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How Much Do You Know about Health Risks from Electrically Powered Frequency Medicine Devices?

Exposure to some sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) – aka “Electrosmog” – is biologically harmful.  Electrosmog includes wireless radiation and 5G emitted from cell phones, activity trackers and other wireless wearables (see 1, 2).  Nevertheless, activity trackers and other wearable devices are sometimes being prescribed and/or recommended for medical purposes.  Additionally, frequency medicine devices are being prescribed and/or recommended.

Thanks to Alliance for Natural Health International for providing more information about risks associated with them.

By Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive & scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health International

You’ve heard news of a revolutionary frequency-based device that has a list of diseases it can supposedly remedy that would make Pfizer’s R&D team leader quiver. You’ve read dozens of testimonials and your head’s still spinning. Some were from cancer patients who were classified as terminally ill who’ve gone into ‘spontaneous remission’. Others came from people so ill they were permanently bed bound – until their frequency treatment got them walking again. Let’s also not forget the athletes who used it who developed superhuman powers.

Your critical mind tells you this could mean only one of two things. The testimonials are from intensely satisfied people who’d experienced what many might typically classify as a miracle. Or they’ve been fabricated by over-zealous marketeers keen to make a buck.

Any of this sound familiar?

This article is about helping you to make sense of this rapidly expanding sector of primarily electrically-powered frequency medicine devices. We won’t be dealing here with some of the non-technologically dependent modalities of frequency medicine, other than in passing. That includes everything from acupuncture, qigong, reiki and homeopathy, through to hands on healing, crystal therapy, and distance healing. This area of subtle energy medicine – as relevant as it is for many – we’ll leave for another article.

Diversity rules

This is one area where the phrase, “not all [in this case devices] are created equally”, is especially pertinent. It’s also an area where, in the case of some devices, it’s not possible to appraise either safety or benefits because there just aren’t enough technical data available to know what the devices are actually doing as they interact with the human body.

More than this, some devices falling under the amorphous banner of ‘frequency medicine devices’ have actually been found to cause harm. This has been most evident with electromagnetic field based devices used occupationally by physiotherapy operators on a daily basis and for extended periods of time.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised about the potential for harm, given we now know categorically that some low intensity electromagnetic fields that deliver low to mid-range frequencies, such as those used in powerlines, wifi routers and mobile phones, can also do harm, especially to those who are electrohypersensitive.

This article, which follows Part 1 that aimed to show why electromagnetism and resultant frequencies are inexorably linked to life and health, has been written to help demystify the rapidly emerging field of frequency-based devices, as used for assessing aspects of health, or for treating the body, either in healthy people or those with a specific condition.

Read More: How Much Do You Know about Health Risks from Electrically Powered Frequency Medicine Devices?

The Trap 

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here.