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Great Reset

No, the COVID-19 lockdowns were not a trial run to implement climate lockdown as part of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ initiative.

The WEF does not suggest or promote climate lockdowns as part of its ‘Great Reset’ intiative.


A video on Facebook shows Marc Morano, a former Republican political aide and climate change denier, spreading conspiracy theories about climate lockdowns. The caption on the Facebook post reads, “Covid lockdowns were used to prime people for the incoming climate lockdowns, as part of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda.”  

In the video, Morano goes on to say the COVID-19 pandemic was a hoax to get the public used to restrictions and lockdowns and that WEF founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab said COVID-19 lockdowns are an opportunity to “reset the world.”

However, these claims are false. The COVID-19 lockdowns were not a trial run for implementing purported climate lockdowns, and the WEF has no plans to introduce them.

In Fact

The Great Reset is a project launched by the WEF in 2020 to encourage international cooperation between governments and businesses to address the world’s most pressing problems, such as poverty and climate change. It also aims to rebuild the foundations of the world economy and social system after the COVID-19 pandemic. The WEF has never said that it will be imposing climate lockdowns.

Marc Morano has heavily propagated conspiracy theories surrounding the Great Reset initiative and climate lockdowns as early as 2020. Additionally, in 2020, during an interview with Fox News, Morano promoted the idea of climate lockdowns, where he said the Biden administration will “go from COVID lockdowns to climate lockdowns.” There is no evidence for the claims that he makes in the video. WEF founder Klaus Schwab has never made any comments about COVID-19 lockdowns being an opportunity to “reset the world” as Morano claims.

The Great Reset has given rise to numerous conspiracy theories, and the common argument of them all is that a group of elites from around the world are plotting to eliminate individual liberties to impose a dictatorial, one-world government. Logically Facts has previously debunked a number of false claims and narratives attributed to the WEF’s Great Reset initiative and climate lockdowns.


There is no evidence that the WEF is planning climate change lockdowns as part of the Great Reset. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Logically can be found here.