Thursday, February 27, 2025

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How “HIV/AIDS” foretold the “COVID” crisis

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

As Dr. Fauci engineered his lethal “HIV/AIDS” scam—laying the groundwork for the “COVID” horror to come—Celia Farber was there covering it; and now her book about that episode is back in print

On March 23, Chelsea Green will publish Celia Farber’s Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS. This is certainly great news for all those who’ve been clamoring for a new edition of that book—which, first published in 2006, did not get the attention it deserved (to put it mildly), as it came out at the start of a ferocious propaganda drive against all those intrepid souls who called themselves “AIDS dissidents,” and who were slimed (preposterously) as “AIDS deniers.” (Sound familiar?) Since Farber was a special target of that propaganda (which had, in fact, been triggered by an article of hers—“Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science,” which Harper’s featured as its cover story in March of that year), her great book sank without a trace, and then slipped quickly out of print (as so many great book have, and do).

And as that book’s reappearance (enriched with her new afterword) is great news for Farber’s longtime faithful readers, it’s great news also for the vast potantial readership that has arisen in these last three years, and which is growing larger all the time, as ever more of us wake up to the unprecedented fraud known as “the COVID crisis”: a global horror foretold directly by the HIV/AIDS scam devised by Dr. Fauci, as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. points out in his magisterial The Real Anthony Fauci—and as I elaborate in my own foreword to this precious new edition of Serious Adverse Events.

(Farber will be inviting people to book-related events throughout the Northeast US, through her Substack: 

When Celia Farber wrote the articles comprising this “uncensored history of AIDS,” she did not know, nor could she have imagined, that she was also writing an essential pre-history of the catastrophic sequel yet to come. There are, of course, already many books about the Covid crisis, and there will certainly be many more, but any thorough bibliography on “the coronavirus” and its myriad disastrous consequences must include this peerless book about HIV/AIDS—a dress rehearsal for the notional “pandemic” that premiered in January 2020 and that’s still simmering (with, perhaps, no end in sight).

Although it came as a big shock to We the Viewers—believing, as so many did, the propaganda line that SARS-CoV-2 had leapt scarily from bats to humans—“COVID-19” was a movie that we’d seen before, as this book should make clear to those who weren’t around when it first played back in the Eighties, or who were but couldn’t see its flaws (because the media would not report them, or talk to anyone who grasped them).

Back then, as an intrepid young reporter for SPIN, Farber was the only journalist, aside from some few allies in the gay press, to dig into the science (or “science”) of AIDS, and to discuss it with those fighting on both sides of the fierce struggle over its direction. While the majority of journalists (or “journalists”) sat reverently at Dr. Fauci’s feet and parroted his terroristic line on HIV (which made his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a fortune, and him the very “God of public health”), Farber noted that the HIV/AIDS thesis was, in the United States, wholly based on the bombastic say-so of Dr. Robert Gallo. Well-informed by searching conversations with (real) scientists like Dr. Peter Duesberg, Farber realized, and reported, that there was apparently no evidence that HIV causes AIDS, whereas there was much evidence that HIV does not cause AIDS: evidence that was ferociously suppressed, while those seeking to pursue it—Dr. Duesberg above all—were maliciously attacked and (as we now say) cancelled.

Thus Farber was a lucid and courageous witness of the power-play behind the first “scamdemic,” which in many ways foretold the one that has now largely wrecked the world. That terrifying fabrication of the sure lethality of HIV, despite the evidence disproving it, foretold the terrifying exaggeration of the threat posed by SARS-CoV-2, despite the evidence that it was no more lethal than the flu, a mortal danger only to the old and very sick—evidence that was also dangerous to mention (although Dr. Fauci early on affirmed, confusingly, that SARS-CoV-2 was no more lethal than the flu).

Moreover, what made HIV so very frightening was its devilish invisibility, since it “spread” asymptomatically, so you couldn’t know you “had it” unless a PCR test found you “positive,” in which case you were doomed. As Farber learned from an infuriated Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR technology (for which he won a Nobel Prize), that test should not be used for diagnostic purposes, yet Fauci was now using it, strategically, to pump up the numbers of the doomed. Thus Fauci’s HIV/AIDS myth anticipated the mythology of Covid, whose rapid “spread” was also undetectable except by PCR, the test itself creating Covid “cases” by the millions out of thin air.

