid or a government benefit related to covid.

Dr. Nepute joined a Twitter Space event on 8 January 2023 titled ‘Censorship Killed Millions. Free Speech Saves Lives’ to tell his horrific story of persecution by the US Federal Government. The event was held to celebrate the restoration of previously censored Twitter accounts and the renewal of free speech online. Also sharing their censorship stories were several public figures including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch, Prof. Thomas Borody, Dr. Sabine Hazan, Dr. Jackie Stone, Dr. Richard Urso and more.

Over 72,200 people joined the Twitter Space conversation hosted by Israeli attorney Gal Gur to hear from experts from all over the world about how they were systematically and aggressively persecuted, silenced and censored.  The conversation was co-hosted by Neil Oliver, Nick Hudson, Dr. Sabine Hazan, Dr. Jackie Stone, Dr. Kat Lindley, Efrat Fenigson and James Freeman.  Listen to the full Twitter Space conversation HERE.  Dr. Nepute’s interview begins at timestamp 3:05:15.

Ivor Cummings, also known as the Fat Emperor, published a short excerpt from Dr. Nepute’s testimony. In the clip below, Dr. Nepute’s eye-opening testimony begins:

“We made recommendations out of our practices – high dose vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, vitamin C – and we were making some tremendous headway in our community actually getting on the news, getting positive press. All of a sudden, we got sued by the Federal Government for violating a law called the Covid Consumer Protection Act – which no one’s ever heard of until we were served the papers on it.  We had violated this law 12,555,000 times at a price tag of almost $45,000 per violation – which is a potential penalty of half a trillion dollars. Let me say that again. I am actively being sued by the United States Federal Government for half a trillion dollars for recommending Vitamin D and Zinc during the pandemic.”

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Ivor Cummins: Elementally Evil Institutions: Wow, Get a Load of This Guys! 10 January 2023 (9 mins)
This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.