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RFK Jr. on Fauci’s role in developing bioweapons & how Bill Gates profits from COVID lies

Image: RFK Jr. on Fauci’s role in developing bioweapons & how Bill Gates profits from COVID lies

During an appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show this week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. touched on a variety of topics from Bill Gates’ profiting off the Covid scam to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in creating the virus in the first place.

(Article by Kelen McBreen republished from

RFK Jr. noted when the experimental Covid jabs were first introduced, “Gates and Fauci were saying at that time, if you get it [Covid], you can’t pass it to your grandma; you can’t pass it to anybody else.”

He explained Gates and Fauci must have seen the data, known the shots wouldn’t prevent the virus from being spread and that everybody who got the vaccine would become “a factory for mutant variants or escape variants.”

“It’s the same thing if you give somebody subtherapeutic antibiotics,” Kennedy said. “That person is now a factory for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It’s going to selectively breed escape variants that can escape that vaccine. A leaky vaccine is not what you want to do in the middle of a pandemic.”

RFK Jr. went on to tell Dore Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of U.S. bioweapons development under the Pentagon for over twenty years.

Kennedy said the Pentagon took $2.2 billion in funding from the Patriot Act in 2002 and gave it to Fauci’s NIH, which equated to a 68% raise for his agency to engage in bioweapons development on behalf of the DOD.

This is the point at which Fauci “started doing all of this gain-of-function,” according to Kennedy.

Next, RFK Jr. told Dore’s audience how then-President Barack Obama had gain-of-function research banned in the U.S. before allowing the Deep State to move its biowarfare operations abroad, including to Wuhan, China.

The groundbreaking claim was so controversial, Twitter CEO Elon Musk asked for the platform’s Community Notes to verify the statement.

There has yet to be an update from Twitter Community Notes as of writing this article.

Kennedy and Dore also highlighted the peculiar decision by the U.S. DOD and CIA to teach Chinese military scientists how to weaponize viruses like the coronavirus.

“Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons of mass destruction,” RFK Jr. said. “In other words, the study for how to create the clones and how to create a spike protein that could attach to a human lung and transplant it onto a coronavirus.”

One thing allegedly taught to the Chinese scientists was how to hide evidence of human tampering when examining virus strain sequences.

Getting to the bottom of the issue, Kennedy asked why the CIA is using front groups to fund a project teaching Communist Chinese military scientists how to clandestinely create weapons of mass destruction.

He also noted back in October 2019, former director of the CIA and current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines met with Chinese CDC head George Gao to battleplan how they’d use social media to censor citizens if a hypothetical outbreak were to occur.

Of course, COVID-19 hit just months later.

During another portion of the interview, Dore asked RFK Jr. to touch on the fact that Bill Gates is a top funder of the World Health Organization (WHO) up there with the Chinese and American governments.

Kennedy broke down how the Biden administration is set to hand over America’s sovereignty to the WHO by signing a pandemic treaty giving the unelected body control over the U.S. if a pandemic is declared.

This comes as Gates and the WHO research every virus possible with the potential to then release one, declare an “emergency,” and override the laws of nations of the world.

The information dam has broken and the sleeping masses are ready to be shown the truth as the globalist Deep State carelessly pushes forward to the next deadly phase of the Great Reset collapse and rebuild program.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.