The terrifying “spread” of HIV was also (seemingly) affirmed by a certain diagnostic promiscuity, as all the millions allegedly “living with HIV/AIDS” worldwide included many who just maybe “had it,” or looked like they did. On the harrowing UNAIDS statistics released in 1987, Farber notes that they “represent the organization’s estimate of the number of people presumed to be infected with HIV”—a clear precursor to the millions stricken (presumably) with “presumed COVID-19.” HIV’s ever-spiking toll, or relentless “spread,” was inflated further by the frequent misdiagnosis of deaths from other illnesses as “AIDS deaths”—as Farber found in Africa, where she went in search of evidence that AIDS was wiping out the continent as asserted, with neo-colonial zeal, by the AIDS- industrial complex. In a Ugandan village overrun by heavily funded Western AIDS-fighters, Farber learned that the people there now called all deaths—from malaria or any other illness—“AIDS deaths.” (AIDS “is a formula for everything here,” one villager said wearily.) That African phenomenon foretold the global plague of bogus diagnoses, whereby deaths caused by flu, pneumonia, heart attack, and even motorcycle accidents were written up as “COVID deaths”—as were countless others who had “tested positive” but clearly died of other comorbidities.

So much for the terroristic fakery (some might say wizardry) behind the two “scamdemics.” What of the social, cultural, and medical effects of all that fear? Back then, Fauci brought the fear to a high boil by inventing what he called the “heterosexual spread” of AIDS—a myth without a shred of evidence behind it. Yet it was, at once, hysterically affirmed as “scientific” truth by the relentless fear-pornographers of “our free press,” who thereby helped make sexual union seem as dangerous as chain-smoking, or Russian roulette, so that people now refrained from passionate encounters, eyeing potential partners warily, and refusing to embrace without the latex armor of “safe sex.” That new fear in the sexual realm foretold the universal madness of mask mandates and “social distancing,” whereby millions now avoided not just casual sex but one another, on the crackpot premise that society itself is dangerous.

And yet there was—and is—a consequence of Fauci’s deviltry far graver than that misanthropic creed of “staying safe.” As Farber tried to tell the world back then, the purpose of the HIV/AIDS propaganda drive was not to save gay lives, or any lives: on the contrary. The purpose of arousing, and maintaining, all that panic over HIV was to make people desperate to take AZT—a “cure” far deadlier than that virus, and one that slowly killed some 300,000 gay men, including Rudolf Nureyev, Keith Haring, Freddie Mercury, and others whose death-agonies were misreported mawkishly as caused by AIDS. If Farber’s reportage had gotten the hearing it deserved and moved other journalists to dig into that crime against humanity, Fauci and his pharmaceutical colossus would have fallen, and he couldn’t have moved on to help kill millions (if not more) with those “vaccines” that are themselves far deadlier than any virus ever was, and that will go on killing and/or crippling people in unprecedented numbers, all throughout the world, long after Fauci and his cohorts have gone on to their reward.

And why was Farber’s reportage ignored—and she herself maligned for writing it? That punishment of an extraordinary journalist, and long blackout on her lifesaving work, was due to yet another feature of the HIV/AIDS cult that persisted through the Covid cult and that defines this era overall. The dismal Fauci’s rise to prominence and reputation as a great humanitarian; the marginalization of the brilliant Peter Duesberg (“He is a proponent of AIDS denialism, the debunked claim that HIV does not cause AIDS,” barks Wiki- pedia); the traumatic battering of Celia Farber; and—to jump ahead, again, to Covid—the epic slandering (and worse) of Zev Zelenko, Robert F. Kennedy, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Tess Lawrie, Harvey Risch, Meryl Nass, Robert Malone, Scott Atlas, Mike Yeadon, Simone Gold, John Ioannidis, Knut Wittkowski, Paul Alexander, Delores Cahill, Judy Mikovits, Sucharit Bhakdi and Ryan Cole, and the many other honest doctors, scientists and activists who have worked to tell the truth about “the virus” or that “vaccination” drive: all such gross injustices, and the weird persistence of the Covid cult, are due to the “woke” takeover of science, medicine and journalism—a conquest that began with HIV/AIDS, as Farber shows us here.

That scientists would question Gallo’s HIV/AIDS theory, expose its flaws and even offer an alternative, is only right, both scientifically and—since AIDS was killing people—morally; yet Duesberg stood condemned for doing it, smeared, ludicrously, as an “AIDS denialist,” as if he’d claimed that AIDS does not exist, when what he did do was (a) show that HIV could not be “the cause” of AIDS, and (b) propose, compellingly, that AIDS was caused primarily by amyl nitrate, due to the overuse of poppers at gay bacchanalia. Despite his solid argument, and even though his theory, if duly heeded, would have saved the lives of countless gay men, Duesberg was (and still is) charged with homophobia, for daring to suggest that AIDS may have been caused by aspects of the “gay lifestyle”—a theory that, however valid scientifically, was, by “woke” standards, an egregious no-no, tantamount to hate speech, and therefore to be rejected out of hand by all goodthinkers as a variant of Holocaust denial.

