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Australian mom denied lifesaving heart transplant for refusing COVID “vaccination”

Image: Australian mom denied lifesaving heart transplant for refusing COVID “vaccination”

A mother from Australia who suffered heart failure in 2020 desperately needs a new heart in order to stay alive. Doctors are denying her one, though, because she refuses to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

For the past several years, Vicki Derderian has had to use a ventricular assist device to keep her heart functioning. She is up-to-date on all of the vaccines she considers important, but does not want to get COVID jabbed because doing so increases her risk of suffering more heart troubles such as pericarditis and myocarditis.

The Victorian Department of Health refuses to comply with Derderian’s wishes, having basically told her that she must get jabbed for COVID in order to receive a new heart. If she refuses, Derderian will be forced to live with the ventricular assist device until she eventually dies.

“The hospital stance at the moment is no jab, no heart,” Derderian explained to Channel 9‘s “Today” show in a recent interview. “I’m ready to be on the heart transplant list because medically I’m stable to be on it. But unfortunately, because of these mandates, it has interfered with patient-doctor relationships.”

“Patients like myself, we’re being pushed into a corner and coerced to take something that goes against what we believe in, or not receive lifesaving treatment. And also for doctors as well, they are forced to implement this on their patients, otherwise they’ll lose their jobs.”

Watch the interview below:

In justifying the Aussie health system’s refusal to perform a transplant on Derderian, former deputy chief health officer Dr. Nick Coatsworth joined the show to argue that Derderian needs to get injected for COVID, otherwise she might die. (Related: A 19-year-old student who got jabbed for COVID quickly developed a severe heart condition that required a transplant, which she never received because she died suddenly).

“From a transplant physicians point of view … the biggest risk to you when we hit your immune system like that if you get COVID-19 without having the vaccine, then there’s a really significant risk that you’ll die and that organ will die with you,” Coatsworth stated.


“And we don’t want that to happen to you and we certainly don’t want it to happen to the family whose made that sacred donation. So it is such a complex area. I don’t envy your decision, but I do standby the rules of the transplant physicians have made here.”

In other words, Derderian will be left to die unless she complies with the COVID jab mandate because otherwise she might die. This is the “logic” now being used by modern medicine to coerce patients into taking dangerous experimental drugs against their will in order to receive health care.

No longer are patients allowed to make their own informed health conditions, at least in Australia. The government gets to decide who receives care and who does not based on their obedience to arbitrary mandates that are based on fear and propaganda rather than actual science.

“The people making these decisions may just find our hearts are turned to stone when their turn rolls round,” wrote one commenter about the system’s gross mistreatment of the unvaccinated.

“That ‘doctor’ and the whole complicit ‘health industry’ in Australia are an absolute disgrace,” wrote another. “This is beyond despicable.”

“It’s also happened in Canada and many people have changed their organ donation due to this myself included,” added another to the conversation.

The latest news about deadly COVID injections can be found at

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.