That virulent “woke” attitude gave Fauci perfect cover for his depredations, and—literally—let him get away with murder. As Farber painfully reported (painful not just for the reader, but also for herself, she too having been absurdly slandered as an “AIDS denialist”), Fauci, though initially assailed by Larry Kramer and his movement, quickly worked his old black magic on (with some exceptions) that community, so that he now appeared as one of them, a savior of gay lives—and they now served as shock troops for his bio-fascist union with Big Pharma. Somewhat like Antifa today, and those young zealots flinging soup at artworks to “fight climate change,” ACT UP used its “radical” theatrics to further an elite agenda. As if their scripts were written by the (mostly homophobic) laissez-faire extremists in the Reagan/Bush regime, ACT UP pushed for a lethal stroke of radical deregulation—i.e., the gutting of the FDA’s slow drug approval process, to speed the (highly lucrative) release of AZT (and any other iffy drug that Fauci and his cohorts wanted on the market). Anyone defending the approval process as it was, noting the unfortunate necessity of running all those trials, to make sure every drug released was safe, and worked (not like, say, thalidomide) would now be lividly reviled for wanting to see more gay people die.

One can only wonder just how many of those activists themselves took AZT, and “died of AIDS”—painfully, and prematurely, killed by the “woke” science that so benefited Dr. Fauci and his corporate partners, and that again now benefits them all, but this time with inconceivably destructive consequences for the entire human race (and countless other animals as well). Since the rollout, under Trump, of SARS-CoV-2, with Dr. Fauci as his (seeming) adversary, every single question raised by its career, and/or how best to deal with it, has been idiotically politicized, and “settled” by “woke” science, in glaring contradiction of real science, and to the incalculable detriment of all.

Never mind what scientists have found, or what doctors have discovered treating patients. According to “woke” science, lockdowns work, masks “keep us safe” (as do “social distancing,” plexiglass “workplace barriers” and hand sanitizers), all “in-person” gatherings are “super-spreaders,” “putting everyone at risk” (except BLM’s, and Antifa’s, “the virus” making some allowances for “social justice”), hydroxychloraquine is poisonous, Ivermectin doesn’t work, and (so) the only way to “get back to normal” is for every person on the planet (and their pets) to get “fully vaccinated,” and then serially boosted—and those who’ve questioned or resisted any of those policies are all “far-right extremists,” “Trump supporters,” “white supremacists” (whether they’re white or not), and (above all) “anti-vaxxers,” whose claims that those vaccines have killed and crippled millions—or anyone at all—is just “misinformation,” which ought to be against the law (and will be, if “woke” science has its way).

Such “woke” blather is especially repellent in the case of Dr. Fauci, in light of his psychopathic crimes—killing multitudes of gay men while posing as a staunch protector of gay lives, and killing (some might say exterminating) millions of black people, along with countless people of all other colors, while feigning great concern about “the undeniable effects of racism” (as he told Emory’s graduating class in May of 2021, urging them to be “part of the solution”). The most horrific revelations in this book are surely those of Fauci’s sadism in using populations black and brown for “research” purposes, just as Dr. Mengele did, although Fauci tormented many more, and did it for far longer, than the “Angel of Death” did at Auschwitz. Farber’s readers will not soon forget her harrowing accounts of the horrendous AZT trials in the US and Africa, and of her macabre discoveries at the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City, where children by the hundreds, black and brown (including babies), had been torturously dosed with toxic AIDS drugs, though they did not have AIDS—just as children by the millions (including babies) have now been “vaccinated” for a “virus” that does not pose any threat to them, although such “vaccine” surely does, just as did AZT.

Celia Farber’s work is journalism at its best—solid, lucid, and humane, attacking wrongs that few dare touch, and thereby helping right them, and doing so with uncommon literary grace (and flashes of a devastating humor). For this she should have won professional rewards and been exalted as a journalistic luminary. And yet, so mighty are the figures whose wrongdoing she exposed, and so corrupt is journalism in their world, that Farber was not hailed but trashed for her accomplishment, while Fauci is a multimillionaire, and widely deemed a saint, despite the evil he has done. With Serious Adverse Events now back in print, it should be possible, at last, to remedy that dual injustice.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.